• 4chan Pony Wars Over; Peace Treaty Negotiated

    Looks like the new rules for MLP have been published and finalized... They are pretty strict though.
    -Keep all MLP related content within the current largest MLP thread
    -Actually discuss the show
    -Ignore any threads speaking negatively about the show

    Do NOT:
    -Post any MLP material in any thread not explicitly about MLP (reaction images, avatars, macros, quotes, phrases such as everypony/brony/etc)
    -Post threads to speak negatively about MLP or reply to threads speaking negatively about MLP
    -Post any MLP material on other boards
    -Bump MLP threads just to keep them bumped
    -Report MLP threads where users are staying in one thread

    These rules are in place for the meantime and we'll make adjustments as we see how everything goes. Abuse will result in bans.  "

    I don't think they really realize how many mlp fans there are on /co/.  1 thread limit was possible a  few weeks ago, but these threads are capping in 30 minutes now, It's inevitable than a few will break free.  The archive won't be able to keep up. 

    >bump mlp threads just to keep them bumped

    Like that was ever an issue...

    And banning MLP reaction images elsewhere is pretty ridiculous. Half of 4chan is reaction images...

    (I had fun playing CNN today, but go make me some content to post when I get home from work tonight! Drawfriends get to work! I want to post this awesome Lyra pic!)

    138 kommentaari:

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iytA2kfgMv67MaCGUnGnXoDRroj9ATFh8goDV27nreM/edit?hl=en#

      Always relevant. Send me suggestions for rule edits/inclusions.

    2. Current rules for MLP threads:

      -Keep all MLP related content within the current largest MLP thread
      -Actually discuss the show
      -Ignore any threads speaking negatively about the show

      Do NOT:
      -Post any MLP material in any thread not explicitly about MLP (reaction images, avatars, macros, quotes, phrases such as everypony/brony/etc)
      -Post threads to speak negatively about MLP or reply to threads speaking negatively about MLP
      -Post any MLP material on other boards
      -Bump MLP threads just to keep them bumped
      -Report MLP threads where users are staying in one thread

      These rules are in place for the meantime and we'll make adjustments as we see how everything goes. Abuse will result in bans.

    3. Still better than chaos and auto-banning. Plus the fact that it directly tells the trolls to shut up helps.

    4. @Fon Shaolin

      Who died and made you boss of bronies? Half your 'rules' are shit we're doing anyway and the other half are your goddamn opinions displayed as rules.

    5. -Post any MLP material on other boards

      I'm interested if this means that /b/'s pony community is basically SOL.

    6. I'm still down with keeping a single general, even if it caps as fast as RD on caffeine. The only reason it was an shitstorm issue was when the generals were being deleted.

    7. @Anonymous
      Oh lawdy, no pony reaction images outside of MLP threads?

      This sucks pretty hard because I have over 600 pony reaction images.

    8. @Anonymous
      I never said I was a boss and I'm open to any edits. It just seems like a lot of fucking new pony posts are not from 4chan and nearly got all of us nuked for acting like cancer.

      Pony threads. On /fit/. Maybe some of the haters have a point?

    9. I suspected something like 'if you don't keep it to one board we'll ban it again' and was pleasantly surprised.

      Still, a hell of a lot of us still have bans to wait out. My one-day hasn't been reversed, but that's no biggie - anyone labouring under a fortnightly been unbanned?

    10. wonder what this means for /b/
      taken too the liturgical extreme this would mean no pony's on /b/ would be a first in some respects.

      Also it would mean /b/rony's would inundate /co/ and turn their pony threads into fail like they had at home.

    11. Could someone define the "Avatars" to me?

      I've long since posted an image to get across the general mood of the post (sarcasm, playfulness, serious face, perturbed, intellectual), without adopting a specific persona (but leaning heavily on Pinkie Pie).

      Is this "avataring" or just, you know *using a goddamn image in an image board*.

    12. Doesn't change much because I'm still b&.

    13. @SlyWit
      Shit like what Sethisto did with Trixie. (no hard feelings bro but were never letting you live it down ;D)

      Reaction images are still okay.

