• 3 Sentence Story Mini-Event!

    This was something that popped up on /co/ and seemed reasonably popular, but was then buried by "FUCKING SUGAR CUBE CORNER" Gamestop style /v/ posts and fat ponies. So I do believe it is my duty to provide a separate outlet for it!

    You are now a writefriend.

    You must write a story in 3 sentences or less.

    Post it below in the comments.  I will take them and migrate them up here to the main post.

    STOPPING AT 100!  I'm going to bed now though, i'll upload the last set in the morning first come-first serve style. Feel free to exceed 100, they just wont end up at the top.

    Trixie snuck into the Ponyville dump to find her smashed cart. She kicked aside spell books, torn clothes, and premade autographs until she found a small locket. Inside was a picture of an older unicorn on stage wearing her same clothes and smirk, "Daddy" was etched inside the door.


    1.) Twilight lay awake, staring down at the small dragon at the foot of her bed, he stirred slightly, a small tongue of flame issuing from his mouth. She smiled, reached down and tucked the blanket up to his chin, he stirred some more, but was soon still. She watched him for a little while longer, then settled down, and drifted off herself. 
    2.) Pinkie looked around the wreckage of Sugarcube Corner, only the doorways still standing. Mr. and Mrs. Cake had trusted her to run the place by herself, but now she'd not only managed to upset all of her friends as well as the rest of Ponyville, but she'd ruined the livelihood of the two ponies who'd showed her the most kindness in life by taking her in when she had nowhere else to go.

    3.) Blood poured from the hole in her neck, running down her forelegs,"Why, would ya do this to me...I thought we was friends."wheezed Applejack

    "Pfft, friends with the likes of you,"sneered Rarity", what a fanciful thought being friends with a stupid unkempt donkey such as yourself, now that I know where you've been hiding it I think it's time for you to leave the picture."

