As many of you may be aware, Kiki Havivy, an incredibly brave little girl that has been in the lives of pony fans throughout the fandom for almost two years now, passed away yesterday after a long struggle with cancer. Tara Strong broke the heartbreaking news yesterday and the community has responded strongly with condolences and other wonderful gestures. The family has responded, thanking the community.
@tarastrong Thank you all- Your support allowed us to offer Kiki treatments options that extended her life 2 more years then expected.
— Kiki and Ami Havivy (@Kikiandami) June 8, 2013
For instance, the Brony Thank You Fund has decided to give all donations between June 8th and June 15th to cancer research in her honor as well as True Equestria Radio which is donating all funds they gather this weekend on their show. We have also received some videos for Kiki as well. To check all of those out, especially if you want to donate to BTYF to fight cancer, check after the break!
If you would like to offer your own condolences please contact Kiki's Twitter here. We would also like to do a collection of art and videos for the family, so please send any you create to with the subject line reading Kiki Memorial - Insert Text Here for proper filing. After a couple weeks we'll put together what you all sent in and make a post for them. For OC information on Kiki's pony, you can find pictures of the little filly here.
Rest in peace, Kiki. You're in all our hearts.
Brony Thank You Fund
The Board of the Directors of the Brony Thank You Fund would like to extend our deepest condolences to the Havivy family, and to everyone who has shared her long and torturous journey. In an effort to help more children such as Kiki with their fight against cancer, the board has decided to forward on all donations made during the week of June 8th to the 15th to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (also known as the Jimmy Fund), in Kiki's memory. The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is one of the leader centers in the country for pediatric cancer research.
If you would like to contribute to this donation, you can go to the Fund website ( ) and use the donation button on the left. All funds received from the 8th to the 15th will be directed to the memorial donation.
More information about the Jimmy Fund:
True Equestria Radio
This weekend, every cent donated to True Equestria Radio will be collected and donated to cancer research in Kiki Havivy's name. You can drop a few dollars that way by paypal at
Old, but still pertinent.
A wonderful song by Ponytoast.