    14. well I'm ok about stoping gore and explicit porn, but image macros and memes is just stupid, those were almost born on 4chan...sigh* that's life

    15. Have we entered the Modern Age of Pony Fandom?

    16. So I get banned on /u/ if I post /u/ related stuff to MLP?


    17. @Fon Shaolin

      If you had been paying any attention at all to the goings-on in /co/, you'd know that the vast majority of the out-of-place threads were started by those deliberately seeking to get ponies banned, just like the diaperspam. The anti-pony metathreads have been numerous enough that the new rules explicitly banned them.

    18. @Anonymous

      Take a breath, cut some slack, and stop acting like Gilda. He's just trying to help. Either just say thanks or ignore what you don't like.

    19. @SlyWit

      avataring is using images of a specific character consistantly.

      you can still use pony reaction pics in pony threads.

    20. @Anonymous

      That being the most obvious example. I suppose using images to convey the tone of the text is still alright?

    21. Good thing I never venture out of /toy/ or /x/ if I even bother with 4chan.

    22. man..... they're scared to death of ponies.
      They fear the ponies.

    23. @Anonymous

      His arrogance is getting right up my back. He didn't introduce his list with something along the lines of 'here's a tentative list of guidelines, looking for feedback' or anything like that. He just waltzed in and slapped it down with "cancer = disobeying these rules" and "always relevant" and "blogpony, post this".

    24. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown27. veebruar 2011, kell 16:06

      "Actually discuss the show"
      this won't be a problem
      but we, anon and name/tripfags, still loosely converse with each other/jerk each other off?
      that was half the fun.
      and can we still post fan content?

    25. @Anonymous
      How sure are you that those threads were made by trolls? It's nice to assume that the out of place threads are made by trolls and the fetish porn is by trolls, but what if there are idiots that don't read the rules and there are bronies that are that creepy?

      I think that's the issue: we're saying that it's all trolls but the non-pony fans are thinking that some of the userbase is like that. How can you -tell- the trolls from the honestly creepy people?

    26. eh other then the reaction pics in non MLP threads I don't think the rules are that bad.

      execess threads will just have to be deleted till the current general hits image limit.

    27. does anybody know where things stand with /b/? there seem to be no pony threads on there, or at least none that i'm finding atm so i'm guessing ponies are banned EVERYWHERE bar /co/

      why do people have to go and spoil our fun ¬_¬

    28. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      I beg of you, please stop the tripfag circlejerks.

    29. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      as long as its not Anthro-furry yes you can post fan content in MLP generals.

    30. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      Jerking off is always fun. People should do it more and relax a bit.

    31. @Fon Shaolin

      Because they explicitly discussed doing so in their anti-pony metathreads? That was kinda my first hint. And yes, some of the userbase probably does like diapers, but when *every single thread for days at a time* got the same half-dozen diaper pictures posted in them, regular as clockwork, with no accompanying text ever, it's a liiiiiiiittle bit obvious that we're dealing with someone trying to poison the well.

    32. It wasn't CP that almost broke 4chan. It wasn't gore.

      It was My Little Fucking Pony.

      This has got to be one of the funniest, saddest things i've seen and the mods should be embarrassed about this.

    33. Remember these rules are strict now but with follow them and don't go overboard they may lighten them.

    34. @Anonymous

      They actually aren't that strict. Let's break it down - keep it to one thread (we try to do it anyway), actually discuss the show (no tripfriends and namefriends using the threads as ICQ? yes please), and ignore the hate threads (which are banned in the Do Nots anyway).

      In exchange for these things that I'm in favour of happening anyway, all the troll venues - cross-board threads, spamming new threads, report-spamming our generals, making anti-pony metathreads - are explicitly banned. We hit the fucking jackpot, guys. In exchange for a few very minor concessions, the trolls have been completely defanged.

    35. /co/ degraded from shit tier into something awful tier. its time to evacuate imo

    36. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown27. veebruar 2011, kell 16:21

      don't act like us trips weren't the ones giving the generals most of their personalty

    37. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      I don't mind trips. It's when they start using the threads as their blogs or as ICQ to talk to other tripfags that shit gets obnoxious.

      Case in point: Lucid and his MY PARENTS ARE DEAD and the samefagging to ask himself about it.

    38. If reaction images are banned any chance we can get a reaction image subsection here? I love seeing those images even if they aren't OC they are always fun to look at

    39. Oh wow.

      Today was an eventful day on the internet.

