Somehow, that seems like a valid excuse for most things. Didn't take out the trash? Sorry, too busy being awesome. Forgot to do your homework? Busy being awesome. Didn't write your episode post on EqD until the very last minute? Too busy being awesome!
... yeah, that only works if you're Rainbow Dash.
Indiana Jones!
ReplyDeleteBucking books, how do they work?
ReplyDeleteinb4 people thinking they got first
ReplyDeleteThere's a typo, it says "second" just before "best pony".
ReplyDeleteI think you're awesome, Xyro!
ReplyDeleteSecond best after Fluttershy :)
ReplyDeleteI am unbelievably excited.
ReplyDeleteSo. Pumped.
ReplyDeleteWhat's got me excited about this episode is that it looks like it'll help calm the fears of the fans who talk about how Dash has been turned into a jerk this season.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait! I just hope the YouTube videos last long enough to watch them since Hasbro have been busy nuking channels lately... :C
ReplyDeleteOh I didn't know that, well, I don't see how Dash can be a jerk, she's always been brash, but in the end she is the Element of Loyalty.
Second best pony? Surely you jest.
ReplyDeleteImportant things to do today: looks like I'll miss it :(
ReplyDeleteThe Indiana Jones parody was awesome though.
Currently watching a cubex55 lonplay on youtube.(Six episodes more then an hour long each all about Minecraft without commentary)
ReplyDeleteI'm watching the journey of life at it's finest.
"second best pony."
ReplyDeleteDoh ho ho! So says you. :P
Still, I'm really looking forward to this episode. Should be a lot of fun. Hopefully we'll get lots of fun adventurous looks into the story Dash is reading through her mind. After the Indiana Jones clip, I'm sure everyone is stoked for that. :)
And to kick off the festivities.
Reading Rainbow seemed only appropiate.
I hope the YouTube vid stays up long enough for me to see it
ReplyDeleteI think this video is appropriate for this occasion. Reading Rainbow
ReplyDeleteWe all knew that was coming as the episode was announce.
Everybody better get it out of their systems now.
Haha @ultra8 beat me to it. Nice
ReplyDeleteMine's the ponified version though.
@D. Shadows
There's a pony version?!
I guess I can watch one more vid before catching some zzz' so I can get up in time.
ReplyDeleteBetter luck next humorous intent, but still watched it.
In any case I'm working on the statistics of probability for this episode and will have them up in a few hours. I'm horribly innacurate on most occasions aand why do people spoil things for themselves early?
I will leave one bit of probability for right now.
76.43% another comment argue conga after we're done obsessing over the episode. Most of it will be about how Rainbow Dash incurred her injury. (Won't type more because it's all in my probablities I'm laying down later.)
Since it has been brought up, I have a question that I hope somepony can answer. Just how quick is the turn around from when someone submits a copyright violation claim against a video on YouTube to when it gets removed? Is it instantaneous, or does it have to go through some hoops on YouTube's side before it kicks in?
ReplyDeleteRaindow Dash is best Poni...
ReplyDeleteRight after Ditzy (Derpy) Doo and Vinyl Scratch.
Will Dash redeem herself in this episode?
yes it only works if your a rainbow dash and unfortunately your a twilight and or trixi..........but if you convert today you could be awesome like rainbow dash!
ReplyDeleteIn b4 the inevitable "Nuke the Fridge" joke.
ReplyDelete@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteDepends on what's being infringed, faster responses come to things more popular then others.
I can theoretically place a video on youtube that violates copyright, but as long as nobody really cares about the violation you could get away with it as much as you want.
If it was instantaneous then that would be unfair. It requires more then one person to claim copyright violation and have a viable reason for the claim and a moderator to view it to see if it in fact does break copyright before it can be feasibly removed.
Many music video's put on the internet definitively violate the copyright.
The reason why some violators get away with it is because people that would care about the copyright infringement either no longer exist or can not make money from pursuing the avenue of having a video removed to protect investments.
