• Story: Applejack/Big mac (Untitled)

    [Shipping] Written by A.J. Applejack and Big mac Stuff!
    Description: Need Description


    1. You've posted this story already. However, I like the picture with this post better.

    2. . . .I'm not even going to read this. THEY'RE SIBLINGS. Why in hell would you ship siblings together?!

    3. This isn't even shipping... I've seen WAY worse with this pairing. Dear God it's all coming back to me like a 'Nam flashback!

    4. Shipping doesn't always mean romance, you know? The label "shipping" simply refers to relationship building in one way or another.
      Far too often do people misunderstand or misinterpret the meaning of the term...

    5. Aww! This was adorable. I was weirded out too until I remembered shipping doesn't necessarily mean sex or romance, which is wholly absent from this story. The story is entirely G-rated, so don't worry.

    6. I felt that the final paragraph was a little rushed, as if you'd gone "Blah blah blah, the end. Go to bed." But still, it was very cute, and an interesting explanation for her hat. Not bad.

    7. Okay, how the buck was that shipping? I mean, I was almost afriad to read it because of the pairing, but that wasn't shipping at all! (Then again, not sure what tag WOULD go there, but still! Shipping gives it the wrong idea.)

    8. @Anonymous dude just look at Lin and rin in vocaloid! They're brother and sister and people ship them together ALL the time!