      Let's see what tomorrow brings us.

      (and this invisibro dude was on a serious powertrip, I'm just saying.)

    40. We'll be attacked by evil every other week, it happened to the gen one ponies, it'll possibly happen to us.

    41. I know that a lot of people hates me because I was a drama whore some months ago, but I want to say something on my deffense, I don't have many friends in RL that's why I like to converse to tripfriends, you feel like you are talking to someone instead of a robot anonymous generator, I found that Mega sweet and squeak are funny to talk to.
      I admit that I was an lyra-avatar-fag too, but let's be serious nobody knows that avatarfaging was bad until now (many stories and artworks where born in that way)
      well...I apologise if I was a nuisance in some way...sorry :(

    42. The war is not over it just began.

    43. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown27. veebruar 2011, kell 16:40

      you provide us with content and are enjoyable asset to the generals. i love seeing you in the threads.
      don't feel bad. the last thing you are is a nuisance
      i might be, I know i used Apple pics too much.
      just cool down on the pics and continue to trip
      i can't wait to see more comics

    44. @madmax

      Don't feel bad, Madmax. You're one of the best contributors to the fandom. And I don't think there's anything wrong with making friends on 4chan (although it's probably not the best place you could have chosen...)

      Honestly, I think the avatar thing is an excuse the mod is using to justify his trolling. I don't like avataring, but the fact is that avatar from all sorts of different shows. MLP is just being singled out for its popularity.

    45. I'm not exactly sure if this is good news or bad. Its good that the mass bannings are stopping now but now that the rules are even more stricter, can we keep things in one thread? since its gotten so popular that the threads cap really quickly.

    46. @madmax

      I don't think anyone has ever blamed you for anything madmax. you bring more to the table in terms of content than anyone else.

      You should join the MLP steam group, tons of people to talk to there!

      We will see how strict these new rules are. Asking the entire mlp community to not talk to eachother in threads seems kind of crazy ;p

    47. Is there some sort of semi-official brony IRC somewhere? If the trip and namefriends can get their daily dose of Friendship there, it'll keep one of the more controversial aspects of our little community out of the sight of the majority.

    48. It's cool madmax, I;m not sure about the past (caught this show in december) but as of right now or immediately before the whole avatar things gotta stop.

      We still love you and you're a great artist don't ever forget that.

    49. Sergeant Sprinkles

      I hope that my dopplegangers war is over too, that's confusing for everybody

      also I'm banned so today I will be posting without trip

    50. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown27. veebruar 2011, kell 16:52

      @Rainbow Dosh
      you keep forgetting we like posting pics and reaction images and our fan content
      it's the instant feedback we like

    51. This list makes no sense. Assume all the tripfags circle jerking, and the furfags are as bad as any of the other creepy pedo/gore/fetish threads that always come about in boards like /co. Honestly believe banning the use of MLP avatar and reaction images really gonna solve the butthurt closet homofags intimated by cute cartoon horses?

      Point being, hipsters be mad that MLP FiM is so damn popular.

    52. Having the rules right there

      Only makes it far easier

      For trolls to break them

    53. In regards to tripfriend circlejerking, one of the only reasons I post with my trip is if I'm coloring something or posting something I've written, because I like to be kept track of and in the case of stories my name is on them anyway.

      There's some obnoxious trip users, yes, but I like to think most of us are rather civil.

      Also, madmax, we love you.

    54. i found nothing wrong with the avatar stuff. it was amusing and made me laugh a couple tymes

    55. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      New content *should* be posted with names or trips in the ponythreads. It's just general non-pony chatter between name-users that causes a shitstorm. I've had fun just shooting the shit with the bros in Yaridovich's synchtube, but that sort of idle chatter about whatever should be kept separate from the /co/ threads.

      madmax wants to chat with his tripfriend friends? He should be able to. It's nice to have internet bros. But we shouldn't clog up the generals with it. Lucid needs someone to talk to about his family problems? In an IRC channel, that'd be business as usual and he'd get to vent to bros. But in the general threads, he had to resort to replying to himself to give himself a chance to vent when the general thread kept talking about MLP instead of his problems.

    56. @madmax
      Pretty much same situation over here Maxie. You lot are the best I got right now.
      But that's not so bad if you ask me.