    She kicked her wounded friend, knocking her over, and after levitating her into the well and dropping her in she took out a rag, cleaning her bloodied horn, and trotted over to the barn to get her prize.
    4.) Rainbow Dash wanted to fly a plane without taking lessens. She flew out over the ocean and crashed. It spun in. 
    5.) Princess Celestia decided to leave her court early. She was tired of foreign dignitaries, state functions, council meetings, drafting legislation, signing treaties, addressing grievances, granting pardons, leading the armies, and ceremonial nonsense. She wanted to visit her sister. 
    6.) One day Fluttershy found a nice but lonely seabird. She helped it find another nice seabird to live with. Leaving the beach, Fluttershy smiled and said "One good tern deserves another. 
    7.) One upon a time Rainbo Darsh was having a wonderful afternoon, thinking about candy vag as she zoomed past all the fillies and making their skirts fly up. She soon tired of her mischievous deeds, however, and so she went to take a nap on a nearby cloud. 
    When she woke up she realized that she was not a tomboy-lesbian-pony living in Equestria, and that she was in fact a 20 year old human male working as a gas station attendant who had no dreams or ambitions to speak of. 
    8.) Dear Princess Celestia today it was a warm sunny day and the birds were cirping and the sun was shining and the ponies were prancing in a meadow and Pinkie Pie was rolling around and in the sky a mailpony was haphazardly flying in a haphazard manner and then she flew into a tree and all the birds freaked out and flew away and that made the mailpony sad and so she went home to cry and then Twilight who saw this came to her house and comforted her and made her learn that it's okay to be embarrassed sometimes and made the mailpony feel good and then the mailpony went back to her duty with the help of her new friend and then we went and had a picnic and then she let me write a letter to you about what she learned so thank you for having her here to teach the mailpony what she learned signed Derpy Hooves the mailpony. 
    9.) Gilda sighed at the saloon, listening to the drunk blue unicorn (Trixie, she had called herself) ramble on about the purple pony with the adorable eyes.
    Her mind drifted to thoughts of Rainbow Dash, and she slumped forward on the bar, feeling the tipsiness finally getting to her.
    "Y'know...Dash had adorable eyes too..." she muttered forlornly, as Trixie silently patted her shoulder in sympathy.
    10.) "You can't hold your breath forever Derpy Hooves!"
    Derpy exhaled, color returning to her cheeks.
    "OK then you can hold it for me!" 
    11.) Luna looked around her caged room with pictures of her older sister, no, that dictator staring at her from all angles. It appeared her fate was to go from prison to prison but she'd had enough, if she wasn't allowed to rule with her sister then she'd start her own kingdom! In the darkness a figure soared above the sky while a majestic being watched and called several Pegasus.
    12.) Pinkie never knew what love was until she held it in her mouth, so sweet and soft and colourful. Her tongue lapped at the wet pink bits. This rainbow ice cream was delicious.
    13.) Luna, Princess of Mother Terra's only satellite and queen of the night, gazed down upon the blue-green marble that her sister ruled over.
    It was only a matter of time until she could return and get her revenge.
    "Soon," she murmured to the cold, dead rocks, "Soon."
    14.) "How could I have gained this much weight?" Dash fretted, her gaze locked on the number the scale provided. She was desperate and could only think of one way to handle this. Rushing into the bathroom, she quickly yanked a feather from one of her wings and, leaning over the toilet, opened her mouth as wide as she could. (WTF?)
    15.) The Doctor had little time to waste on pleasantries as he galloped through the bakery door scanning the room for the target.
    Within several seconds he caught eye of a pink pony by the target, the deed was almost upon them and he had little time, the pony dived.
    Many ponies remember this as the day when a good pony lost so much but also gained many things, the day when a beloved friend left for Canterlot for protecting Celestia from a pie to the face.
    16.)  She ran the numbers again and again, the same result every time.
    "C'mon, sis, we'll be late for my play!"
    Applejack wiped the tears from her eyes, and grabbed Apple Bloom in a fierce hug.
    17.) Applebloom stood silently atop the stairwell. Big Mac's thundering voice could be heard all around the house, trying to subdue AJ's screaming. This was the 3rd night of her older siblings' fighting. And every night it became worse. She let out soft sobs as she heard the two crying from below. What's happening to our family, she thought?
    18.) Rarity sat back in her chair, the ponyfication of panic and horror as she closed the link to the to the webpage Pinkie had sent her. 
    She looked around the room, obviously paranoid that /co/ was still watching her. 
    The thought of thousands of young men seeing her thrash about in her bathrobe, in SUCH an unflattering manner, was enough to send any pony over the edge.
    19.) "Another damn letter? I wonder when she'll realize I've stopped caring." Celestia turned back to the sobbing pony on the wheel, levitating a claw hammer.
    20.) Princess Celestia sent Twilight Sparkle to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She befriended Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, and together they vanquished the evil nightmare Moon and saved Equestria. And then they all fucked. (sigh)
    22.) Rainbow Dash was no stranger to ridicule. No one believed that The Sonic Rainboom was even real, much less could be pulled off by somepony so young. Dash, however, was about to do it anyway.
    23.) The two princesses bowed before their mother, reporting their progress in the grand plan laid down eons ago.
    "It goes perfectly, milady," whispered Celestia, "No one knows that you are the true power behind all of Equestria."
    Queen Derpmina Hooves gave an evil smile at this.
    24.) The pony trembled as the tears streaked down her face, the muzzle of the gun bit hard into her forehead. The little yellow foal smiled as she pressed the weapon down. "Why are you afraid, it won't hurt."
    25.) One day Derpy Hooves was walking along about to deliver a letter, but suddenly a flash of light came out of no where and a phone booth appeared tempting her to go inside. She looked at it for a wile and decided to walk in and found a pony inside with an hour glass mark on his flank and he told her to "come with me before the fish stick and custard monsters attack and destroy the world!". So she joined him and saved the world from the evil, wile this was happening, a crowd of ponies were gathering around the poor gray colored pegasus pony with the mailbag on her head, mumbling to her self about fish sticks and screw drivers.
    26.) Rainbow Dash flew up to her friends, "The band Ponideth is coming, I can't wait to see Dave Mustang play."
    "Rock n' Roll is too cliche for my taste" Rarity said.
    "It's not Rock n' Roll it's Heavy Metal" Dash responded.
    27.) The swirling dust coalesced into baby clouds as they crossed the sunbeams shining through barn windows. Panting, exhausted and sweaty, Pinkie Pie turned her head up to give Big Macintosh a long kiss on the lips. "No planning or decorating or snacks or anything," she chirped, "but this is my absolute mostest favoritest kind of party ever!"
    28.) The Doctor stared at the inside of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's store, blinking slowly.
    Pinkie and her new space robot friends were frolicking to and fro, dancing and having a great time.
    "Huh, you know, it never would have occurred to me that all the Daleks needed was a good party to get them to loosen up."
    29.) He stood in the kitchen, his apron dirty and his eye swollen,working frantically to meet the deadline. Applejack kicked in the door and shouted "Where's my dinner, bitch?" Seeing it was late, she ferociously beat Big Macintosh with her belt.
    30.) The retarded Pegasus sat by the bar, the potent stench of fancy perfume spreading throughout the room. with her hooves, she slowly brought the derby hat up to her lips to let the liquid within slip into her maw. everyone in the room stared at her in awe as she continued to drink the liquid, taking a bite out of the floating plum as it drifted towards her.
    31.) Ditzy Doo was so happy when she got her cutie mark, but everyone either laughed at her or retched at the sight of it. She asked her friend Derpy between sobs, "Why doesn't anypony like my cutie mark?"
    Derpy smiled and chirped, "Because it looks like a penis!"
    32.) Rarity let her content head gently rest against the strong, hot chest of her husband, glancing briefly to their wedding ring.
    It was solid gold, inlaid with rubies, saphires, diamonds... you name it, it had it.
    She let out a happy sigh as she thought, "Who could have guessed a dragon would be such a great husband?"
    33.) The pony looked down at all the white powder in front of her and giggled menacingly to herself, her reward was in front of her and by Celestia had she earned it! With a thud the pony faceplanted into her paradise and began sniffing like crazy, taking her just deserts.
    This continued for longer then necessary before Spike eventually asked "Pinkie, why are you sniffing flour?"
    34.) "Oh my sweet little Egghead, how I wish to hold you tightly in my warm embrace." Trixie whispered lovingly to the small, heart-shaped picture of Twilight Sparkle. "For one such as I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, to suffer such crippling defeat at your hooves is maddening! And yet, I would rather savor the taste of your wet, tender lips upon my own so much more than any victory I could gain over you."
    35.) "Sorry, But I can't endanger you anymore after what happened and I've decided that it's the journey's end" - Said brown colt with a hourglass mark on his side. The door closed and the blue box had thawed with a loud noise in a morning fog, leaving the little gray crying pegasus with a blond mane on the ground. Through the noise Derpy heard Doctor's words: "the Time will cure your wounds", but she knew, that that wound will remain in her heart forever.
    36.) A book lay open, forgotten, pages blowing in the gentle breeze.
    A wing lay over a figure, warming it like a blanket.
    A word was softly spoken, as twilight slowly fell.
    37.) "Hi, I'm Deadpink, the merc with a mouth, and I just love cake, so I bake it every day and sell it so I can afford all these neat toys like this gun and this gun and this gun and this gun and this knife and this gun and these guns and these cupcakes and have you ever noticed that when the wind blows from the Everfree forest, it smells like parasprites?"
    The mayor stared at the pink-and-red pony pointing a gun at her head.
    "I guess you wouldn't, you're not too observant, not like those creepy /co/ guys online, but the author is having a hard time wrapping this up, so bye!" she said as she pulled the trigger.
    38.) Applejack spun the Colt 1873 as she admired the remains of the six shattered bottles in front of her, and then holstered the smoking revolver.
    “A deals a deal.”
    Jack Marston sighed in defeat as he handed the wager over to the blonde apple farmer, a big grin now spread across her tan freckled face.
    39.) Spike woke one morning to the sound of loud clanging. He rushed downstairs to find Pinkie Pie and Twilight sword fighting. He then promptly got stabbed, blew up, (twice) then woke up, "last time I eat baked bads before I go to sleep" spike said as he went back to sleep. :3
    40.) With the day's adventures bouncing their heads, it was time for the little bronies to dream in their beds.
    Be it candy and fluff or dancing and song, with tonight's rest, the new day will be soon along.
    So goodnight my fellow bronies and have a beautiful sleep and know in my heart, I hold all of you deep.
    41.) Celestia cast an aggravated gaze at the guard standing in front of her.
    "--but, Princess, you can't possibly want to...," the guard stammered out.
    "Silence all opposition," Celestia bellowed in a mighty voice.
    42.) Battered, weary and covered in the filth, the five ponies surveyed the forsaken fire pit and charred remains of the surrounding valley that no longer bore the resemblance to home. In the distance the they spotted their pray as the fallen sun god herself swooped down from the ash clouds, her unrelenting stare piercing their very souls even from this great distance. Letting out a mighty yell, their violet leader led them to battle, honoring their fallen comrade – IT IS ON!
    43.) Twilight and Spike stared at the yellow-and-red pony, who was grinning like a loon.
    The two looked at each other, then back to Apple Bloom, then back to each other, before Twilight spoke up.
    "You know, I don't think that Applejack will appreciate the pentagram temporary tattoo where your cutie mark should be..."
    44.) Berry drank to remember the happier times. But too soon she runs out of good memories and then it's just her sitting alone with an empty bottle. So she opens another and has another drink to remember the happier times.
    45.) Pinkie trotted up to her friends.
    "Guess who just divided by Zero?" she asked, as Twilight and Spike's eyes widened in horror.
    And then they all died.
    46.) "Oh Princess Celestia!" Twilight ran over to the sun Goddess, nuzzling the warm white fur of her teacher. "What must I do to understand love?!"
    "Dearest Twilight," she said, her voice ever so angelic. "Hear my words as they are true..." Celestia face contorted in anger, a rarity from the sun Goddess herself.
    47.) "This is so great that we're going to be best friends forever, long as you don't try to leave me like the others did," Princess Luna squealed, her sweet shrill echoing throughout the musty dungeon.
    Rainbow Dash looked around at all the pony skeletons chained to the walls and then answered with a smile, "Uh-uhn, there's no way I'd ever leave you because, well, I've actually had a crush on you the longest time and I want to be your girlfriend!"
    The blue pegasus landed hard on her rump after being kicked out the door so hard, but she was happy to be free.
    48.)  Nightmare Moon was no match for the combined powers of the Elements of Harmony, and when she was defeated, the room was filled with an overwhelming, radiant light. The ponies bowed in anticipation of Celestia's return, but were shocked when, instead of their ruler, a small being with what appeared to be some sort of mushroom hat appeared. "Sorry Twilight, but the Princess is in another castle."
     49.) "It can't be done!" Twilight facehoofed.
    Pinkie replied: "Sure it can, you see, I'm quite good at run on sentences and as long as I don't end them in a period then then I can just about go on forever, talking and talking, saying whatever I want no matter the length, telling a full story about how a pony ate up all the sweets in the candy ship before closing and all the customers were angry, but that didn't frighten her since she sold her sweet kisses from then on making every one quite pleased that day, or perhaps a different story would do but I think that one is quite d'aww and I may just end it right there."
    Twilight scowled: "You cheated."
     50.) Luna sat on her throne and sighed, alone. The vines had destroyed the bricks of her castle, the Everfree forest had reclaimed the grove. Even as the room sat silent and empty, Luna's mind echoed those first words Celestia spoke to her: "I missed you, sister."
     51.) "The time has come," the teacher said, "to talk of many things; of friendship, books, and cutie marks, of pegasi and wings, and how you will so soon grow up, and how each pony sings!"
    "But teacher, no" the students said, "It is so nice outside; Celestia's carriage sits right there, let's take it for a ride!"
    "That won't do," the teacher yelled, and then so quickly lied: "Trixie, tried that once, you see; and that is how she died."
    The picture of the strange, stone pegasus pony stared back at Glori....a....er....Twilight Sparkle. Wait, did it just move closer somehow?
    "The image of an angel will become itself an angel," He said.
    52.) Twilight blew out the candles, doused all the lights. She put the book down and snuggled under the covers. Then she used her horn to make a magical light and read comics instead until the sun came up.
    53.) Rainbow Dash broke open the box with reckless delight!
    At last she had ROBOT DASH: a mechanical buddy to race with, perform tandum tricks with and most important to converse with on an intellectual level.
    "RAINBOW-DASH-IS-THE-COOLEST-PONY-IN-ALL-OF-EQUESTRIA" said the highly enlightened mechanical mare.

