• Art: Map of Equestria

    I wonder how this stacks up to the "official" maps of Equestria that we hopefully get to see some day? 

    Anyway blogger resized the hell out of this, so if you want a large version or something to cut out for a wallpaper, hit up Yoorporick on Deviant Art for it!

    17 kommentaari:

    1. Whelp, I've found the map I'm gonna use in A Kingdom for a Horse...

    2. Maybe Canterlot is a little bit to far away. Isn´t it usually almost directly above Ponyville?

    3. If Fluttershy's cottage was right next to froggy bottom bog why did she have to travel trough Ponyville to get there?

    4. @Anonymous

      Because she was too distracted looking at the cute frogs!

      But yeah, everything looks very far away. Look at Fluttershy's place and AJ's farm. Not that it looks bad.

      Just say that the map is in Equine Projection.

    5. I said this in the thread it was posted in.
      RD is homeless pony.

    6. this is a good middle earth-pony map ;D

    7. @madmax - There's a possible Lord of the Rings shout-out here. In LotR, the original "guardian citadels" of the kingdom of Gondor were Minas Anor, the Tower of the Sun, and Minas Ithil, the Tower of the Moon. Minas Ithil fell to the Dark Lord Sauron and became Minas Morgul, the Tower of Sorcery. In response, Minas Anor was renamed Minas Tirith, the Tower of Guard.

      Perhaps 1,000 years ago Celestia and Luna co-ruled from their own separate palaces, and when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, her palace (and the Everfree Forest around it) turned evil and ruin with her.

    8. @ Anon talking to Madmax

      well since Celestia and Luna are the reasons why Equestria is the way it is maybe without Luna, Celestia had to reduece its size allowing the Everfree forest to take over Luna's old area

    9. Here's hoping Stalliongrad becomes lore.

    10. Victorian R. Hellsly24. veebruar 2011, kell 18:40

      This is a wonderful map, I already used it for my fic. Thanks to the creator!

    11. Question because ive seen it in 2 maps now.
      wtf is whitetail wood wen is it mention because I heard bronys mention it but I cant for the life of me remember it from the show
      halp plox?

    12. @Anonymous

      Episode 13, "Fall Weather Friends". The Running of the Leaves was held in it.

    13. @Anonymous
      ah I see thank you anon I feel kinda dumb for not knowing that now

    14. I don't know if anyone is aware of this or not but there is a cannon map of equestria (sorta).
      in the opening of the show. where it shows celestias throne room, if you pause and look at the stain glass window. you can see a hemisphere
      surrounded by clouds and celestial bodies. on the hemisphere it shows a continent and an island.
      plus I could have sworn I saw a globe in Twilight's house...

    15. What about Manehattan from Applejacks filly story?

    16. Appleloosa isn't on here!!!

    17. Although it left out a few places, it hit on places thoroughly seen in the show. very good map.