    57. just move to /tv/

    58. Also, other than the "no posting pony stuff outside of explicit pony" threads, I really have no problems with these rules. It basically enforces what we already trying to do.

    59. well that's a 14 day ban for responding to pony threads on /b/ seems stuff isn't yet back to normal -.- thank god for dynamic IPs or whatever their called

    60. Fuck. This has killed 4chan for me. I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to go on there anymore.
      Fucking done.

    61. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown27. veebruar 2011, kell 17:18

      @Rainbow Dosh
      i agree with most of what you're saying and Lucid is an extreme example.
      the thing is, between new episodes, there's not really a lot of content to majorly discuss, so we make up stuff to talk about. but i'm sure you know that.
      generally speaking, though, unless it's a really important, worthy of attention or topically relevant, most of us keep our personal lives and real life drama out of the threads.

    62. Is avataring now forbidden or not? Or is it something that is allowed but not wanted? I don´t mean role playing or chatting, but just using an avatar while contributing to the thread. Just like Madmax, Sethisto and some others do.

    63. So wait, I can never post the word "everypony" again? That's not cool, that's not cool at all.

    64. My head is full of fuck b/c of late hour here in europe. Can someone who isn't half-asleep parse the rules for me and tell me if 34 stuff is totally banned or not? What about (non-dirty)shipping pics?

    65. okay, from what I can tell, the rules are tight right now but overall this could end up as a happy conclusion for everyone but trolls.

      If we behave ourselves, the rules might loosen up a little.

      and think about this, how much of the general threads were just namefoal circlejerk? with that stuff banned, the threads will probably go a bit slower and more manageable.

    66. @madmax
      madmax you are awesome dont let anybody tell you different!
      You can talk to tripfriends all you want aslong as you dont start shitfits and drama witch you dont. The only ones that baaawwww whenever tripfriends talk to one another are the baby /b/unnies that dont realize that the reason you trip in the first place is because you make OC. Its easier to give request and reply to artist if you know who they are

    67. Tough times, but I have a feeling that the pony shitstorm will finally break the mods.

    68. This isn't an acceptable resolution - not even close. Guess I'm migrating to FiMchan now.

      Also, thank goodness for the IRC. Lots of bronies to hang out with, and none of the 4chan modfoolery to deal with.

    69. The banning of reaction images in other threads is a bit of waaaah but otherwise that list is pretty much what we do anyway. Except the chatting. But really, can't we just link to the IRC in the link board for that?

    70. Fucking ponies, of all things to bring 4chan to near self-annihilation, and its ponies. And here's the kicker: Things would've been JUST peachy if the spammers were banned in the first place instead of the Pony fans.

      The moderators completely fucked up here, and they are trying to scapegoat a selection of things because they are NOT MAN/MATURE ENOUGH to admit that they're fucking idiots. The bitter irony in all this is that the pony fans are by far the most mature/manly people I've ever seen, because they have admitted to their wrongs, and actively sought to keep the peace like managing a system of one thread at one time, ignoring trolls, and being extremely civil - despite being on the internet, one of the few places where one can expect civility.

      I've lost faith in 4chan's /b/. I thought it was a place that had its redeeming qualities, but after all of this, its clear to me that it's a pathetic, laughable place where egomaniacs and wannabe internet tough guys go to pretend that they have even a single bone in their spine for which to stand up with.

      Pony fans are in the right here, and have proven the absolute pitiful nature of /b/ to the entire internet world. And they didn't even do it on purpose - the spammers and trolls and moderators brought it all upon themselves with their ill-informed actions.

    71. Believe in the inherent laziness of human nature. If things become too much trouble to ban, they'll change the rules.

    72. Banning the word 'everypony' is kind of ridonkulous.

    73. I was one of the casualties of the bannings and won't be able to return to /co/ until Friday, so I guess I'll ask here: What the fuck does "using the ponies as avatars" mean?

    74. Sethisto, can you post a tutorial on how to get a new IP for our fallen Comrades? Tommorrow's the Friendoff and with most contributors on a 2 week Ban This will become the sole place for the event to happen.