Since people forget about the old stuff, other can capatalize on making it free for everyone. (With the exception of the cost to power a computer and internet service)
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reply! I fully understand that motive is needed; I was more curious as to theoretically how fast the new episode could be taken down if the trolls were determined enough to get several of them together and try to zap the postings down as fast as they come up.
Knowing that there is human component to it and that a moderator has to take action, as opposed to it being 100% an automated process, removes my worry. I can sleep safely, and still be able to watch the episodes several hours later if I should be unable to stay up late enough to watch a livestream. (I can't even begin to imagine the size of the backlog they have. It must be a never ending list of things to check out.)
Again, thank you for the quick reply! =)
They're playing a Futurama episode right now at Bronystate if you're interested.
ReplyDelete@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteWell, yes, there is the human component, however, YouTube's fatal flaw is that they don't bother (in some cases) to check if the copyright complaint is 100% legit, I know that Hasbro is indeed taking down videos, yes, I'm aware of that, but trolls do that too since email adresses can be masked using certain tools available online, scammers do that all the time, I recieve emails from "Blizzard Entertainment" regarding my WoW account and asking me to confirm my password and stuff like that, despite the fact I don't even play WoW.
But I sincerely hope that YouTube videos stay long enough for me to watch them since I'm from Mexico and I dont have the HUB and I cannot buy them on US iTunes.
I would buy them, yes, but they are not available in my country. HASBRO, how can you expect me to buy your product if you are not actually trying to sell it to me? Seriously.
I know it's completely off topic, but I want a shirt with that image on it.
ReplyDelete@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteJust remember that you're better off not using anything from a Universal subsidiary, because YouTube gave them the power to take down stuff by themselves. (And they're known to make mistakes.)
Putting bumpers at the beginning and end of videos is artistically unsatisfying, but it helps with such cases.
In my experience a new episode at minimum stays for a week before it's taken down on Youtube so I wouldn't worry.
ReplyDeleteSo is it just from Indiana Jones, or is the array of tiles something from Lara Croft or similar games?
ReplyDeleteI was actually thinking of the puzzle in "The Five Doctors", myself, but that gimmick's been used a lot.
Yeah, we need more second-best pony. Luckily, there will be a Pinkie Pie episode pretty soon. Until then, we can enjoy this episode about the best pony :P.
ReplyDeletebeen tweaking pony beats and e-mailing to micdamicrophone all night. i'm going to fucking sleep.
ReplyDeleteenjoy the episode ya'll!
my predictions:
- Derpy is censored like The Prophet Muhammad (praise and blessings be upon him) on South Park
- loads of new Equestrian medical info for fanfic writers
- Dash learns the true meaning of Books or something
- WORST EPISODE EVER because *insert incredibly bitchy, nitpicky reason*
@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteNo problem, the only reason why I know this much is because of what happened to Let's Player Slimkirby over the entire 'School Bus' fiasco with the word 'magic' before it.
So far Raocow is doing good to stay out of the way of copyright problems. Though it's a given what with his inane banter making it impossible for anyone to pin anything on him like Mumbles from Dick Tracy. (The classics never die!)
Anybody read Sherlock Holmes? I mostly end curled up with a good sci-fi or fantasy book on occasions.
Chances are nobody's read 'The Path of Fury' or 'The Accidental Sorcerer'. (First is my favorite but is also known as 'Path of the Fury', I like the second one for the Kazooie expy.)
Has anyone here actually cracked a book in the last year?
I spend waaay too much time reading; several other things I should be doing (such as writing) have suffered because of it.
ReplyDeleteBooks I've read/reread in the last month:
'The Name of the Wind' and 'The Wise Man's Fear' by Patrick Rothfuss
'Snuff' by Terry Pratchett
'The Prince' by Niccolò Machiavelli
'Lucifer's Hammer' by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
'Good Omens' by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
And I'm currently working my way through 'The Way of Kings' by Brandon Sanderson.
I'd heartily recommend any of them to anyone looking for something to read.
