The poor website couldn't handle it apparently...Lets just hope this doesn't leak over to our /co/ again. I love you /b/ronies but you really do know how to stir up the bees nest.
I'm starting to wonder if Moot is even aware of all of this. Usually he's the voice of reason when his mods go on rampages.
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Oh, so THIS is why I can't access Ponychan!
VastaKustutaI had art to post, too... =T
This is a real bummer, I really enjoyed that site.
VastaKustutaI think it should be obvious at this point, but don't give them any indication of FiMchan's existence. One of our fallback points has been overrun, we don't want to alert them to the other one's existence.
VastaKustutaSo much drama...
VastaKustutaThey told us to leave and now that we did, they invade our own site? I think mods have some love and friendship that they are afraid to express.
VastaKustutaAnd yea..1st place I came after I noticed Ponychan was down was here to see if there was any news. Darn, I was in the middle of browsing I dont know what I am gonna do the rest of the night.
Was it art for me? I remember someone with a name that started with a "C" drew my pony.
As far as I could tell, /b/ was full of people posting ponies to spite the mods in the first place. The hit on the site is bad, but they brought it on themselves.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaI feel like ponychan's a whole classroom that got detention because of a few clowns in the group.
4chan is seriously the single most immature place on the internet after this. maybe it could be said because of us liking a family/kids show, but the REACTION to it from those that DON'T like it is grade schoolyard bully shit.
VastaKustuta/b/'s got a stalker-crush on ponies, man.
@Darkly Cute
VastaKustutaSure was! It's all scanned and I was gonna upload it until... Yeah.
VastaKustuta/b/ was spamming ponies all over 4chan which caused the shitstorm to happen on the weekend. So yeah they had it coming.
i said it once and i'll say it again, everybody is getting mad
VastaKustutaOf all things, it's My Little Pony that's brought 4Chan to it's knees. Never saw that one coming.
VastaKustutaI know, Ron. It's kind of ridonkulous, right?
VastaKustutaOk at this point it's really just about "my taste >your taste" and "my opinion > your opinion".
VastaKustutaThing is, anyone can post pictures of ponies. Several trolls admitted they were doing it on purpose to piss off the mods also.
VastaKustutaYou can email it to me at [email protected]
Hopefully Ponychan will be back up tomorrow.
VastaKustutaNah, more like the classroom got hit with an artillery strike because one student made fun of the crew.
VastaKustutaHahaha, that too.
VastaKustutaOnly a couple of bronies were actually spamming /b/, the rest of us were fine hanging out at ponychan.
Hello to you all. I guess I'm what you could call a "friend". I'm here to provide you with just a little information, take from it what you will. The night the banning took place more then one mod was involved. The threads in /co/ were starting to spill over and quit frankly getting out of hand. You weren't the only ones to blame, by any means. Now heres the thing, one mod in particular most likely over stepped his bounds. But he/she is taking it personally in admitting that they utterly hate MLP and anything related. This will be corrected but these things take time, and as with any war they will be casualties on both sides.
VastaKustutaIf My Little Pony manages to be the ultimate downfall of 4chan, it would be the greatest moment of internet history.
VastaKustutawell now they've gone and made me mad...
VastaKustutaand to believe I was one of the people arguing against messing with /b/
so let me get this straight, because it's fucking epic
VastaKustuta* mlp brings /b/ to it's knees. not guro, not gore, not fetish art, not cp, not furries, but ML-fucking-P
* one mod on an epic bonerquest bans the one thing keeping MLP in check - the ability to post the general image and the magic words "pony thread"
* mods go ape, demand that ponies leave 4chan forevarr!!!111 and go back to ponychan
* mods go even more ape and decide to shitbomb ponychan because IDK-ponies?
This is utter fail. There are no words to express how utterly fail that is.
>make a wonderful, family friendly cartoon with enjoyable characters, good writing, and cute art
VastaKustuta>gets a wide ranged fanbase that ADORES almost every aspect of the show and spreads it around a website
>take down one of the most obnoxious communities in internet history
Oh Lauren, you so crazy.
VastaKustutaI'd just like to point out that they know about this site (one of them posted it as a possible next target). And they'll probably want to read this news item and at least a few comments to admire their handiwork. And that you've just mentioned the you-know-what-chan by name.
You know, just putting it out there.
VastaKustutaAgreed with wholeheartedly.
Why wait? I'm looking back on this *now* and laughing
VastaKustutaAwww, the poor widdle mod is butthurt.
VastaKustutafail is for spamming faggots who can't stay off of /b/
VastaKustutaWould this confirm her Evil Enchantress status? Because she'd be one hell of an evil enchantress.
