It was inevitable. They all knew it. WE all knew it. This was going to happen, and NOPONY was going to be able to prevent it. It's going to happen. Just make sure the cat doesn't catch fire.
I;m still waiting for filly fantasy 7: advent pinkie
@madmax/r/ing pinkie wielding a buster sword zomg
Final Fantasy VI + Ponies = BEST THING EVARR!
Celestia should have had 1 wing, just for more ingame XD
6 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaIt was inevitable. They all knew it. WE all knew it. This was going to happen, and NOPONY was going to be able to prevent it. It's going to happen. Just make sure the cat doesn't catch fire.
VastaKustutaI;m still waiting for filly fantasy 7: advent pinkie
VastaKustuta/r/ing pinkie wielding a buster sword zomg
Final Fantasy VI + Ponies = BEST THING EVARR!
VastaKustutaCelestia should have had 1 wing, just for more ingame XD