@D. Shadows I have, if you read any Warhammer 40k I have couple suggestions. I also recommend Age of Zeus and Age of RA,
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
ReplyDelete>Has anyone here actually cracked a book in the last year?
Dune. Got it from Occupy Philly's free book tent. Been reading it very slowly and savoring every page. Awesomeness.
I've been reading several Asimov's books lately, I'm currently reading "The Naked Sun" and I'm enjoying it so far. :D
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSweet Celestia, it is bucking EARLY. -_-
ReplyDeleteDespite my sleepiness I'm still very excited about this episode!
Just wish the hours would fly by a bit faster though.
ReplyDeleteKeen for some adorkable Dashie <3
I kind of saw Terry Pratchet coming up whenever books are mentioned. (Discworld will never be forgotten... it'll just fade away.)
ReplyDelete@FreezingShock I believe you have that backwards, sir.
ReplyDeleteHold on a second... Pinkie Pie didn't say good night to us! :(
ReplyDelete@Jimmy Jame
ReplyDeleteBound to happen eventually, she'll have to say 'good day' now!
I want to see Twilight Sparkle find out about Rainbow's books and get all super happy and excited over it. I love it when she acts like that, it's just so cute.
ReplyDeleteI know SOME people in these discussions get into antagonizing over the show's every intricate 'failings' according to them, but let's try to keep CIVIL you guys.
ReplyDeleteInstead of attacking the writers for 'GOING OUT OF CHARACTER' with the ponies' personalities or whatever moral/economic/religious thing the show may microscopically hint at, let's not go overboard and make another Derpy warfare scenario again.
Criticism is welcome, but let's keep it CIVIL.
*brings out the party canon* woowhoo!! LET'S PARTY!! New episode in only 2 hours. And 20 minutes!
ReplyDeleteI remember hearing an off-hand thing about someone wanting Rainbow Dash to have dyslexia (because Twilight Sparkle 'has OCD'). Well, it's now or never.
ReplyDeleteThat would be really interesting for Dashie! I wouldn't mind it since I've got it.
Second best pony? Hmm...
ReplyDeleteWell, because every single pony in the show cycles through my '#1 Best Pony' spot every other second, the second best pony has to Twist.
Thorry, Twitht.
I'm pretty excited for this episode. Hopefully we will finally have a good Rainbow Dash episode this season. It's not that I didn't enjoy the previous ones, but it felt like something was missing. As people have said 100s of times, we really do need to see a Fluttershy sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteI read pretty regularly, although I don't read that much at a time. I just finished Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and started Gravity's Rainbow. I started Disc World this summer but stopped after I finished Mort. I definitely should start reading it again, I really enjoy Terry Pratchett.
If Derpy speaks in this episode, I will proceed to dance with joy as well as eat a muffin...BECAUSE I CAN!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't help but feel Pipsqueak got put on a bus, possibly the same one Trixie and Gilda are on.
ReplyDeleteChuck Cunningham syndrome still exists as badly as it ever did... Hmm... adding it to the list of things I am liable to predict for the next episode.
I had a muffin and I ate'd it!
rainbow have been victimised quite a lot in season 2. She got played in Mare-do-well, be the only one without a pet and got stuck beneath an avalanche, denied of the sweet sweet taste of Apple Family Cider, and finally hospitalised.
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
By the way, what kind of muffin?
@Jebediah Oldenheimer
ReplyDeleteTrue that. I wanna see how Dash badmouths reading as uncool egghead stuff and then gets later really into it, trying to avoid the others to notice it and then Twi finds out and acts all SQUEEE~ XD
Indiana Jones time?
ReplyDeleteI'll bet she'll be the victim of Fluttershy's assertiveness in 'Putting Your Hoof Down'.
Has anyone else wondered what it actually takes to break a pegasus wing?
Not sure if sleep..
ReplyDeleteOr poniponi..
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteThat depends on your definition of "cracked"... or, for that matter, "book".
There's coming a year when the Beloit College Mindset List will include "Students entering college this year have never read a book in a non-electronic format."