I'm guessing nows not the best time to appeal my ban then?
VastaKustutaWhat the hay? An internet war? Started over ponies? Are us MLP fans that much of a threat to them? That's just plain silly.
VastaKustutaThis has gotten way out of control, and I think it's us fans of this awesome series to step back and be the better ponies/bronies/colts/finfans/whatever. It's not worth it. Let's show some of that tolerance that the series shows us, even if they won't.
Does this mod honestly believe we're a troll group?
VastaKustutaWhat's so hard to believe about people enjoying a cartoon?
jeez some of you guys have a real penchant for histrionics don't you?
VastaKustutaI'm pretty sure that image is fake, dudes. And even as a casual observer of 4chan I'm aware that they've been through way worse.
this is giving me a poner
VastaKustutathe fuck? people need to chill out and watch like one episode before writing it all off as a troll thing
VastaKustutaok seriously we need to get these people to encourage these people to stop posting on /b/, im no fan of giving up but the threat of it spilling over into /co/ again is too great.
VastaKustuta5 years on 4chan i think the only things i remember being big were Boxxy, most other things came and went.
VastaKustutain 5 months this show has topped most of them.
Also Night time /co/ threads are officially shit tier. The daytime threads i was in were wonderful and a perfect compliment to the show, ponychan and everything.
It is a legitimate post from a Moderator.
VastaKustutaYou deserved it and you damn well know it.
VastaKustutasomeone needs to contact moot. we left 4chan and started another site and they still attacked us
VastaKustutaI happen to know that multiple folks emailed in screen shots taken from different browsers within minutes of the post.
I personally witnessed one such post on /b/ but it wasn't the one on this story. I dunno if the one above is fake but it looks legit compared to what I saw.
Looks like some faggot posted Equestria Daily's url on /b/ calling for a raid or something. Just so you can, I dunno, give a heads up to your host or something.
VastaKustutaOh, son of a bitch.
VastaKustutawell... thats just fuckin great.
VastaKustutaI meant to point to the anonymous post below that one, sorry about any confusion. But anyway, it's too late anyway. There have already been calls to raid FiMchan and this place, all we can do now is wait and see if those lead to anything without a mod backing them up (in a manner strangely reminiscent of directing a personal army).
you /b/ guys are gonna bring down the fandom, you can't win, the only thing you can do is get us on /co/ banned.
VastaKustutathe spread to /b/ was the worst thing that ever happened to this fandom
Stop panicking guys, it was expected they won't give up easily but just like everything it will blow away with time.
VastaKustutatheir never going to give up don't you get that.
VastaKustutastop fighting them and just come to the /co/ threads, your continued resistance is just going to invite raids on all our websites.
*Ponies cast Cuteness rank 6*
VastaKustuta*The Mod takes 75 points of damage in the rectum*
*The Mod casts StopLikingWhatIDontLike rank >9000*
*Congratualtions! 4chan devolved into SA*
...and nothing of value was lost...
I'll have to disable anon comments for a bit if they do end up flooding the site, but so far I only got one small spike of 10 4chan redirects.. then nothing. I think this is smaller than you guys are making it out to be.
VastaKustutaThose haters are so mad its starting to annoy me. It's just a cartoon.
VastaKustutaOf course it is smaller, don't take them seriously and panic like it's the end of the world.
VastaKustutathey will come here, they will cry, they will laugh, they will fall in love and forever be bound to us, their brothers(and sisters) in harmony
VastaKustutaim not panicing because of the links im panicing because all the spam on /b/ (and yes some of it is spam) might cause the mods to reban pony everywhere including /co/
VastaKustutawe do not forget
VastaKustutaI'm just a bit miffed on the idea that at least one of them wants to attack Lauren Faust for this. As an animation student, this displeases me.
VastaKustutaSome idiots are actually threatening Lauren Faust on her deviantART page. That makes me sad.
VastaKustutacan we contact moot? does anybody know how? he will know how to stop this
VastaKustutaforget what?
VastaKustutahe usually doesn't care unless the mods are doing something illegal.
and anyway he can't really stop it even if he did, there's no way of knowing what random /b/tard is using those links.
what would be funny is if Lauren sues moot for letting his website users threaten her. it will be the downfall of 4chan
VastaKustutaNow that's just way too far. If they're actually threatening Lauren Faust, they're crossing a few dozen lines right there.
