• Comic: Back in Time

    You know, I never really cared much for Cheerilee... mainly because my initial reaction to seeing her of all ponies get a toy was a massive WTF WHERE IS TRIXIE?  But then a comic showed up on Deviant Art that changed everything...
    I honestly have not bad mouthed her since.  Which is a little bit disturbing considering she doesn't exist.  I feel a twang of guilt every time I even consider replacing her with Luna or Trixie now. 

    Hell I can't even spell her name.  But I still love her as much as I love any other pony now.  Stupid Deviant Art and it's subliminal pony messages...


    1. Cheerilee has always been one of my favs, despite her short appearances :) I wish she was my teacher XD

    2. Poor Luna... Always forgotten... They forgot her nights 1000 years ago, and now they forgot her till a name drop in season 2, and rumors of a halowee... I mean Nightmare Night episode... THen the bastards at Hasbro will put her back in her dungeon...

      I'd whip out the shot gun and DeLorian too... I would too...

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    5. I read it...
      and yes it sure has changed

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