(Read: http://www.beloit.edu/mindset/2012/ )
I think most of the physical books that I have opened this last year have been RPG rulebooks and guides. As for reading in general, does fan-fiction count? How about short stories? (I have, for example, read or re-read a number of short tales by H.P. Lovecraft this last year. From physical anthology books, I might add.)
In retrospect, the 16th episode of season 1 is one the most memorable episodes of the season, if not the series. I doubt it's a coincidence that we're getting another RD-centric episode this time around.
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, I have high expectations for this one.
Judging by the short clip, it seems like Indiana Dash broke her wings. Does that happen to the real Dash?
ReplyDeleteAccording to my predictions, there's a fair possibility for seeing the best episode- let me rephrase that: another best episode, today. Ireallylikethispony.
ReplyDeletePlus, we had Kkat here. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteTechnology these days... at least physical books don't require a power source. (Unfortunately it does require the sacrifice of a tree, but is less complicated overall.)
ReplyDeleteWith the exception of textbooks, the only book I've opened to actually sit down and read this year, was Inheritance.
Other than that, it's been nothing but fanfiction.
I really want to do one of these here, sorry shoe er normally does them.
ReplyDeleteChance of Derpy- 50%
Chance if speaking Derpy- 5% (recent conterversy and all)
Chance of all mane 6 appearing at least once- 99%
Chance of episode that doesn't make rainbow dash seem as bad as recent RD episodes- 90%
Anyone got anymore?
A pleasant surprise is RD having a song during a montage of events within the book. Maybe could happen possibly? Bah, maybe not.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I've opened and read quite a few books in the last 6 months. I've read "Bluestar's Prophecy", "milkweed", and "the hunger games" and I don't have an electronic reader. Well, I have my phone, but I've only done that once. :)
ReplyDeletethe recent controversy wouldn't affect this episode.
ReplyDeleteI've got some and kind of started that, but first.
"He's a special somepony." says the cutiemark crusaders in the "Hearts and Hoove" promo on the HUB.
Apparently Cheerilee and Big Mac will happen. The CMC will prance by them bouncing.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteNow that's the stuff! BLUEBERRY IS THE BEST!!!
Today my Dashie reads
ReplyDeleteI'm now the happiest Brony in the world, none of you share the excitement I feel.
I can't wait until the episode pops up all though I have to watch it on the YouTube links
What do you mean second best?
Congrats you just became my third favorite blog author. Congrats Cereal you moved up a notch
Now for my predictions of this coming episode. Not that anyone cares, but I've been somewhat accurate before.
ReplyDeleteChances of Rainbow Dash pulling a muscle and or having a sprain 78% likely.
Chances of her having broken bones 10%.
Chances of the accident being shown in the opener are 40% likely.
Chances that they won't expunge on the cause of Rainbows inury 15%.
Chances that books lead Rainbow to an alternate dimension and that fanfictions will write as such 99.9% chance.
Chances of Rainbow being caught 42%.
Rainbow does something to upset Twilight at a 35% chance.
Rainbow doesn't get to finish the story and it irks her so hard that she actually confesses to the enjoyment of reading. 70%.
A friendship lesson involving trying new things, just mildly probable.
Applejack, Pinkie or Rarity finding out she likes reading a book before Twilight. Very probable if Pinkie is in the episode.
Fluttershy being there for Rainbow and being adorably evil... 50%.
Rainbow remains the focus of the episode without Twilight or the others spotlighting. 70% chance.
Derpy D. Hooves(Derpy Diana Hooves) always!
Ditsy T. Doo (Dah Ditsy T. day) Has been missing since Winter Wrap Up, was ast seen flying towards the moon. If anyone can report about the purple haired pony whereabouts it will be greatly appreciated. (Thus not likely)
New background pony appearance 75% chance.
Old background pony appearance 40% chance.
Trixie, Pip and Gilda appearance ever again... 5% for this season 37% for the next.
ReplyDeleteNothing could ever replace a physical book.
Hey I read the Inheritance cycle to. Kind disappointing in the third.
