[Grimdark] Everypony's favorite wizard to hate is back with a vengeance in this epic clash between the two greatest sorceresses in all of Equestria! Enjoy, also some drawfriend drew this awesome Trixie, if anyone knows who it is let me know in comments so I can give credit. *edit* apparently blogger resized it really tiny, cut it into 2.
neljapäev, 20. jaanuar 2011 op 23:03
Sildid: Author: ButterScotchSundae, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Star-5, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle
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10 kommentaari:
That's pretty damn epic.
VastaKustutaeh... clumsy reference at the end was clumsy. Kind of ruined the epic high fantasy feel of it.
VastaKustutaIt also sort of leaves me wishing for a whole High Fantasy Epic version of this story, but that's a good thing :D
>Don't have time to bleed
I read that while listening to Pokemon battle music. And it was instantly 20% cooler.
VastaKustuta(Wild Pokemon Battle at the beginning, Trainer Battle at the middle, and Elite Four Gym Battle for the last part. All from the American Pokemon Kanto dub. There should be a remix of Twilight's battle against Nightmare Moon with those tunes. And I might just make one.)
I also got a kick out of Pinkie Pie not being present at the end when everypony else was encouraging Twilight. I took it to mean her playful craziness in life was merely a facade and that the psychotic maniac in death was her actual personality.
(My first comment here at Equestria Daily. Whoo! Now to resume reading more Pony fanfics.)
I was listening to Mars, the Bringer of War from the planets. I was reading at the perfect speed to fit that music. and wow I was pumped. i need to read that again. I want to read more of your stuff brony!
VastaKustutaThat was pretty flippin awesome!
VastaKustutaHardcore Twilight is hardcore!
Thus was born the first Grand General of the second great equestrian war.
VastaKustutaThe former pegasus guard and last survivor of the army of light.
Grand General Hope
no srsly i like it ... eventhough it only played in one room. and eventhough 2 ursa majors would be pretty much as big as the whole castle.
well done
The story was okay, but the formatting was terrible.
VastaKustutaIf you're copying text, you bloody well copy it AS TEXT! Ctrl-C in Firefox, Ctrl-V in Notepad. Learn it.
Two stars. I've docked two for the abysmal formatting.
@Roxor Uhmmm... These are screenshots of something on, Twitter i believe? Anyways, no one give a *@$# about formatting.
VastaKustutaComing from the future, there are a surprising number of Season 3 truths in here!
VastaKustuta- The return of Trixie with an ancient artifact of power that brings out her evil side
- Shadow versions of the Mane 6 (similar to those made by another major show villain)
- And, of course, Princess Twilight Sparkle; looks like we really did know that was coming all along!
Haha, I love looking at this old stuff just to see what the fandom was like back in the day. :)