    54.) The blue and brown barkeep looked up from washing a glass as he heard the door open. Levitating a fresh glass into view, his face soon took the look of surprise as he saw who came in! "Aha! It's been a while since I've seen you, Miss Rarity, what'll it be this fine night?"
    55.) Through bleary eyes and battered body she flew, running endlessly from the terrors which haunted her, fleeing from the grief and horror she had brought unto that quaint little town. Branch and vine whipped at her face, tears streaming from her eyes as her body was wracked with sobs, the salty emissions from those frightened eyes mingling with the drying red ichor that stained upon her pelt, the pegasus in a blind panic as she fled deeper and deeper into the Everfree forest. Mass of green and brown sped by her vision, until finally her wings could not bear another demand from her frayed and scattered mind, Dash diving down towards the ground before meeting loamy soil with a dull thud, her form skipping across the forest bottom like a stone across water, skidding on her side before coming to a stop, the blood-soaked filly panting for breath, heaving heart-wrenching sobs in between gasps for air while her wide eyes searched her soul for the answer to the sins she had committed.   
    56.) Hoofbeats thundered, shaking the town, as the residents quivered with terror and rushed to lock their doors. The dust concealed their bodies, but not their glowing green eyes, and they were many. Alone, Twilight lowered her head, her horn beginning to glow.    
    57.) She was embodiment all things dark and wild. While her hatred for her sister has extinguished. The unwholesome loneliness was still eating her heart, like a worm in an apple. In her dreams she's still in her prison, forever alone.     
    58.) Who lives with pears and apples under a tree?
    Achromatic, yellow and thoughtless is she.
    If you’re looking to give a mare a muffin,
    Then Derpy Hooves is the one you’ll be wantin’
    59.) Fluttershy timidly crept through the dark room only to be pounced on by rainbowdash! She cried out in fear but was comforted by the soft voice of her friend apologizing for scaring her.
    60.)  "How am I supposed to go on without you?" Rainbow Dash hiccuped, her eyes filled with tears.
    "Follow your dreams," he answered in his usual stoic way, his rainbow mane flowing behind him, "and may all of your dreams come true."
    "My dream is to make you proud, Father," she whispered, watching the Robot Unicorn wheel and gallop into the horizon.
    61.) It had been another long day in Ponyville, but with the click of the latch on her door, Twilight could finally relax. As she slowly plodded towards the couch, a book rose from its place on the shelves to follow her- the same worn tome always reserved for quiet evenings alone. With a smile slowly creeping across her face, Twilight poured over page after page of dresses, each one elaborately decorated with black velvet, ribbons, and lace.
    62.) Gilda Drinks Vodka
    Sad Griffon Violent Drunkard
    Misses Ranbow Dash

    63.) Gilda Leaves on Quest
    Elderly Kung Fu Master
    Teaches Her His Ways    
    64.) Gilda Trains for Years
    Becomes a Better Person
    She Returns to Ponyville       
    65.) Pinkie trotted around to the side door. If that one was locked she'd have to come back later. She'd need to make two trips to get the dynamite.       
    66.) The small midnight-blue pony jumped a little at the sound of the approaching guard. "That's your daily hour. I'm here to take you back to the stables."
    67.) Derpy Hooves looked at Ditzy Doo
    "Well if you're you, then who'm I?"
    "I'm sill me, but they think I'm you."
    68.) The guard pony looked at the choloformed purple pony asleep on the floor. Perhaps he should plant some evidence or something. Banished girlfriends didn't nag.
    69.) Silver Spoon made a raspberry sound "The 80's were like a thousand years ago!" In the row of seats behind her, Luna wondered if she should admonish the brat or just spank her.
    70.) AppleJack balanced her hooves on the tree trunk. She could almost reach an apple. In the next tree, Apple Bloom cowered and rethought her choice of playing hooky.
    71.) Bon-Bon felt something squish under her hoof. She would have to clean the kitchen floor again. She stepped sideways to the other muffin tray, feeling more lost batter-drops under her hooves.
    72.) Twilight Sparkle galloped down the corridor. The Inquisitor Ponies stepped aside to let her pass their cordon, letting her close enough to hear their talking amongst themselves. "With her around it isn't even worth forming an office pool."
    73.) Mr Cake frowned at the bowl. It wasn't acting like batter at all. It took him four more minutes of mixing and box-reading untill he figured out that the box's contents of ground flour had actually been replaced by Plaster Of Paris.
    74.) The riots had continued into the second week. Now they were assaulting the very center of government; the Palace. Celestia yelled at her pink-splattered handmares to paint faster.
    75.) Snips glanced over at his classmate. He had thought that his plan to sell discarded apple saplings as non-apple-growing bonsai trees were good plans. "Stupid little _boy_." sneered Apple Bloom.
    76.) Trixie chewed at another mouthfull of the long, brown grass. The forest living was as much torture as having the money she couldn't spend. It would all be needed when she got to the police auction, so many days away.
    77.) Twilight looked at the book in concern. Who would want to make the cover for their magic spellbook out of footballs?
    78.) Nightmare Moon bit and snapped at the slow hopping shapes. "I will defend my kingdom for as long as I dwell here!" The astronauts fled in confusion.
    79.) Caramell Apple looked behind himself, still holding the remote control. "No-one must know my secret." On the televison The Glo Friends cassette was on pause.
    80.) Pinkie Pie sighed with profound regret as she looked back on partially destroyed Ponyville, her face no longer able to hold a smile as she remembered the devastation that her own recklessness had provoked upon the town, to the point of leaving no other option to the mayor but to banish her forever.
    Tears were starting to run down on her face for the first time ever as she catched a glimpse, in the distance, of 5 small figures running towards her, the sun in her eyes making it impossible to discern their identities, but she couldn't help but utter a grunt of disbelief as one of the small silhouettes suddenly disappeared in a flash.
    "Sometimes I wish we could just quit you", whispered Twilight Sparkle on Pinkie's ear, surprising her so much that she leaped at least 5 meters up, her astonishment bigger than anything she had ever caused upon anyone else, "but we really, really can't, so what will we be calling our new village?"
    81.) "I will never leave you," I say.
    She responds, "of course you won't, you're the embodiment of Loyalty, silly."
    I whisper in her ear, "I love you Pinkie Pie."
    82.) Scorch dashed throught the burning building with the pony who was out cold. He had to dive to get out of the burning house before it collapsed around him. He landed safely outside and handed the pony over to the medics, he paused sniffed the air and looked at the stump where his tail was "Not again!"
    83.) With a shriek, all the party-goers formed a stampede as they raced for the door, leaving their hostess with a very confused look on her face. 'I don't understand what went wrong', Pinkie Pie thought, a limp form dangling lifeless in one hoof and a baseball bat in the other.
    And she never made another pinata resembling a friend again.
    84.) Standing on the stoop to the bakery, Gilda was getting herself ready to go inside. It would tough and she wasn't sure how it would go, but she was ready to apologize and try to set things right. She thought of his warm, smiling, red face and was comforted; she would go back to that farm, but making amends came first.
    85.) The biggest diamond that a pony ever saw was sparkling under the moonlight in front of the white unicorn's house. The poor little purple dragon was exhausted from carrying it across the town but he was also proud of the jewel he found in his latest adventure. Making sure nobody was watching he gently knocked on the door "Will she like it?" he thought.
    86.) Big Macintosh grinned while he slipped away from the raucous party. Behind locked doors, closed curtains, and the comforting solitude of his room, he pulled a trunk out from under his bed. Surrounded by stacks of text filled paper, a faint clicking noise rings out while Macintosh types away at his latest manuscript.
    87.) "As a child I suffered a horrible spinal injury," said Lyra.