I've actually kept a list of books I read so i don't retread them
Around 1,465 last year January to December all stories included.
I can't add them all up, to hard
ReplyDeleteCaiaphas Cain is one of em I hope ;)
Predictions might as well
ReplyDeleteChance of injury explained -75%
Chance of Dash finishing book-100%
Chance of Derpy-50%
Chance of new background ponies whose story's will be writtin-80%
Nurse Redheart- 75%
ReplyDeleteWho wants to bet Rainbow Dash's parents make an appearence and kill half her fanon, a la Rarity in Sisterhooves Social?
ReplyDeleteI personally think (Or hope) that Hasbro leaves the episodes up on Youtube for a few days before taking them down, so all bronies gets time to watch them.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I get the feeling that RD's injuries came from Rarity? (If clueless, Rarity says this in 'The Last Roundup': "When I get back, YOUR GONNA GET IT Rainbow Dash!")
ReplyDeleteIf you're trying to say that Roseluck is best pony, then I can see where you're coming from. If not, then that's just crazy talk.
ReplyDeleteLet's not rip on ebooks. If you want to read original illuminated manuscripts, and read through the Library of St. Gall or the Spanish royal library or some of the prominent Irish ones, digitized mss are a lot easier to study!
ReplyDelete(Of course, there are still a lot of cases where you'd want to confront the originals. But improved access for normal purposes is what I'm getting at here.)
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see you around these parts. For some reason, Fallout: Equestia popped into my head when it came to all of this talk about Indiana Jones. It will probably never happen, but I can see her riding out a Balefire test explosion in a refrigerator.
Dafuq, Justin.tv is demanding me to pay to watch.
ReplyDeleteI am eating a muffin for breakfast. It is chocolate. With chocolate chips.
That is all.
Okay the refrigerator thing has been mentioned twice now, also the pre episode banter has been the best ever.
ReplyDeleteDidn't James Bond do the refridgerator thing though? Or was that in a movie involving a nuclear attempt on his life.
ReplyDeleteWait what? Where did this muffin come from?
Blueberry is best next to chocolate
ReplyDeleteI'd like that. Just to screw with all the grimfillies.
@Hydra Of course Caiaphas Cain is inclueded, as well as the Esinhorn triliogy and the two Nightlords novels
ReplyDeleteOh boy, less than 20 minutes till we see Dash as book nerd/egghead. XD
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteFrom work. Free muffins for night shift employees. ^.^ (Which I am now about to depart from as my shift ends when pony begins. Meaning, sadly, that I will have to wait to watch this awesome episode until after I get home and it's done recording.)
ReplyDeleteCaiaphas Cain as a pony.......
*strokes his chin and ponders*
Hurry up strawberry shortcake we want to see RD lol
ReplyDeleteCannot wait for this episode, even if it is about Rainbow Dash, also the new banner is awesome
ReplyDeleteI just found out i have to leave for nearly the whole day, right as pony starts. in other words
Please nobody post big spoilers mk?mk
ReplyDeleteSeems legit, after all, Discord is obviously Tzeentch. More 40k crossovers, the Empress Celestia demands them.
ReplyDeleteOh I wish I could draw, somepony needs to draw that. It would be epic,
about 10 more minutes for me :D i can't wait!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust watched Shed.mov. My body is ready for anything.
ReplyDelete>Get cox HD package
>No Hub
Gdi! Back to sd...
Ten minutes people! Bathroom, Snacks and all other stuff shall be taken care of now.
ReplyDeletepoor Seth. :[
also, nice rainbow themed banner.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteI like yer maths ;p
I love episodes that put characters in situations that make them do something you would never expect from their "character sterotype".
This goes for any and all shows....those episodes are usually funny, or if a serious show, well-done/dramatic.
Eats a cranberry orange muffin, in the name of the Muffin Queen!
ReplyDeleteSo would Nightmare Moon be Slaanesh then?
As a brony that loves reading, this should be good. Here's to hoping Dashie gets a little more respect from the neighsayers now.
