• Story: Fluttershy Meets Creeper

    [Crossover] Hsssssssssssss.  My Little Pony meets minecraft.

    11 kommentaari:

    1. Wow that was a freakin amazing story to go along with the picture. Thank you so much, you just made my day.

    2. oh yeah, one more thing. Fluttershy is the only thing in the universe that could ever come close to changing a creeper's mind. Do not try at home. you will die...

    3. I made my home Creeper proof. Poor sods die in flames and cactuses.
      I'd still love to have Fluttershy around, though.

    4. If all else fails she can always use her STARE

    5. Minecraft with Fluttershy and Rarity would be awesome! Fluttershy would STARE the wild animals (and stuff) while Rarity would search the red stone (and stuff). Well Spike would be useful, too for digging.

    6. Aww, I wanted to see it blow up in her face! XD Actually, it would have been even more awesome if she had been able to really befriend it.

      Nice story, though a bit short.

    7. the REAL minecraft meets MLP (sadly no characters yet involved)

    8. hssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss BOOM! your dead

    9. @The Lovely Penguin
      > Aww, I wanted to see it blow up in her face! XD

      I was kinda hoping to see her blow up in its face.

      And then blow up again.

      (this is the real reason it was afraid)

    10. Loved it.

      (1st comment since July 2011 xD