    75. @madmax

      I know all about not having many RL friends. I myself have been meaning to find a way to get the ball rolling on posting regularly on the MLP threads on /co/, since you guys do seem like fun to talk to, and I can always use more friendly people to talk with. I also figure hanging around the more famous artists and writers like you guys will help inspire me, since you guys seem to throw ideas around a lot. I'm a writer, and I've been in a slump lately, but MLP has gotten me to want to write some stuff for it. Seeing all the stuff people like you come up with also makes me want to pitch in.

      You've got nothing to apologize for in my eyes, because I never once saw you be a nuisance. So cheer up! It's all about being happy and stuff in this fandom, isn't it?

    76. How much precedent is there to this situation?

      I mean, it seems kind of mindblowingly unbelievable. In the entire internet collection of horrible people, a website -4chan-, that is unquestionably the congregation place for the most horrible people on the planet, THE place where everyone is free, even ENCOURAGED to be a sexual deviant sociopath with no repercussions

      has made special rules to prevent discussion of MY LITTLE PONY!

      THIS is where they draw the line? They finally exert control over their users FOR THIS?!!

      Seriously. Seriously!

      I can't even type a representation of the sound this is driving me to make.

    77. @everypony anon

      We can still use the word in pony threads, just not outside them. It's just clarifying that merely using the word "everypony" is considered talking about ponies (which is banned outside the designated threads). As are pony reaction images, which is a little more unreasonable, but it's probably in our best interest to comply anyway and allow this thing to cool down a bit.

    78. I've been on 4chan for awhile and I've seen anime threads on /co/, comic book threads on /m/, and so on *and* I've never seen 4chan get butthurt over it like they did for MLP. I was on /m/ when they had a thread about the Riddler kidnapping Lacus Clyne and forcing Kira Yamato to play one of his riddle games. And the mods did nothing about it. But let that thread have one pony in it, and then it's time to have massive bannings. The crossover threads were never a big deal until FiM started. Maybe it's the connotation between ponies and furries or that they're butthurt that FiM is more popular than Bayformers: the crappy CGI series. Some will argue that the bronies took things too far and got what they deserved, but after the rule about having only one MLP thread started, most of that stopped, except for /b/ which has been about not having rules (the same place with gore spam, lolicon, and furry pron has a problem with My Little Pony). I would say 1/3 of this is the bronies' fault. The rest is butthurt douchebaggery from the haters who would be appalled if they were dealt with so harshlessly if there was a crackdown in Avatar:Last Airbender or Gundam threads.

    79. Most of the rules are okay. Except for not using MLP reaction images/terms, that's bullshit

    80. Eh, it'll settle down, go back to normal, and posting will resume as normal.

      There will probably be less image posting, allowing threads to grow to 500 posts before hitting the image limit and requiring a new general, which will mean the thread will be LONG off the 1st page of /co/, which should help keep people from bitching about too many pony threads.

      Also, I imagine at the image limit for MLP general, we should probably post something about making a new general, so that no one else does, and we won't accidentally make 4 of them.

      I started the last 4 threads prior to the shitstorm, and I probably did make them a bit preemptively. Just made sure they were 300+ posts and off the main page, just to make sure that there wouldn't be two up on the first page. That didn't work to well.

      Eh, once my ban is over I'll start posting in there again, as normal. I'm just keeping up with the archives now.

    81. One lasting problem is the large banhammer now hanging over /co/, because now that it has been established that mods will ban you even if you are following the rules, then there is nothing stopping them from doing it again. A mod who will ban you for "ponies" isn't somebody that follows the rules.

    82. I didn't go there just for pony-related threads. I went there also because I'm an anime fan and a Gundam fanboy. So, now I'm conflicted. Part of me still wants to go to /m/ and /a/ and there is no place for that in the ponychan board. OTOH: I don't like going to a board being ran by douchebags. Anyone has an opinion on this?

    83. So... on the list of things that -4chan- feels the need to control like it's 1984, the entire list can be summarized as:

      - CP
      - Brightly Colored Equines

    84. @Anonymous
      lurk as anon and use adblocker so they dont make money off you and you dont leave much of a footprint that way you can just take off a few days at a time and not be noticed wen things go to shit

    85. Seems like the biggest change will be no more MLP posts on /b/, at least from what I've read - I don't believe I've actually posted on that board, let alone read it. Sounds almost like life will return to normal within pony /co/ threads, at least within the threads themselves.