    "Oh," said Twilight. "I guess you can't be blamed for sitting that way, then."
    88.) She looked up, just in time to hear the sonic boom and see the explosion of color.
    "Way to go, Dash; I knew you could do it," she said.
    Gilda surprised herself; she thought she'd feel jealous.
    89.) "Okay, I'm on all fours, everyone around me is a talking horse, and I don't appear to have fingers anymore; Al, what the hell is going on?"

    "We're still trying to figure that all out; we don't even know what year it is here...but we do know that your name is Twilight Sparkle, and Ziggy says there's a 93% chance that you're here to learn about the magic of friendship."
    90.) One day, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were walking and talking, and walked a very long way from Ponyville. A dragon attacked and Fluttershy was terrified, but Pinkie Pie protected her by laughing at the dragon then beating it up with a massive supercombo from a rubber chicken. And then Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie made out.
    91.) For sale. Baby horseshoes. Never worn.
    92.) Princess Celestia read the latest letter from Twilight Sparkle, and then grinned to herself.

    "Bring me four more tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala," she commanded. "It appears we have an opportunity to take care of them all at once."
    93.) Very few ponies know that sentences have very few limits as to what they can do,for example, the length of each sentence, how many words in a sentence. Twilight Sparkle did not realize this, and, as a result, wrote a bunch of 3 sentence stories because she was lonely. Twilight, I do believe shit just got very, very, real.
    94.) Derpy looked up, with her one good eye, into the dark clouds above, fear causing her to shake.
    Where was he, her friend, her protector, the one who kept her safe from the storms.
    "There you are Bright eyes, no need to fret, the Doctors here, now lets get you inside and a kettle on the stove!
    95.) Twilight glared at Spike, who was angrily shifting his glare between Princess Celestia and the smoldering ruins of what was once Ponyville's library.
    "I'm very disappointed in you, Spike," snapped Twilight.
    "ME? I'm not the one whose bright idea it was to put a FIRE BREATHING DRAGON inside a wooden tree filled with flammable books," he snarled.
    96.) Sunlight scatters in the upper atmosphere, illuminating the lower atmosphere, and the surface of Equestria is neither completely lit nor completely dark. This is the time of day that has baffled yet intrigued Princess Celestia for thousands of years. That may be why, when the fair princess found a purple unicorn infant sobbing at the castle's gate, Princess Celestia named the babe after the time when it's not quite day and not quite night; Twilight.
    97.) Applejack wheeled to deliver a devastating kick to another of the shambling horde of animated corpses, and it crumpled to the ground.
    "Just give me a few more minutes!" Twilight wailed, feverishly flipping through yet another worthless tome.
    Fluttershy pulled the trigger twice, sending another pair of zombies to the ground with a whispered, "Sorry!", then reloaded with her last clip.
    98.) The fear rolled itself into a tight, cold little ball and settles in the pit of Rainbow Dash's stomach. From long practice, the pegasus pony's face automatically jerked into a careless smirk. "C'mon, I've done this a hundred times!" she crowed, while her insides writhed.
    99.) Fluttershy was terrified. And being terrified made her angry, and being angry made her...

    The massive green pony shook its purple mane, and roared, "FLUTTERHULK SMASH!"
    100.) The Great and Powerful Trixie absolutely refused to be beaten by an armada of FOALS. With a blinding flash, her hat flew into the air, revealing A newly augmented (2 inches bigger than twilight's) horn! The ground for miles around erupted with magical energy as Trixie's immense power sealed the 3 sentence story event, and left a gigantic replica of her dazzling cutie mark floating in the air as a symbol of her awesome.

    127 kommentaari:

    1. Mine is the example!

    2. Cool!

      Twilight lay awake, staring down at the small dragon at the foot of her bed, he stirred slightly, a small tongue of flame issuing from his mouth. She smiled, reached down and tucked the blanket up to his chin, he stirred some more, but was soon still. She watched him for a little while longer, then settled down, and drifted off herself.

    3. I did a two sentence one. Sad seems to be the easiest method of making a really short story decent-to-good:

      Pinkie looked around the wreckage of Sugarcube Corner, only the doorways still standing. Mr. and Mrs. Cake had trusted her to run the place by herself, but now she'd not only managed to upset all of her friends as well as the rest of Ponyville, but she'd ruined the livelihood of the two ponies who'd showed her the most kindness in life by taking her in when she had nowhere else to go.

    4. Rainbow Dash wanted to fly a plane without taking lessens. She flew out over the ocean and crashed. It spun in.

    5. @Pacce

      Ha! I like your entry Pacce, it made me sad. Good stuff!

    6. Dear Princess Celestia today it was a warm sunny day and the birds were cirping and the sun was shining and the ponies were prancing in a meadow and Pinkie Pie was rolling around and in the sky a mailpony was haphazardly flying in a haphazard manner and then she flew into a tree and all the birds freaked out and flew away and that made the mailpony sad and so she went home to cry and then Twilight who saw this came to her house and comforted her and made her learn that it's okay to be embarrassed sometimes and made the mailpony feel good and then the mailpony went back to her duty with the help of her new friend and then we went and had a picnic and then she let me write a letter to you about what she learned so thank you for having her here to teach the mailpony what she learned signed Derpy Hooves the mailpony.

    7. Blood poured from the hole in her neck, running down her forelegs,"Why, would ya do this to me...I thought we was friends."wheezed Applejack

      "Pfft, friends with the likes of you,"sneered Rarity", what a fanciful thought being friends with a stupid unkempt donkey such as yourself, now that I know where you've been hiding it I think it's time for you to leave the picture."

      She kicked her wounded friend, knocking her over, and after levitating her into the well and dropping her in she took out a rag, cleaning her bloodied horn, and trotted over to the barn to get her prize.

    8. @Envy

      uhhhhhhh thats cheating or something!

    9. @Vanilla Medley

      That second sentence is way too long, stick a period in there, and it's perfect dude.

    10. One day Fluttershy found a nice but lonely seabird. She helped it find another nice seabird to live with. Leaving the beach, Fluttershy smiled and said "One good tern deserves another."

    11. Entry number three, it's three sentences not three Paragraphs without any periods.

    12. @Sethisto

      Aw, but it's so in-character.

