• Art: Equestria Elections

    Old but awesome, these are perfect if you want an MLP themed wallpaper/poster but don't want the embarrassing stigma that goes with it.  I rocked this on my cell background and never got any of the shit I get with my new Rainbow Dash background.

    All of the High resolution images can be found below.  Apparently blogger caps at 1gb for images so uhh I need to be more careful or something.



    1. Ah, yes, the classics, even us future bronies still use these!

    2. Second!! Trolololololololoollolollollololololool
      Hey Seth, knock knock? It's a singing piece bacon!!
      By the way what is everyones feellings on the current issue?

    3. My friend made a poster out of this and gave it to our school library, were it now proudly hangs up on a wall :D