    86. I use pony reaction images in /v/. The mod on /v/ actually likes the show and is pretty cool otherwise. I really doubt he's gonna spend his time on /v/ looking for reaction images when there are shitloads of other offtopic threads that pop up over /v/ constantly. I will continue to use them whenever I see fit because I doubt the mod on /v/ will care and if some mod does try and ban me I won't give a shit.

      I was banned a lot today already just in /co/, so there's nothing they can do to stop me.

      tl;dr I'm still posting pony reaction images. Come at me bro.

    87. Dude wth
      4chan is so boring now T_T

      i hope the cool people come back soon.

    88. Well, this is interesting. I take a few nights off and half of /co/ gets banned in the meantime.
      Think I'll just stow my trip for a while.

    89. Is...is /co/ frozen for everyone else? I just tried to post and nothing happened, and it wasn't even in the MLP general!

      Did this clusterfuck break /co/?

    90. @Anonymous

      Wat, i can't post anything either..?
      what's going on?

    91. http://status.4chan.org/

    92. Honestly I'm done with the hypocrisy.

      Now I know where the pony chans are I'll just stay there and hope for the best

    93. According to the 4chan status page, all posting is down.

    94. You guys should try invisible pony friends, Twilight Sparkle is the best~

      And she can transform into trixie/rarity/luna any time she wants!

    95. @Anonymous

      Err directed toward the earlier no friends stuff

      Sorry I just got home and missed all day.

    96. @Sethisto
      One day I'll figure out if you're serious about that or not.

    97. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown27. veebruar 2011, kell 22:42

      my ban was over at midnight,
      i go and try to post,
      co is frozen.
      how nice.
      they must have been waiting

    98. @Rainbow Dosh

      if you didn't know, it's on irc.geekshed.net #/b/rony

    99. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown27. veebruar 2011, kell 23:30

      even the swiftly moving currents of the /b/ river have been dammed up.
      it seems the chan has ground to a halt.
      i guess we're not missing anything

    100. Not wanting to sound like paranoid parrot, but this is still full of loopholes. If a troll wanted ponies to be banned again all he'd have to do was post a bunch of pony threads at the same time.

      Obviously the creation of general threads needs to be organized in some way, so we claim that a thread isn't "ours" if someone does what I just described. However, that would be unfair to everyone else, because that way bronies could do whatever they wanted and say "wasn't me". ARRGGH.

    101. ugh my appeal was denied, Ponies may be unbanned but im still banned for two weeks :(.

    102. this mod... thinks he can hold back the will of Celestia?!? he thinks he can restrict our glorious leader?!?



      FOR PC!

    103. @Thel

      dude spamming ponies and bothering the mods will just lead the ponies being permanantly and completely banned.

    104. So, what's the future of ponies on /b/? Because it seems obvious to me that the converted natives, and the brony population there consists mostly of those, will not be willing to easily let go of their thread because of some fascist antipony rules imposed upon the denizens of another, unrelated board. I know I wouldn't, it has too much of its own charm, especially if you know how to deal with the hatespammers (ignore them like a pro). Well, at least not without some incentives (/pony/?) or adding an actual, written antipony rule to /b/, which would be in equal measures sad, pathetic, portentous and hillarious.

      I guess the current semi-official policy of "because we can lulz" bannings could continue... which can only lead to beating all of the friendship and magic out of the thing until only the ponies and their potential for apparent causing of aggravation remain, which will then most likely be coopted by actual trolls for their obvious trolling utility. In this scenario, expect pony resurgences, but only as yet another of /b/'s little annoying interludes - hardly an ideal situation, especially considering the possible spillovers.

      Then there's the option of starting to ban the actual spammers... which won't happen. And also which would have been against the spirit of the board, however retarded.

      I guess all that remains is to get back to normal, letting the /b/ronies have their singular isle of joy, civility and frienship in the ocean of hate? It's not like they weren't pretty self moderating, trying their best to stick to one thread and whatnot. This whole shitstorm appears to have started because of lots of internet tough guy whining and one mod sympathetic to that going rogue. It's so dumb that simply forgetting it ever happened would probably be the best solution for everyone involved.