      In that case I present you with a haiku I posted under antonymous in the thread:

      One day Bonbon baked
      Finished she had 50 cakes
      Lyra ate them all

    13. One upon a time Rainbo Darsh was having a wonderful afternoon, thinking about candy vag as she zoomed past all the fillies and making their skirts fly up. She soon tired of her mischievous deeds, however, and so she went to take a nap on a nearby cloud.

      When she woke up she realized that she was not a tomboy-lesbian-pony living in Equestria, and that she was in fact a 20 year old human male working as a gas station attendant who had no dreams or ambitions to speak of.

    14. Gilda sighed at the bar, listening to the drunk blue unicorn (Trixie, she had called herself) ramble on about the purple pony with the adorable eyes.

      Her mind drifted to thoughts of Rainbow Dash, and she slumped forward on the bar, feeling the tipsiness finally getting to her.

      "Y'know...Dash had adorable eyes too..." she muttered forlornly, as Trixie silently patted her shoulder in sympathy.

      (I definitely want to flesh this out now, actually, and make it a whole story, haha)

    15. "You can't hold your breath forever Derpy Hooves!"

      Derpy exhaled, color returning to her cheeks.

      "OK then you can hold it for me!"

    16. Luna looked around her caged room with pictures of her older sister, no, that dictator staring at her from all angles. It appeared her fate was to go from prison to prison but she'd had enough, if she wasn't allowed to rule with her sister then she'd start her own kingdom! In the darkness a figure soared above the sky while a majestic being watched and called several Pegasus.

      It's probably not amazing but I'm not normally a writefag.

    17. Enough with the sappy, time to get happy!

      Pinkie never knew what love was until she held it in her mouth, so sweet and soft and colourful. Her tongue lapt at the wet pink bits. This rainbow ice cream was delicious.

    18. Luna, Princess of Mother Terra's only satellite and queen of the night, gazed down upon the blue-green marble that her sister ruled over.

      It was only a matter of time until she could return and get her revenge.

      "Soon," she murmured to the cold, dead rocks, "Soon."

      -Sithking Zero




    20. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown23. veebruar 2011, kell 22:45

      "How could I have gained this much weight?" Dash fretted, her gaze locked on the number the scale provided. She was desperate and could only think of one way to handle this. Rushing into the bathroom, she quickly yanked a feather from one of her wings and, leaning over the toilet, opened her mouth as wide as she could.

    21. @Pacce
      That should be
      "Her tongue lapped at the wet pink bits."
      Sorry about that.

    22. @Envy
      The grammar pony inside of me cringed when I saw that huge sentence, but I guess you technically did it all in one sentence!

    23. The Doctor had little time to waste on pleasantries as he galloped through the bakery door scanning the room for the target.
      Within several seconds he caught eye of a pink pony by the target, the deed was almost upon them and he had little time, the pony dived.
      Many ponies remember this as the day when a good pony lost so much but also gained many things, the day when a beloved friend left for Canterlot for protecting Celestia from a pie to the face.

    24. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    25. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown23. veebruar 2011, kell 22:50

      Nothing like a good WTF? to help you sleep.

    26. She ran the numbers again and again, the same result every time.
      "C'mon, sis, we'll be late for my play!"
      Applejack wiped the tears from her eyes, and grabbed Apple Bloom in a fierce hug.

    27. Applebloom stood silently atop the stairwell. Big Mac's thundering voice could be heard all around the house, trying to subdue AJ's screaming. This was the 3rd night of her older siblings' fighting. And every night it became worse. She let out soft sobs as she heard the two crying from below. What's happening to our family, she thought?

      Grammar errors, I know. But whatever. And dammit I went over the limit!

    28. @Lovecraft

      Aw dang, I forgot to take out "at the bar" in the first sentence.

      Now it's just awkward having it two sentence in a row! This must be how Rarity feels when she misses details.

      (my brain is so fried tonight, ugh)

    29. Rarity sat back in her chair, the ponyfication of panic and horror as she closed the link to the to the webpage Pinkie had sent her.

      She looked around the room, obviously paranoid that /co/ was still watching her.

      The thought of thousands of young men seeing her thrash about in her bathrobe, in SUCH an unflattering manner, was enough to send any pony over the edge.

    30. "Another damn letter? I wonder when she'll realize I've stopped caring." Celestia turned back to the sobbing pony on the wheel, levitating a claw hammer.

    31. @Anonymous

      what the fuck

      i don't even know what this is

    32. Princess Celestia sent Twilight Sparkle to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She befriended Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, and together they vanquished the evil nightmare Moon and saved Equestria. And then they all fucked.

    33. Rainbow Dash was no stranger to ridicule. No one believed that The Sonic Rainboom was even real, much less could be pulled off by somepony so young. Dash, however, was about to do it anyway.

    34. The two princesses bowed before their mother, reporting their progress in the grand plan laid down eons ago.

      "It goes perfectly, milady," whispered Celestia, "No one knows that you are the true power behind all of Equestria."

      Queen Derpmina Hooves gave an evil smile at this.

    35. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown23. veebruar 2011, kell 22:56

      The pony trembled as the tears streaked down her face, the muzzle of the gun bit hard into her forehead. The little yellow foal smiled as she pressed the weapon down. "Why are you afraid, it won't hurt."

    36. One day Derpy Hooves was walking along about to deliver a letter, but suddenly a flash of light came out of no where and a phone booth appeared tempting her to go inside. She looked at it for a wile and decided to walk in and found a pony inside with an hour glass mark on his flank and he told her to "come with me before the fish stick and custard monsters attack and destroy the world!". So she joined him and saved the world from the evil, wile this was happening, a crowd of ponies were gathering around the poor gray colored pegasus pony with the mailbag on her head, mumbling to her self about fish sticks and screw drivers.

    37. Rainbow Dash flew up to her friends, "The band Ponideth is coming, I can't wait to see Dave Mustang play."
      "Rock n' Roll is too cliche for my taste" Rarity said.
      "It's not Rock n' Roll it's Heavy Metal" Dash responded.

    38. The swirling dust coalesced into baby clouds as they crossed the sunbeams shining through barn windows. Panting, exhausted and sweaty, Pinkie Pie turned her head up to give Big Macintosh a long kiss on the lips. "No planning or decorating or snacks or anything," she chirped, "but this is my absolute mostest favoritest kind of party ever!"

    39. The Doctor stared at the inside of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's store, blinking slowly.

      Pinkie and her new space robot friends were frolicking to and fro, dancing and having a great time.

      "Huh, you know, it never would have occurred to me that all the Daleks needed was a good party to get them to loosen up."

      -Sithking Zero

    40. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown23. veebruar 2011, kell 23:05

      He stood in the kitchen, his apron dirty and his eye swollen,working frantically to meet the deadline. Applejack kicked in the door and shouted "Where's my dinner, bitch?" Seeing it was late, she ferociously beat Big Macintosh with her belt.

    41. (based off of this pic: http://i53.tinypic.com/10qwh1x.png)

      the retarded pegasus sat by the bar, the potent stench of fancy perfume spreading throughout the room. with her hooves, she slowly brought the derby hat up to her lips to let the liquid within slip into her maw. everyone in the room stared at her in awe as she continued to drink the liquid, taking a bite out of the floating plum as it drifted towards her.

    42. Too easy, so I'm gonna make it harder by also writing a shitty Haiku.

      Applejack couldn't stop.
      They all needed to be bucked.
      All the apple trees.

    43. OC tiem? OC tiem!

      Ditzy Doo was so happy when she got her cutie mark, but everyone either laughed at her or retched at the sight of it. She asked her friend Derpy between sobs, "Why doesn't anypony like my cutie mark?"
      Derpy smiled and chirped, "Because it looks like a penis!"