VastaKustutaordering an attack on another website, and possibly the creators deviantart is plenty illegal
VastaKustutawell then hopefully the mod gets fired, however he's not involved with the attacks on Faust or FIMchan or here that's some random anon who's spaming the links over /b/.
sethisto you should make a post saying to stop posting on /b/ i doubt the spammers will listen but it will atle4ast show that the entire fandom isnt into raiding /b/ and that the /co/ crowd just want to talk about the show and live in peace with the rest of the internet
VastaKustuta...or not its your site so your call but i think it mite be worth a try
Suing 4chan over MLP will be the downfall? Really? You don't think it's been sued thousands of times already? Gore, CP, DDoS attacks, the cannon fodder of Anonymous, and you think MLP is going to be the magic bullet?
VastaKustutaYou people are idiots. All of you.
VastaKustutawow with that post i really derpd a few words sorry for that
we gotta stop the other bronies invading /b/ but how?!
VastaKustuta..or at least show taht we dont want to do it
I think what we need to do is stop caring, in a week this all should blow over and we can go back to business as usual.
VastaKustutatheres that... should definitely take that down
VastaKustutaIt's gone.
I only did it for the drawfriends/writefriends who were unfairly banned.
There's also the "give up on the complete garbage that is 4chan as a whole, wait for /b/ to find something else to cry about, ride out this baaawstorm" theory. I mean, honestly - the site has nothing to offer.
VastaKustutaI make a point of not going out of my way to spend time with people who dislike me, personally.
VastaKustutaYou DO realize that only a small handful of the "/b/" crowd is actually spamming right? Most of the /b/ronies I've spoken to are happy going to ponychan and browse /b/ for other topics.
Do somebody know what happened with derpyHooves site?
VastaKustutaco/ is a different community all together.
VastaKustutaThey take the show much too seriously when discussing it, they write fanfics and suck their own dick until people acknowledges their fanfic, and I have reason to believe that a majority of the community is gay.
I spent my first week on that board since I discovered the show since that's where I first saw it, but I quickly left after I saw constant threads about people trying to only boast about their fanfic being best and shit.
I didn't like it, so I went back to lurking /b/, and lo and behold, pony threads here. So I joined in.
We're different than /co/. We want to make people happy. I'm not sure what /co/'s goal when discussing the show, but it's not something I liked while I was around.
VastaKustutaits less about stopping the spam and more about making a point to show we dont support it so we dont get raided
from the sounds of a few of these comments theres already a few buttmad /b/tards posting here or atleast 1troll with alot of time on his hands
VastaKustutaor we could just stick to /co/
4chan has something to offer, Popularity, the popularity of 4chan allows us to grow our fanbase quickly.
VastaKustutayou dont want to talk about a show but you want to post in threads about it?
newsflash spamming on /b/ isnt making others happy its making them mad and then the guys that actually care about the show get blamed because of your little friendship crusade
VastaKustutawe actually discuss the show on /co/
Iv been to the /b/ threads they had the worst of the /co/ threads and nearly none of the good stuff.
@Anonymousbut that small amount of brony spammers on /b/ caused them to completely take out ponychan!
VastaKustutaI feel exactly the same way. The whole /co/ compromise got made behind a lot of our backs and it doesn't address any of what was really going on before that point.
Lots of mess on both sides, but hopefully everypony is keeping their tolerance up and their love on full!
VastaKustutaHaha, it's funny because I felt the exact same, only in the reverse direction. The pre-ponycalypse threads on /b/ were the best, and not replicating them anywhere combined with forceful taking them from THE most anarchy prone subset of the fanbase... well, there was no way things were NOT going to get stupid.
VastaKustutaI can't speak for everypony so I'll only speak for myself. I want to talk about the show, but I always want to shoot the breeze, I want to show off my OC and see what other OC, even reaction images others have made.
I also want to spread (within a single thread) some of the values from the show, of love and tolerance since /b/ seems to be completely void of it.
Like some wounded animal lashing out in pain. It bothers me. I know it can't be changed on the whole but if I can get one person enjoying the show, or even make one person feel better about life for a couple minutes, then that is a just cause imho.
However I am sorry for all the mess that is getting made, and that some people on /b/ are getting upset over all this, that is genuinely the last thing I ever wanted.
/b/ loves to be upset about things, though, so in a way they're feeling better. When you're fourteen, and kinda slow, and mom grounded you for drawing a swastika on your hand, you need someone to lash out at. I ain't even mad, but I ain't even surprised, either.
VastaKustutaAlthough I disagree with you about /b/ threads being best I do agree that taking them away with no notice was a shitstorm waiting to happen.
But that's not EDs fault ponychans fault or /co/s fault its the assdamnaged mods on 4chan that didn't properly take care of spam on there website and are now blaming US for THERE fuckup.
