• The Allspark Donation Drive 2011

    I know 4chan isn't usually known for its altruism, but the Allspark forums is holding a donation drive for the Hasbro Children's Hospital. 

    Has friendship is magic spurred you into a donating mood?! Think of it in terms of: If you met Applebloom IRL and she needed 5 bucks for a magic candy apple that would save her life, would you give her the money?

    I think you would.

    But with human children instead.

    You can find the event details below. Unfortunately no one told me about this sooner and the drive is almost over (ends on February 28), so time is a bit limited.

    The Allspark Donation Drive 2011

    Also Pony signature things if you don't like Transformers.

    Pony Donation Signatures

    Some more info from the allspark dudes
    "Hi everypony!

    I'm Daytonus, one of the admins at the Allspark working on the donation drive. I'd like to thank Equestria Daily for supporting us in this very important last leg of the charity drive.

    If you visit the link above, you'll see that this is actually the second fundraising drive we've done for Hasbro Children's Hospital. We aren't taking anything off the top--Paypal takes some if you use the widget we created, but you can also Paypal directly to [email protected] (the Paypal account of Galenraff, the admin directly handling the money) to avoid those fees.

    The Pony-related signatures are indeed my response to the support we got from our own little FiM community. :)

    Once again, much love and much thanks to all the visitors of Equestria Daily donating and spreading the word about the drive. To find out more and/or donate, visit:


    Jason "Daytonus" Nguyen"

    22 kommentaari:

    1. I will be able to pay next month.

      I hope my money won't flow into some terror camp.

    2. @Anonymous

      Or the account gets frozen by Paypal. They love to do that you know.

    3. @Anonymous

      I don't think allspark is funded by terrorists.

      Unless terrorists are reallly into transformers or something.

    4. Do they only accept Dollars? That may be a problem for me...

    5. @Sethisto
      that just gave me a mental image of a bunch of militants playing with transformers while at the same time a bunch of American marines are playing with pony's and talking about how its manlier than silly robots

      lol any drawfriends think they could do this?

    6. Oh cool. I'm all totally for charity. My PP's dry at the moment, but I'll spread word.

    7. Is all of it going to the cause, or are they going to skim 10% off the top?

    8. so our pony ally's are transformers :o verywell.

      long as our forum is on the check to its all cool :3

    9. The only way it would fund terrorists is if it funded...


      Hmmm... someone needs to write a TF/MLP crossover.

      But seriously, this is a good cause, and you guys should donate.

    10. If they accepted internets, than they would have all of mine. But no seriously, if I had a paypal I would donate $50.

    11. Normally, I don't give a flying fishfart about donations.

      But when you slap some smack on there saying it's related to FiM, I suddenly care.

    12. flying fishfart... So thats how they can jump so high.

    13. Hi everypony!

      I'm Daytonus, one of the admins at the Allspark working on the donation drive. I'd like to thank Equestria Daily for supporting us in this very important last leg of the charity drive.

      If you visit the link above, you'll see that this is actually the second fundraising drive we've done for Hasbro Children's Hospital. We aren't taking anything off the top--Paypal takes some if you use the widget we created, but you can also Paypal directly to [email protected] (the Paypal account of Galenraff, the admin directly handling the money) to avoid those fees.

      The Pony-related signatures are indeed my response to the support we got from our own little FiM community. :)

      Once again, much love and much thanks to all the visitors of Equestria Daily donating and spreading the word about the drive. To find out more and/or donate, visit:


      Jason "Daytonus" Nguyen

      P.S. We just passed $4500!

    14. Not only does this make me wanna donate, but also kinda wanna check out Allspark itself.

      I've heard good things.

    15. Donated. Thanks for the heads-up, Sethisto. Allspark.com looks like a rockin' place - I've read a bit of the FiM discussion there, and it is glorious indeed.

    16. just donated $10, feels good, bronies.

    17. This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Like ponies, but IRL.

    18. @Darkhawk1

      The Autocolts vs. the evil Decepticorns!

    19. They just hit their goal of $5000! Keep donating, though. Every little bit helps.

    20. I googled "allspark donation drive" and this was the first result, before the allspark.com page! These ponies are truly a formidable force.