    44. one day fluttershy was a meaniepants to another pony
      then she said "i deserve to anus"
      then she died

    45. Rarity let her content head gently rest against the strong, hot chest of her husband, glancing briefly to their wedding ring.

      It was solid gold, inlaid with rubies, saphires, diamonds... you name it, it had it.

      She let out a happy sigh as she thought, "Who could have guessed a dragon would be such a great husband?"

    46. The pony looked down at all the white powder in front of her and giggled menacingly to herself, her reward was in front of her and by Celestia had she earned it! With a thud the pony faceplanted into her paradise and began sniffing like crazy, taking her just deserts.
      This continued for longer then necessary before Spike eventually asked "Pinkie, why are you sniffing flour?"

    47. @Kie
      Oh hell thinking on it now I should of put it as sugar instead of flour. Brain derp there.

    48. Doctor Whoof and Derpy one:

      "Sorry, But I can't endanger you anymore after what happened and I've decided that it's the journey's end" - Said brown colt with a hourglass mark on his side. The door closed and the blue box had thawed with a loud noise in a morning fog, leaving the little gray crying pegasus with a blond mane on the ground. Through the noise Derpy heard Doctor's words: "the Time will cure your wounds", but she knew, that that wound will remain in her heart forever.

    49. A book lay open, forgotten, pages blowing in the gentle breeze.
      A wing lay over a figure, warming it like a blanket.
      A word was softly spoken, as twilight slowly fell.

    50. "Hi, I'm Deadpink, the merc with a mouth, and I just love cake, so I bake it every day and sell it so I can afford all these neat toys like this gun and this gun and this gun and this gun and this knife and this gun and these guns and these cupcakes and have you ever noticed that when the wind blows from the Everfree forest, it smells like parasprites?"

      The mayor stared at the pink-and-red pony pointing a gun at her head.

      "I guess you wouldn't, you're not too observant, not like those creepy /co/ guys online, but the author is having a hard time wrapping this up, so bye!" she said as she pulled the trigger.

    51. Applejack spun the Colt 1873 as she admired the remains of the six shattered bottles in front of her, and then holstered the smoking revolver.

      “A deals a deal.”

      Jack Marston sighed in defeat as he handed the wager over to the blonde apple farmer, a big grin now spread across her tan freckled face.

    52. Spike woke one morning to the sound of loud clanging. He rushed downstairs to find Pinkie Pie and Twilight sword fighting. He then promptly got stabbed, blew up, (twice) then woke up, "last time I eat baked bads before I go to sleep" spike said as he went back to sleep. :3

    53. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown23. veebruar 2011, kell 23:23

      With the day's adventures bouncing their heads, it was time for the little bronies to dream in their beds.
      Be it candy and fluff or dancing and song, with tonight's rest, the new day will be soon along.
      So goodnight my fellow bronies and have a beautiful sleep and know in my heart, I hold all of you deep.

    54. Celestia cast an aggravated gaze at the guard standing in front of her.
      "--but, Princess, you can't possibly want to...," the guard stammered out.
      "Silence all opposition," Celestia bellowed in a mighty voice.

    55. Battered, weary and covered in the filth, the five ponies surveyed the forsaken fire pit and charred remains of the surrounding valley that no longer bore the resemblance to home. In the distance the they spotted their pray as the fallen sun god herself swooped down from the ash clouds, her unrelenting stare piercing their very souls even from this great distance. Letting out a mighty yell, their violet leader led them to battle, honoring their fallen comrade – IT IS ON!

    56. Twilight and Spike stared at the yellow-and-red pony, who was grinning like a loon.
      The two looked at each other, then back to Apple Bloom, then back to each other, before Twilight spoke up.
      "You know, I don't think that Applejack will appreciate the pentagram temporary tattoo where your cutie mark should be..."

    57. One last saddy:

      Berry drank to remember the happier times. But too soon she runs out of good memories and then it's just her sitting alone with an empty bottle. So she opens another and has another drink to remember the happier times.

    58. Pinkie trotted up to her friends.
      "Guess who just divided by Zero?" she asked, as Twilight and Spike's eyes widened in horror.
      And then they all died.

    59. "Oh Princess Celestia!" Twilight ran over to the sun Goddess, nuzzling the warm white fur of her teacher. "What must I do to understand love?!"
      "Dearest Twilight," she said, her voice ever so angelic. "Hear my words as they are true..." Celestia face contorted in anger, a rarity from the sun Goddess herself.

    60. "This is so great that we're going to be best friends forever, long as you don't try to leave me like the others did," Princess Luna squealed, her sweet shrill echoing throughout the musty dungeon.

      Rainbow Dash looked around at all the pony skeletons chained to the walls and then answered with a smile, "Uh-uhn, there's no way I'd ever leave you because, well, I've actually had a crush on you the longest time and I want to be your girlfriend!"

      The blue pegasus landed hard on her rump after being kicked out the door so hard, but she was happy to be free.

    61. Nightmare Moon was no match for the combined powers of the Elements of Harmony, and when she was defeated, the room was filled with an overwhelming, radiant light. The ponies bowed in anticipation of Celestia's return, but were shocked when, instead of their ruler, a small being with what appeared to be some sort of mushroom hat appeared. "Sorry Twilight, but the Princess is in another castle."

    62. Don't know if these are any good.

      "It can't be done!" Twilight facehoofed.
      Pinkie replied: "Sure it can, you see, I'm quite good at run on sentences and as long as I don't end them in a period then then I can just about go on forever, talking and talking, saying whatever I want no matter the length, telling a full story about how a pony ate up all the sweets in the candy ship before closing and all the customers were angry, but that didn't frighten her since she sold her sweet kisses from then on making every one quite pleased that day, or perhaps a different story would do but I think that one is quite d'aww and I may just end it right there."
      Twilight scowled: "You cheated."

      Luna sat on her throne and sighed, alone. The vines had destroyed the bricks of her castle, the Everfree forest had reclaimed the grove. Even as the room sat silent and empty, Luna's mind echoed those first words Celestia spoke to her: "I missed you, sister."

    63. "The time has come," the teacher said, "to talk of many things; of friendship, books, and cutie marks, of pegasi and wings, and how you will so soon grow up, and how each pony sings!"
      "But teacher, no" the students said, "It is so nice outside; Celestia's carriage sits right there, let's take it for a ride!"
      "That won't do," the teacher yelled, and then so quickly lied: "Trixie, tried that once, you see; and that is how she died."

      The picture of the strange, stone pegasus pony stared back at Glori....a....er....Twilight Sparkle. Wait, did it just move closer somehow?
      "The image of an angel will become itself an angel," He said.

    64. "Oh my sweet little Egghead, how I wish to hold you tightly in my warm embrace." Trixie whispered lovingly to the small, heart-shaped picture of Twilight Sparkle. "For one such as I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, to suffer such crippling defeat at your hooves is maddening! And yet, I would rather savor the taste of your wet, tender lips upon my own so much more than any victory I could gain over you."

    65. do you know about the seaponies? no? well let me tell ya something, something that happened not so long ago when our boat sunk near maddison bay. those seaponies...they gathered around the nearest man, that man, he starts poundin' and hollerin' and screamin' and sometimes the seapony go away... but sometimes she wouldn't go away. Sometimes that seapony she looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a seapony... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin', they all come in and they... rip you to pieces.

    66. This is so much harder than normal stories!

      Twilight blew out the candles, doused all the lights. She put the book down and snuggled under the covers. Then she used her horn to make a magical light and read comics instead until the sun came up.

    67. @Anonymous

      that one is somewhere in the 30's already.

    68. Rainbow Dash broke open the box with reckless delight!

      At last she had ROBOT DASH: a mechanical buddy to race with, perform tandum tricks with and most important to converse with on an intellectual level.