Thats bullshit !
That said i have 0 respect for the guys STILL spamming /b/ against the mods wishes because its fucking with the entire fandom. Not just /b/s and if they care the slightest bit about what the fandom was is or ever will be they wouldn't go out of there way to create a SHITSTORM of this magnitude. It was understandable wen the mods started deleting stuff but now its just pointless spam for the sake of pissing them off. All thats ending in is the innocents getting fucked over. Still i dont blame the /b/ronys until proven otherwise im going to assume this is just /b/tard trolls that dont like the show trying to destroy it for the rest of us.
4chan sure does a bizarre hate/love relationship with FiM. Is that places always like this when some show or cartoon there becomes popular?
VastaKustutaPlease visitors to Equestria Daily this morning, listen!
VastaKustutaWe have a stream at:
PLEASE join and request your favorite episodes and intermissions! Keep the stream alive for ANOTHER 24 hours! AsI speak, Sweetie Belle is telling me I should go to bed!
VastaKustutaNo, this is pretty extreme even for 4chan...
I can't hate the /b/ronies remaining on /b/ (this whole continuing fiasco is all on the pigheadedness of the moderation staff), and I'm actually kind of impressed by what they're doing, but I'm not sure they even fully realize the collateral damage that's happening because of their shenanigans, what with them being born and bred converted /b/tards who never even really left /b/ for their pony discussion related needs. So ponychan gets taken down for being the place where "they organize"... and they don't even slow down, because they didn't really have anything to do with ponychan - it just steels their desire to maintain a presence on /b/.
VastaKustutaI guess now we have to start operating in cells, with each cell able to clearly cut itself off from the doings of the other cells, and some neutral talking ground inbetween? Ach, the wonders of /b/ron/co/ factionalism.
VastaKustutaNot crazy. Random. :)
I hope that mod gets leukemia. It's fine if you don't like the show, it's fine if you don't want your whole chan to be filled to the brink with ponystuff, but you really don't drive a fanbase away from one chan and then attack their new one.
VastaKustutaAww, I don't. That is horrible. Yes what they did was stupid and mean, but they did it because they thought they needed to, for whatever reason. Even if it was to just make some sort of pain stop for a moment.
The mods involved and those who speak against MLP are all hurting in their own ways and some have chose to deal with that pain in unhealthy ways like attacking us.
I feel sorry for them but I don't hate them for what they did.
Haha, it's like they think they can make us stop lovin' dem ponies.
VastaKustutaWinter wrap-up winter wrap-uuuup~
*skips away happily*
Leukemia's a bit much, but some kind of wrist injury that keeps him off the keyboard for a few days so he can think about what he's done wouldn't be un-karmic.
VastaKustutaIf only because we can't get together and throw him a party.
AH! curse you anonymous you got the winter wrap up song stuck in my head....again.
VastaKustutai wish i knew ware this cunt faced mod lived!
VastaKustutaso i can mail him a muffin and a note that tells him that he is loved even tho he made a mistake
VastaKustutaOne month of winter coolness, and awesome holidays...
VastaKustuta[email protected]
saw him on /vp/ when he gave them a custom spoiler image. He says that emailing him's the best way to get a hold of him, as he can't know everything that's going on with 4chan all the time
I think it's interesting that the mods believe they have the ability to stop the spamming of ponies all over /b/. It's obvious they are too old, I mean I'm old too but I at least remember that the moment an authority figure said "Don't do this or that," everyone fucking went out and did exactly that. And they kept doing it just to piss off the powers that be. Also it's obvious many people who hate the ponies began spamming ponies in order to bring about the banning of that which they hate.
VastaKustutaDon't worry, us Bronies will carry on. In the meantime, this should calm your spirits.
VastaKustutaWe kept our hoovesies warm at home, time off from work to play...
Going by Sethisto's earlier comments about the hits this blog has received from 4Chan, it seems to me that this is only a scare tactic they're trying to pull off in order to keep us on edge. It's only one pissed off moderator, and I seriously doubt that most people in /b/ give enough of a damn to want to raid EQ Daily or go and attack Lauren Faust; her Deviantart page has two-dozen some "warning" posts from bronies and yet there's no sign of any attack (verbal or otherwise) on her DA page... yet.
VastaKustutaIt's 4Chan, could you really expect any less from them?
Dunno why anyone bothers with 4chan; it's nothing but a den of hypocrisy, bullshit and trollmods @ home in mommy's basement.
