Summary: BEHOLD! The shocking truth about the Great and Powerful Trixie! GASP IN AWE at the tragic secret behind her magic! SHAKE WITH FEAR at the revelation of her true motives! All in this MIND-SHATTERING tale! Brace yourselves, for this story is told in a way no pony fic has been told before! No, really! You don't think I'm boasting, do you? Do you? Guys?The Liar
[Normal] Hell yah Great and Powerful Trixie! I don't know how you stay so popular with only one episode under your belt but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Monday, January 31, 2011 op 11:27 PM
Labels: Author: Choppers Top Hat, Fanfiction, Normal, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight SparkleShare This!25 Comments
[Shipping] Poor Luna, so desperate..
Description: need
Cornsilk Chapter 1
Cornsilk Chapter 2 Link Chapter 1/2 -
[Shipping] Some Rainbow Dash / Applejack stuff in this one! Enjoy it. From Fon Shoalin on /co/
Description: Needs Description
Part 1: For all the Horseflies in My Life
Part 2: Glider Jack
op 7:11 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: Fon Shoalin, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
op 7:04 PM
Labels: Author: A Man Who Shall Keep His Promises, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Grimdark, Sad, Star-4, Story -
[Shipping] Slywit brings another Dash shipping story! I wonder what hasbro thinks of their first tomboy pony getting all the girls..
Description: needed
One Problem Childop 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: Slywit, Everypony, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
[Shipping] More Lesbian pony shipping. You could probably figure that out from the title though!
Description: Applejack/Rarity, Needs official Description
Swayback Mountain
Mobiop 5:51 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: ButterScotchSundae, Fanfiction, Rarity, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
op 5:22 PM
Labels: Author: ButterScotchSundae, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-4, Story -
No but seriously, I didn't plan this.
I will be collecting entries in this post throughout the day. If it gets too big i'll make a second post for more.
If you reallly want to make it easy to for me to find your stuff on the threads, have "FRIENDOFF" typed somewhere so I can CTRL+F to find it quickly.
Artists: If it is something already on the Equestria Daily, copy the link and post it with your image on /co/. If it's not already uploaded, post the image with a link to the google docs, or archive of the story. If you can't find any of those, link to your Art with another post with the story image.
Writers: Post your story in google doc form/ to archive/whatever with the art you are using. Or you can post the art you are writing about with your text image so I can cut it out (though really, docs would be soo much better :p)
Are you ready for the Magic of Friendship?!
We are all friends right?
Anyway, This Writefriend/Drawfriend Friend off Event triggers/ends tomorrow. (January 31, 2011). Those that have contributed are asked to post their drawing/writing in threads tomorrow throughout the day. Feel free to link tomorrow's archive to this post so I can throw the stories/art up in compilation threads, but I will probably be on for most of tomorrow anyway. -
I didn't even realize these existed.
Labels are done. Try them out, tell me what you think. Let me know if something is Mis-labeled in the comments section of whatever post it is, or Tell me if I should add a label to something (primarily Authors/Shipping labels, I missed a few of those)
Also remember the blog still has a STORY ARCHIVE, that sorts the characters by name, so you can try that too. Newest stories stay on the front page sidebar for around 2 days before dropping into the archive. -
Still downloading it right now, but I'm throwing the link up again. There are going to be so many new wallpapers from all these 1080p rips, I really wish blogger had more space to play with for image uploads, I'd upload the 20something wallpapers I've already made from Fall Weather Friends.
Luckily the backgrounds make it easy to photoshop the hub watermark out, so download it and make your own!
Thanks to mentos again
You can find it HERE
Also on YOUTUBE!
Or up there in episode downloads/stream archive.
Plaster is going to make you pro at coloring ponies. Use it well! There are many ponies just begging for it in the drawfriend posts here.
And a quick explanation from Plaster himself-
"Here's a rundown of this image
(use the dropper for those that don't know what to do with this/are bad at compooter)
Everypony but fluttershy and bon-bon have at least 4 colors in their eyes. those are marked.
and then the main color of the eye is usually somewhere in the cutiemark, the only exception to this that i have seen is luna/celestia and rainbow dash. Also i must add that the colts and other males only have 2 colors in their eyes, and to blend lightly" -
As if 1080p ponies wasn't enough to make this night awesome, Madmax trumps it with a Trixie comic!
Because Trixie trumps everything. -
It's so...beautiful... Apparently someone on usenet (if I'm even using that correctly) Has been uploading all of the episodes in insane quality.
Thanks to Mintos for Modifying it for us non-/g/ people that are still using old fashioned torrents and Megaupload. Or is Usenet the old fashioned one? I don't even know.
You can find the link either HERE, or alternatively in the episode download section over there
Or stream it HERE -
Someone on /co/ dug through the archive and made this graph showing how often each character is discussed. I guess you guys really like rainbow dash don't you? But how did RARITY come second to last? Seriously? She is definitely second place material!
Minor characters after the Read More thing. I see Trixie plummeted pretty hard when the ban hammer hit...
[Shipping] Reptiles and mammals togeather? You guys will ship anything!
Spike and Apple Bloom's Date -
[Normal] Applejack teaching Pinkie Pie to cook something other than sweets? Maybe this will save her from the inevitable diabetes.
Another one by Jimbo, enjoy!
Pinkie Pie and Applejack's Cooking Hour! -
Another one by Madmax, complete with windwaker boats and things I would totally do if I was Spike.
[Crossover] I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Pinkie Pie is a bad ass no matter what she is currently involved in.
Last one by Jimbo for the night, more tomorrow.
Batpink: I AM THE NIGHT -
[Shipping] Yaaah... I think pinkie/dash is always a welcome combo. Another one by Jimbo.
Description: Pinkie Pie invites her friend to a new shop called the Make Me Better Boutique after a long, tiring day of cloud-busting. Grudgingly, Rainbow Dash agrees. Will she be able to lift Rainbow's spirits?
The Make Me Better Boutique -
[Normal] Derpy Hoove fics are always amazing. Here is one by Jimbo, linked to his(her?) account.
Description: Need Description
A Friend for Derpy Hooves -
The Great and Powerful Trixie SCOFFS at this despicable "alchemy" and it's inconvenient symbols! Magic is the only true path to greatness!
But seriously, ponys+full metal alchemist is actually a pretty interesting combo.
Friendship is Magic; Alchemy is Damnation -
A Fluttershy centric episode is planned for Episode 17 (thanks to Pacce for letting me know!)
Title: Stare Master
Air Date: 2011-02-25
Fluttershy offers to babysit for the Cutie Mark Crusaders
We got some awesome stuff coming up! 2 Rarity episodes (best main pony imo, sorry pinkie pie) and now this! My body is NOT ready. -
That is actually somewhat surprising. But I guess this explains where some of the bans came from. Hopefully this one doesn't flip out like the /tg/ mods used to and go on thread delete/banning sprees (poor cutebolds, they never saw it coming...)
This could be a good thing though I guess! Anyhow off to work, you should totally do This while im gone! -
I'll be at work for the next 8 hours. You guys would be doing me a huge favor if you posted links to any fics/drawstuff/videos/news here so I can upload them when I get home. The speed general threads are going today with the new episode means I'll have 10 archived threads to dig through when I get home. That's too many apples to hold!
Just use the comments below, since it's much easier to go through those 1 at a time. As always, anon commenting is enabled so you don't need an account for it.
See yahz. -
It's time for PONIES!
Fall Weather Friends Part one is up!
Fall Weather Friends Part Two is also up!
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