Some Twilight Sparkle for you guys tonight because we all need a little sparkle in our lives every now and then, eh?
Pony news coming your way after the break!
Baltimore Paper Reports on BronyCon
Looks like we're not the only ones paying attention to pony conventions. The Baltimore Fishbowl has recently picked up on the fact that a surge of pony is headed their way and they welcome it with open arms! Take a look at the short article at the link below.
Article Link
MLP:FiM Blind Readings Episode 4
Some more blind reading craziness headed your way tonight guys!
Animators Needed for Shipping and Handling
The audioplay of Shipping and Handling is in need of some help! Check out the details below.
The Shipping and Handling; Audio Play is in need of someone to animate a simple 10 second clip that will go in the video version of the Audio Play.
Characters that will be animated:
Pinkie Pie
What we are looking for in an animator is the ability to:
Create synching with the audio
Ability to make ponies move smoothly
Ability to make Pinkie Pie do a cannon ball off the screen (and have dust arise from the side)
For more information or if you wish to apply, please contact Silentmatten at:
Shipping and Handling; Audio Play is a non-profit production and cannot give monetary supply for any work done, the most we can offer is experience and credit towards those who work on the animation.
Now For Your Daily Recommended Serving of Cake
Some Lauren Faust Awesomeness
Lauren did this wonderful drawing for an MLP fan! Great work Lauren!
A New Sidescroller Pony Game!
I remember back when Story of the Blanks used to be the only real game in town! It's amazing seeing how much has changed since then. Check above for a sneak peek and give the author your critiques and encouragement!
Now for Some Randomness
Crystal Empire and Sailor Moon Comparison
An interesting article has popped up comparing Sailor Moon's Crystal Tokyo to the Crystal Empire premiere episodes. They make some interesting points and it's a relatively fun read! Who knows, pony has referenced a lot of stuff in the past. Check out the article below and decide for yourself.
Article Link
Potential Pony Clothing in Australia?
A prominent clothing chain in Australia called Jay Jay's has recently opened a little poll on their Facebook page asking which generation of MLP (old school or new school) their readers like best. It would be nice to get some MLP:FiM merchandise over there for our Australia friends so leave a comment if you can!
Facebook Link
Pony 411 - Episode 13
Here we are. Season 3 has finally premiered. We talk all about The Crystal Empire: what we liked, didn't like, and how it compares to other episodes. We also discuss the story arc that seems to have been established, and where we think it's going.
We also make a brief mention of the episode 6 synopsis and talk a little about the two season 3 commercials that aired. Alas, the usual quick hits and fan content are absent this week. But our usual format will return next week, bringing along a discussion of episode 3 and a review of the Gameloft MLP game.
Grab it off of iTunes or directly from Libsyn.
You can also find it on Youtube:
Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Episode 9: Do You Like mmmSka Music?
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Hey Everypony!
your dancing horseshoes on, because this week we interview brony ska musician,
Jesse Carlson. We talk music, ska styles, covers, and of course, ponies. We
also have Norman and Dan from MBS back for the panel with ValkyrieKnightX7,
RionZT, Dizzy Kitty and Moo.
else? Oh yeah, SEASON THREE PREMIERE!!!Episode 9: Do You Like mmmSka Music?
Successful Meetups
Birthday Meetup
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Due to a lack of good weather, the South-hesse-castle-tour-weddin
Philly Bronies Season 3 Premiere
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The Philadelphia Bronies had a season 3 premiere party at Drexel University in Philadelphia on November 10th. We had a lot of food including spring rolls, eggnog cookies, a cake, pony gummies, and sparkling apple cider. While waiting for the 1080p versions of the premiere episodes to download, we watched a few other episodes and were treated to some chiptunes made by one of our members. We also had games for various prizes as well as a raffle. Before the end of the party, many of us traded each other for various pony merch. After the party, some of us went to the local movie theater to see Wreck-It Ralph.
DC Bronies Season 3 Viewing Party
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The DC Bronies got up bright and early Saturday morning to have the second of our "anytime-Hasbro-decides-to-do-
What's next for DC Bronies?
Dec 1 - How about some quality brushie-brushie time with your favorite pony? That's right, bring you bobby pins, tiny toy combs, straws and of course brushable pony and learn how to fix that horrible, horrible fashion faux-pas called package hair.
Dec 15 - Not willing to go all girly in pursuit of pony? That's ok, because we have a really big, really special Hearth's Warming Eve meetup on Dec 15th. We'll have a gift exchange, depending on the release schedule an episode viewing and a super special big secret plan that I can't talk about just yet...but it'll be awesome. So come join us and discover the hospitality of the DC Bronies for yourself!
San Luis Potosi Meetup
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Gary's Mod Steam Group
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Do you like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? What about Garry's Mod? If you answered yes for both of these, then this group is for you!
The Bronies of Garry's Mod is a great group run by yours truly. We currently have 9 members, and are always looking for more! We're even working on a dedicated server!
Here's the link to the group:
Warrington, UK Meetup Seeks More!
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UK of equestria link :
FB event page :
Details :
- MLP-a-thon (episodes from s1,2 and 3)
- food and drink available (bar available for the older brony)
- merchandise sale (transfers, oc artwork, keyrings, posters ect...)
- a disco to make vinyl proud (mlp related music aswell as a few classics)
- a skype conference call with some .. maybe well known musicians in the community with Q&A session
- games and fun activities
- mlp quiz (test your brony rating)
the venue is uncertain yet as we want to get a rough estimate of the attendees before we book a massively oversized function room
the date should stick unless we can get something booked for December time (unlikely) or we get delayed for some unforeseen reason (derpageddon maybe :) )
Event Details:
DATE: 13th of January 2013
TIME: 2:00 till 7:00 (could change as we get closer to the event)
Knoxville Bronies / East Tennessee Bronies
We are trying to find any stray ponies in our area that do not have a home. We regularly offer episode viewings at various climate controlled stables. Knoxville Bronies extends to much of the East Tennessee area and beyond, so feel free to join both local herds, so you can keep up to date with all our events. Mares, Stallions, fillies, and colts are all welcome. (Branding is optional)
You can find both groups on Facebook:
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Cthulu Ponies (1, 2)
MLP Themed Cloth Diapers
King Sombra Blindbag