      My money's on the first thing, though. Eh... Can't have nice things etc. ...

    105. @Anonymous

      The fact that it's banned at all in /b/ is ridiculous. How the hell is furry and loli still fine but not pony? /b/ is supposed to be a pile of everything negative or positive. That makes no sense at all.

    106. @Anonymous


      Telling /b/ what to do, especially by posting a fascist rule on ANOTHER board - won't work and can only end in tears. The best way forward would be to forget this has ever happened. Instead what will probably happen is the tears. And trolling, can't forget the trolling.

    107. Internets is such serious business, won't you agree? And pony-related internets, doubly so!

      This particular tripfag is lolling hard and long that it was MLP that finally destroyed 4chan. Ponipower indeed!

      Let their bans blot out the sun. I say we eat our candy in the shade!

    108. @Sethisto

      It's actually even more ridiculous. During the height of the shitstorms there were CP threads and the pony thread literally next to each other. That's when the mods got truly got their priorities straight... and kept actively axing the ponies, leaving the CP alone.

    109. @ButterscotchSundae

      Yes! candy! Shouldn't you be writing more of that twilight/rarity story now?

    110. I like those rules, no furries, no avatarfags. I just want to discuss the show.

    111. @Sethisto
      You know her too? Man, she sure gets around a lot, doesn't she?

      We ought to be friends, srsly.

    112. @Mads

      You keep your hands off my pony, foal.

    113. @Sethisto
      To quote the great Swedish artist:

      You take what is yours
      But she is mine if she wants to be

      All in good fun, old chap!

    114. Funny how trolling and shitposting in generals is still allowed.

      Im not seeing anyone getting banned for it.

    115. I'll migrate from /co/... Eventhough we tried to follow almost all the rules to begin with, to put down such strict rules and ban whoever fails to obey, is just a way for the mods to get rid of something THEY don't like. They let us have this bare minimum just because they have to follow the rules of what /co/ is about. Otherwise they would have just banned it all because they feel like it.

      And that they started it all with banning without warning shows a lack of competence. They're all just a bunch of haters and they can't explain why. It's just like fanboyism. Irrational.

    116. 4chan's back, the /b/ thread seems to be going strong at the moment. Things may get interesting. Or retarded. Or both, why not, it is /b/ after all.

    117. It's kinda funny what a bunch of multicolored ponies can cause. Personally I keep away from the internet hatemachine, but this is quite amusing, to say the least.

    118. So, we can post about ponies, but no images, pretty much?
      Oh well, I'll see how it goes after my 14 day ban is up!

    119. @Muffin

      I will just leave this here:

      This post may not, in anyway, be held against me, ever.

    120. My opinion (which nobody cares about):
      - Avatars were, and still are, annoying.
      - The mod who did this is a newfag.

    121. why dont you all just leave 4chan and go some place where you dont have to deal with all this crap some place that your welcomed and accepted?

    122. Huh? I got a 14 day ban for replying to an MLP thread on /co/ this morning. I thought the bans were over.

    123. @sethisto

      then you deserve all the trolls, the hindering rules, the annoyed anons and everything else

      and you should stop acting like helpless victims

      you started it all

    124. There was no "negotiation" here. Mods put their foot down and took a dump on everyone.

    125. @Anonymous

      Uhm how about no?
      It's /co/ a board for comics and cartoons, and last time i checked, FiM is in fact a cartoon.

      stop bitching about it

    126. Easy, Mads... I don't know about you, but I'd prefer this site NOT turn into another 4chan. There's enough hatred and vitriol out there that, despite the traffic from both /co/ and /b/, it doesn't need to pop up here, too.

      I've been on this site for about a month, and it was pleasant before now. I don't want to see it devolve into a hate-fest.

    127. @siraj

      You're right, I regret posting that now...

    128. be happy and love. kiss

    129. And boom, null and void due to being too strict. Take that!

    130. ponies, fucking disgusting
      die in a fire god damn phaggots motherfucking cocksucking gay ass nigger jew loving sand selling pakistani raping gay ponies
      love and tolerate my dick
      I fucking hate you guys you fucking fuckers that fucking fuck every fucking change of the fucking moon with a side order of fucking fuck puree` and a fucking goulash of fucking liquidated fuck.
