• 1080p Friendship is Magic Part 1(episode 1)

    Still downloading it right now, but I'm throwing the link up again.  There are going to be so many new wallpapers from all these 1080p rips, I really wish blogger had more space to play with for image uploads, I'd upload the 20something wallpapers I've already made from Fall Weather Friends. 

    Luckily the backgrounds make it easy to photoshop the hub watermark out, so download it and make your own!

    Thanks to mentos again

    You can find it HERE

    Also on YOUTUBE!

    Or up there in episode downloads/stream archive.

    4 kommentaari:

    1. Or on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiWmGnXvOR8

    2. thanks a lot for the upload mentos!

    3. i saw this today