      "RAINBOW-DASH-IS-THE-COOLEST-PONY-IN-ALL-OF-EQUESTRIA" said the highly enlightened mechanical mare.

    69. The blue and brown barkeep looked up from washing a glass as he heard the door open. Levitating a fresh glass into view, his face soon took the look of surprise as he saw who came in! "Aha! It's been a while since I've seen you, Miss Rarity, what'll it be this fine night?"

    70. Woo, grimdark.

      Through bleary eyes and battered body she flew, running endlessly from the terrors which haunted her, fleeing from the grief and horror she had brought unto that quaint little town. Branch and vine whipped at her face, tears streaming from her eyes as her body was wracked with sobs, the salty emissions from those frightened eyes mingling with the drying red ichor that stained upon her pelt, the pegasus in a blind panic as she fled deeper and deeper into the Everfree forest. Mass of green and brown sped by her vision, until finally her wings could not bear another demand from her frayed and scattered mind, Dash diving down towards the ground before meeting loamy soil with a dull thud, her form skipping across the forest bottom like a stone across water, skidding on her side before coming to a stop, the blood-soaked filly panting for breath, heaving heart-wrenching sobs in between gasps for air while her wide eyes searched her soul for the answer to the sins she had committed.

    71. @Pacce
      Cripes, dude, I am tearing up fierce.

    72. Hoofbeats thundered, shaking the town, as the residents quivered with terror and rushed to lock their doors. The dust concealed their bodies, but not their glowing green eyes, and they were many. Alone, Twilight lowered her head, her horn beginning to glow.

    73. She was embodiment all things dark and wild. While her hatred for her sister has extinguished. The unwholesome loneliness was still eating her heart, like a worm in an apple. In her dreams she's still in her prison, forever alone.

    74. Who lives with pears and apples under a tree?
      Achromatic, yellow and thoughtless is she.
      If you’re looking to give a mare a muffin,
      Then Derpy Hooves is the one you’ll be wantin’

    75. fluttershy timidly crept through the dark room only to be pounced on by rainbowdash! She cried out in fear but was comforted by the soft voice of her friend apologizing for scaring her.

      and then they fucked

    76. Aw yeah, I gotta get in on this!


      "How am I supposed to go on without you?" Rainbow Dash hiccuped, her eyes filled with tears.

      "Follow your dreams," he answered in his usual stoic way, his rainbow mane flowing behind him, "and may all of your dreams come true."

      "My dream is to make you proud, Father," she whispered, watching the Robot Unicorn wheel and gallop into the horizon.

    77. It had been another long day in Ponyville, but with the click of the latch on her door, Twilight could finally relax. As she slowly plodded towards the couch, a book rose from its place on the shelves to follow her- the same worn tome always reserved for quiet evenings alone. With a smile slowly creeping across her face, Twilight poured over page after page of dresses, each one elaborately decorated with black velvet, ribbons, and lace.

    78. A haiku:

      Gilda Drinks Vodka
      Sad Griffon Violent Drunkard
      Misses Ranbow Dash

    79. A haiku:

      Gilda Leaves on Quest
      Elderly Kung Fu Master
      Teaches Her His Ways

    80. A haiku:

      Gilda Trains for Years
      Becomes a Better Person
      She Returns to Ponyville

    81. For sale: pink bow. Slightly used. A new home, desired.

      ...okay, maybe that's cheating a bit, haha. I'll think of a better one.

    82. A haiku:

      Crime is in the Streets
      Ponyville needs a Hero
      Gilda is the Night

    83. A haiku:

      Gilda is Batman
      Pinkie Pie is the Joker
      Crossover Fic START

    84. Pinkie warps reality.
      Derpy becomes the Muffin Maiden,because of that.
      Pinkie tries to fix reality, before Derpy takes over the world with muffin related powers and fails horribly.

    85. Pinkie trotted around to the side door. If that one was locked she'd have to come back later. She'd need to make two trips to get the dynamite.
      The small midnight-blue pony jumped a little at the sound of the approaching guard. "That's your daily hour. I'm here to take you back to the stables."
      Derpy Hooves looked at Ditzy Doo
      "Well if you're you, then who'm I?"
      "I'm sill me, but they think I'm you."
      The guard pony looked at the choloformed purple pony asleep on the floor. Perhaps he should plant some evidence or something. Banished girlfriends didn't nag.
      Silver Spoon made a raspberry sound "The 80's were like a thousand years ago!" In the row of seats behind her, Luna wondered if she should admonish the brat or just spank her.
      AppleJack balanced her hooves on the tree trunk. She could almost reach an apple. In the next tree, Apple Bloom cowered and rethought her choice of playing hooky.
      Bon-Bon felt something squish under her hoof. She would have to clean the kitchen floor again. She stepped sideways to the other muffin tray, feeling more lost batter-drops under her hooves.
      Twilight Sparkle galloped down the corridor. The Inquisitor Ponies stepped aside to let her pass their cordon, letting her close enough to hear their talking amongst themselves. "With her around it isn't even worth forming an office pool."

    86. Mr Cake frowned at the bowl. It wasn't acting like batter at all. It took him four more minutes of mixing and box-reading untill he figured out that the box's contents of ground flour had actually been replaced by Plaster Of Paris.
      The riots had continued into the second week. Now they were assaulting the very center of government; the Palace. Celestia yelled at her pink-splattered handmares to paint faster.
      Snips glanced over at his classmate. He had thought that his plan to sell discarded apple saplings as non-apple-growing bonsai trees were good plans. "Stupid little _boy_." sneered Apple Bloom.
      Trixie chewed at another mouthfull of the long, brown grass. The forest living was as much torture as having the money she couldn't spend. It would all be needed when she got to the police auction, so many days away.
      Twilight looked at the book in concern. Who would want to make the cover for their magic spellbook out of footballs?
      Nightmare Moon bit and snapped at the slow hopping shapes. "I will defend my kingdom for as long as I dwell here!" The astronauts fled in confusion.
      Caramell Apple looked behind himself, still holding the remote control. "No-one must know my secret." On the televison The Glo Friends cassette was on pause.

    87. Pinkie Pie sighed with profound regret as she looked back on partially destroyed Ponyville, her face no longer able to hold a smile as she remembered the devastation that her own recklessness had provoked upon the town, to the point of leaving no other option to the mayor but to banish her forever.

      Tears were starting to run down on her face for the first time ever as she catched a glimpse, in the distance, of 5 small figures running towards her, the sun in her eyes making it impossible to discern their identities, but she couldn't help but utter a grunt of disbelief as one of the small silhouettes suddenly disappeared in a flash.

      "Sometimes I wish we could just quit you", whispered Twilight Sparkle on Pinkie's ear, surprising her so much that she leaped at least 5 meters up, her astonishment bigger than anything she had ever caused upon anyone else, "but we really, really can't, so what will we be calling our new village?"

    88. "I will never leave you," I say.
      She responds, "of course you won't, you're the embodiment of Loyalty, silly."
      I whisper in her ear, "I love you Pinkie Pie."

    89. "So, cousin, what are you watchin' there on yer fancy lil' gizmo", asked Big Macintosh as he took a small break from catering to the Apple family reunion to take a word to Golden Delicious, his cousin from the big city of Potropolis, whom he hadn't seen for quite some time now.

      Golden Delicious gasped and lifted his eyes from his iPod (there were some advantages, after all, to belonging to the Apple family), somewhat embarassed, and momentarily shaking off his introverted nature, hesitantly confessed to his country cousin that he had become somewhat hooked on this show for phillies called "My Little Human: Friendship is Magic", because it had really appealing storytelling, characterization, humour, animation and visuals, but the only way to understand that appeal was to experience it first-hand.