VastaKustutaThis is exactly why I hate /b/. I dont hate 4chan because there are boards on 4chan that are fine in their own way. Mainly because they dont raid. I highly doubt moot is involved because he's shown having brains before and would have to admit that raiding a site to close that kept a lot of pony spam out is a bad idea. It would be like back before /tr/ was if the people on /v/ would've raided Pokemon fansites because they didnt like the Pokethreads. Its a stupid train of thought that brings in more trouble than it fixes. I doubt this guy will be a mod for much longer.
VastaKustutaI dont go to /b/ and a lot of the people that were on Ponychan didnt either so I hope the site can reopen soon.
As for the people spaming death threats on Lauren Frausts Deviant art, I cant imagine it would cause her any harm. Shes a professional and she has more fans than haters. In fact I'm sure if half the people who know who is is on 4chan knew about it they would completely disprove.
A large part of /b/ is made up of teenagers who think its funny to do those things and it will always be that way. I just hope the damage stays minimum.
moot gave the mods too much power :/
VastaKustuta"Discuss" Using proxies? What do I need to discuss? They can ban me over 9000 times, they won't get rid of me. Besides, what kind of retarded idea is that anyway? "We don't want the ponyfags to be on our site, so let's just bring THEIR site down!" Brilliant idea mod, I can't see how this could POSSIBLY backfire!
VastaKustutaYes, I mad.
Perhaps if enough people emailed moot, he would create our own board. /py/
VastaKustuta@Starlight Flux
VastaKustuta...that..would be amazing
Welp, this is one of the crazier wars I've seen on the interwebs.
VastaKustutaPerhaps someone can explain this to me. How does the subhuman pig-people who frequent /b going on a sobbing rampage across a few fan sites have any impact whatsoever on anyone's ability to enjoy an offline cartoon? Is this going to disrupt the cartoon's airing schedule? Is Deviantart going to go down? Are and going to blow up? Will Youtube, all online forums, and every form of blog site across the web switch off because of it?
VastaKustutaYou all need to calm down. Not once in all its life has 4chan's community actually done something significant in any way. The closest they came to that was getting most of you blokes into the show, anyway! Just watch your show and talk about it via means that a horde of self-important pic-spammers who use their tears as self-sexual lubricant can't affect.
I as one of the original /b/ronies, would like to apologize to everypony for what some of the new overzealous /b/ronies have caused. Don't blame all of us for their foalishness.
VastaKustutaI barely got into the MLP fandom about a month ago, I didn't know the fight or "war" would escalate this much O.o its just ponies... why would they do this :(
VastaKustutaall this has happened before and all this will happen again.
VastaKustutaLauren's DA page is intact aside from pony fans freaking out so there were no death threats or anything. This site and the other pony chan is also up and running not to mention pony generals are chugging on /co/, I've just checked out /b/ I don't see anything out of ordinary so why exactly are we still freaking out?
VastaKustutaUh my post disappeared, whatever, I guess it was magic.
VastaKustutaPut the sacred scrolls down and walk away, slowly. Please.
This is horrible. They cannot do this to us. We'll be back. We'll be back with love, and, when we do, we'll show them kindness and everything
VastaKustutaI assume the mod that posted that is the same mod from /v/ that admitted to enjoying the show? If so, that's hilarious because the mods are turning against each other.
VastaKustutaThings starting to look good. Just a while ago main page was up, no boards though. And now theres this routine maintenance message:
VastaKustuta>Ponychan is currently down for routine maintenance.
>We should be back online in less than 15 minutes. Hang tight!
PonyChan is back online as of 1013 PST
VastaKustutai wonder if this thing is gonna turn into some sort of war.
VastaKustutabut if it does, even with all my years on 4chan, you have my sword.
Ponies on /b/ is the worst thing to happen to the ponydom.
VastaKustutaAnd you have my bow.
this really pisses me off. Now we don't have Derpychat or the Derpy forums >:(
VastaKustutaAnd *My* Axe!
Neat! That was my screenshot!
VastaKustutaI've lost faith in 4chan. /b/ is a horrible board to browse. It's just My Little Pony. What difference is it from /v/'s TF2 spam?
VastaKustutaThey should take up the "ignore shit you don't like" attitude; this happens everytime someone posts something they don't like. The fact that a moderator contributed in such activities is even more disturbing, when you consider the amount of control they have over the boards.
I used to like 4chan. And I still do, but hey, /b/ has always been shit. Always will.
Since when has posting My Little Pony violated rules? Never. These ban-happy mods do not belong there (but who am I to judge an internet juggernaut?) and they wouldn't exist if I were moot.
Sad. Just really sad.