• Story: Pinkie's Party

    [Normal] This one actually has a pretty crazy twist, definitely one to check out! And absolutely no shipping for once! Amazing.
    Description: Needed

    Pinkie's Party

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Author here! I'm new to the writefag game, and any comments or tips are greatly appreciated!

    2. I can't get to it.

    3. @Anonymous
      Hmm you are right. I think squeak needs to make it public, I can only access it when I'm logged in to my Google account.

    4. Oops I'll change that.

      There we go.

    5. This was a great fic. I'm glad to see no shipping and no grimdark and so on, and it was.. rather touching. It gives a new edge to Pinkie, without making the subject go out of hand like it usually has.

      Well done!

    6. Updated the picture with some related awesomeness

    7. Well done Squeek.

    8. Awesome! I love it Sethisto!

      Thanks , Anon, glad you liked it!

    9. I updated the drawing. I posted it at the end of the general!

    10. Thanks Chin! It looks awesome! There are few things which can't be improved by cupcakes!! It fits perfectly with the story.

    11. Goddamn you to hell for making me cry, Squeek.
      Still, loved it.

    12. You've heard a critique or two before, so allow me to just introduce what I liked.

      Amazing levels of bittersweet! and it unfolded in a way that didn't seem at odds with the show. I especially love Pinkie Pie's role in it. This story just may get a tear in the reading, but I am sure people will be smiling anyways at the end.

    13. Dang cryed to dame good story brony

    14. ///SPOILERS///

      OK... I know this is an old story so I don't know if anyone will see this...

      Call me stupid but I don't understand the ending. What is the picture supposed to be of?

    15. ...


      Nvm. Just got it. I guess this story was written before Cutie Mark Chronicles aired, the episode where we see Pinkie Pie's parents. The description of her parents was throwing me off.

    16. Hm, thanks to the above anon for figuring that one out for me, I wouldn't have gotten that! Although, I'm still vaguely confused about how the parasprites are involved...

    17. ^ How did Pinkie Pie know how to get rid of the parasprites in Swarm of the Century?

      Based on this fic, it's because wherever she grew up there was a parasprite infestation and her parents were killed in that. I guess the ponies there figured it out and Pinkie used this knowledge when the parasprite swarm came to Ponyville.

    18. Canon or not, I thought this was very touching.