      Despite Big Mac's skepticism, he was somewhat intrigued, but after that it took far less than the 22 minutes of the first episode's length to irreversibly captivate him, and as soon as Golden Delicious caught a glimpse of that silly, inexplicable smile on that large lug of a pony's muzzle, Golden Delicious couldn't help but knowingly say to his cousin, "you're a broman now, pony."

    90. Once upon a time, Twilight Sparkle and friends decided to visit VGS2's channel on Youtube.
      While there, they saw many wonderous things, such as pony videos that starred Bonbon's 672 year old grandmother, and shit.
      However, after watching them, they decided to flag his channel for pony racism, shamelessly advertising his channel on their website, and for not starring any of them inside his videos.

      THE END! (Not a sentence)

    91. Scorch dashed throught the burning building with the pony who was out cold. He had to dive to get out of the burning house before it collapsed around him. He landed safely outside and handed the pony over to the medics, he paused sniffed the air and looked at the stump where his tail was "Not again!"

    92. Friendship is Magic.
      Through ponies, harmony reigns.
      The Moon rises bright.

    93. First Rainbow Dash and Applejack had sex. Then Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had sex and Applejack and Rarity had sex.

      Then they grabbed Twilight and Fluttershy and they all had sex together.

    94. With a shriek, all the party-goers formed a stampede as they raced for the door, leaving their hostess with a very confused look on her face. 'I don't understand what went wrong', Pinkie Pie thought, a limp form dangling lifeless in one hoof and a baseball bat in the other.

      And she never made another pinata resembling a friend again.

    95. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown24. veebruar 2011, kell 07:22

      Standing on the stoop to the bakery, Gilda was getting herself ready to go inside. It would tough and she wasn't sure how it would go, but she was ready to apologize and try to set things right. She thought of his warm, smiling, red face and was comforted; she would go back to that farm, but making amends came first.

    96. The biggest diamond that a pony ever saw was sparkling under the moonlight in front of the white unicorn's house. The poor little purple dragon was exhausted from carrying it across the town but he was also proud of the jewel he found in his latest adventure. Making sure nobody was watching he gently knocked on the door "Will she like it?" he thought.

      (I'm sorry if it sounds weird, I'm not fluent in English)

    97. Big Macintosh grinned while he slipped away from the raucous party. Behind locked doors, closed curtains, and the quiet solitude of his room, he pulled a trunk out from under his bed. Surrounded by stacks of text filled paper, a faint clicking noise rings out while Macintosh types away at his latest manuscript.

    98. "As a child I suffered a horrible spinal injury," said Lyra.

      "Oh," said Twilight. "I guess you can't be blamed for sitting that way, then."

    99. She looked up, just in time to hear the sonic boom and see the explosion of color.

      "Way to go, Dash; I knew you could do it," she said.

      Gilda surprised herself; she thought she'd feel jealous.

    100. @Adrian Brony

      Crap, I need to revise that. Ignore my first entry please

      Big Macintosh grinned while he slipped away from the raucous party. Behind locked doors, closed curtains, and the comforting solitude of his room, he pulled a trunk out from under his bed. Surrounded by stacks of text filled paper, a faint clicking noise rings out while Macintosh types away at his latest manuscript.

    101. "Okay, I'm on all fours, everyone around me is a talking horse, and I don't appear to have fingers anymore; Al, what the hell is going on?"

      "We're still trying to figure that all out; we don't even know what year it is here...but we do know that your name is Twilight Sparkle, and Ziggy says there's a 93% chance that you're here to learn about the magic of friendship."

      "Oh boy."

    102. One day, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were walking and talking, and walked a very long way from Ponyville. A dragon attacked and Fluttershy was terrified, but Pinkie Pie protected her by laughing at the dragon then beating it up with a massive supercombo from a rubber chicken. And then Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie made out.

      THE END

    103. For sale. Baby horseshoes. Never worn.

      (Apologies to Hemingway)

    104. @Lucres

      Jesus Christ that is depressing.

    105. @Anonymous

      I would pay to see this.

    106. Princess Celestia read the latest letter from Twilight Sparkle, and then grinned to herself.

      "Bring me four more tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala," she commanded. "It appears we have an opportunity to take care of them all at once."

    107. Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y24. veebruar 2011, kell 17:19

      Very few ponies know that sentences have very few limits as to what they can do,for example, the length of each sentence, how many words in a sentence. Twilight Sparkle did not realize this, and, as a result, wrote a bunch of 3 sentence stories because she was lonely. Twilight, I do believe shit just got very, very, real.

    108. Derpy looked up, with her one good eye, into the dark clouds above, fear causing her to shake.
      Where was he, her friend, her protector, the one who kept her safe from the storms.
      "There you are Bright eyes, no need to fret, the Doctors here, now lets get you inside and a kettle on the stove!

      (I hope that I did a good job)

    109. Twilight glared at Spike, who was angrily shifting his glare between Princess Celestia and the smoldering ruins of what was once Ponyville's library.
      "I'm very disappointed in you, Spike," snapped Twilight.
      "ME? I'm not the one whose bright idea it was to put a FIRE BREATHING DRAGON inside a wooden tree filled with flammable books," he snarled.

      -Sithking Zero

    110. Sunlight scatters in the upper atmosphere, illuminating the lower atmosphere, and the surface of Equestria is neither completely lit nor completely dark. This is the time of day that has baffled yet intrigued Princess Celestia for thousands of years. That may be why, when the fair princess found a purple unicorn infant sobbing at the castle's gate, Princess Celestia named the babe after the time when it's not quite day and not quite night; Twilight.

    111. You skipped 21...

    112. Applejack wheeled to deliver a devastating kick to another of the shambling horde of animated corpses, and it crumpled to the ground.
      "Just give me a few more minutes!" Twilight wailed, feverishly flipping through yet another worthless tome.
      Fluttershy pulled the trigger twice, sending another pair of zombies to the ground with a whispered, "Sorry!", then reloaded with her last clip.

    113. Applejack wheeled to deliver a devastating kick to another of the shambling horde of animated corpses, and it crumpled to the ground.
      "Just give me a few more minutes!" Twilight wailed, feverishly flipping through yet another worthless tome.
      Fluttershy pulled the trigger twice, putting down another pair of zombies with a whispered, "Sorry!", then reloaded with her last clip.

    114. Oops. Uh... blast. Sorry for the double post there.

    115. The fear rolled itself into a tight, cold little ball and settles in the pit of Rainbow Dash's stomach. From long practice, the pegasus pony's face automatically jerked into a careless smirk. "C'mon, I've done this a hundred times!" she crowed, while her insides writhed.

    116. Fluttershy was terrified. And being terrified made her angry, and being angry made her...

      The massive green pony shook its purple mane, and roared, "FLUTTERHULK SMASH!"

    117. The Great and Powerful Trixie absolutely refused to be beaten by an armada of FOALS. With a blinding flash, her hat flew into the air, revealing A newly augmented (2 inches bigger than twilight's) horn! The ground for miles around erupted with magical energy as Trixie's immense power sealed the 3 sentence story event, and left a gigantic replica of her dazzling cutie mark floating in the air as a symbol of her awesome.

    118. man do this once a week it kicks ass

    119. I totally missed this. Subscribing to the comments thread now, if anyone's still interested in adding more flash-fiction.

    120. Rainy and Derpy were having a wonderful time.

      Rainy giggled, and looking at her friend, she asked, "How did you get your cutie-mark again?"

      Derpy looked at her friend, and, giggling, turned to her and opened her mouth to respond... but with a hiccough, she fell off her barstool again.

    121. Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome! Sentence Stack
