• Team Fortress 2 Server

    Poni mic spam?

    Poni mic spam.

    server =

    5 kommentaari:

    1. UNBAN DRUNK_CANADIAN from Team Fortress 2 server, k thx :)

      Forgiveness is what ponies preach...

    2. how do you find the server by IP address? I can't seem to find it, and you help?

    3. The servers are called Legion of Ponies, should be easy to find in the server browser.

    4. I've never seen their IP listed, nor have I seen their server. Either they're completely overwhelmed to the point that their info can't be updated/listed, or they have bouts of up-n-down time from all the bronies hitting up their server.

      Perhaps other servers should be listed here, if only to take the burden off of this one TF2 server.

    5. anyone know if there is a aussie brony server?