ReplyDeleteSince we're talking books, I just finished Peter and the Sword of Mercy - one of the new Peter Pan books written by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. Pretty good. I'm not a fan of Pearson's Kingdom Keeper books, but I like the Pan ones.
ReplyDeleteAlso read a Mercedes Lackey book, "Changes". One of her Valdemar novels. I'm sorry to say it wasn't very good. :P
Can't believe I stayed up all night. XD So... Tired... Must... Ponies... Zzz
ReplyDeleteAround two minutes now~
ReplyDeleteTwo minutes left.
ReplyDeleteI love being on the East Coast, because it comes on at a comfortable 10 am here.
ReplyDeleteAfter three muffins I'm not going to eat anymore breakfast. Also episode starting... now...
ReplyDeleteWhen I hear the Strawberry Shortcake ending credit music it triggers a pavlovian reaction.
ReplyDeleteHere we go everypony. Aww, yeah! Pony time!
ReplyDeleteRD = Daring devil.
ReplyDeleteAnd then RD died. Roll credits.
ReplyDeleteShes's definitely not "double-dazzled" I guess. lol
ReplyDeleteim back quickly jumpin on
ReplyDeleteDat headroll.
ReplyDeleteApparently, Pinkie has no bones.
ReplyDeletePinky just made an Alpha impression, from Power Ranger ?
ReplyDeleteRainbow is Dare Devil, it's canon now.
ReplyDeleteRainbow Pie shippers will be up in arms now.
ReplyDeleteAlso they didn't show what caused Rainbows Injury.
And now we know why her nick is still Rainbow Crash. :P
ReplyDeleteWhere is problem?
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
ReplyDeletethen Rainbow Pie shippers have gone insane.
lol and then she died? dang u guys, just dang
ReplyDeletei wonder how they hold books
wonder if she pulled to late from a dive
ReplyDeletePinkie can only dislocate her spine for MARACAS!
ReplyDeleteDashie crashed! D: She's a Dazzling Daring Devil!! XD
ReplyDeleteMy 60% chance guess that they wouldn't show how the injury occured is still accurate.
ReplyDeleteSo now should come the books. I bet my bits on twilight given some to her in the hospital and RD makes fun of her.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading comments, I take it that I'll have to snag all the episodes off Youtube before theyre gone...
ReplyDeletePinkie's neck twist just freaked me out. Censored Rainbow crash FTL!
Rainbow is gonna need alot of band-aids.
ReplyDeleteAnd then Caramel was a doctor. Sounds legit.
ReplyDeleteThey went there, X-MEN and Spiderman.
ReplyDeleteSpider Dash.... i kin get used to this :P
ReplyDeleteThat roommate. lol Awww.
ReplyDeleteDash broke her wings... No!!!!
ReplyDeleteDamn auto refresh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSpider Dash, Spider Dash, does whatever a Spider Dash does.
ReplyDeleteThere's that Indiana Jones references again.
ReplyDeleteRainbow is such a jock
ReplyDeleteOh Twilight...been taking squee lessons from Fluttershy, eh?
ReplyDeleteNurse Purple Heart calling it
ReplyDeleteWAIT...you mean pinkie has enough of an attention span to be able to sit down and read a book?!?!!?!?
ReplyDeletethrow aginst wall
ReplyDeleteIs that nurse pony Screw Balls mother?
ReplyDeletelol how do glasses work
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteI knew someone was going to try naming her right off the bat. lol
ReplyDeleteThis me when im sick
ReplyDeleteFunny. RD is so bored that she plays with the light lamp. ;)
ReplyDeleteBtw that book cover was stolen from a fanart piece. It at least looks like it.
ReplyDeleteCareful Dash... curiosity killed the cat... err, pony. Or made them read anyway.
ReplyDeleteTwilight did the book thing on purpose.
ReplyDeleteBroken. Wings. Are. CANON.
ReplyDeleteKitten! <3
ReplyDeleteI just noticed the orange pegasus mane an hair are my OC's
ReplyDeleteHalf Wingboner... Not sure if want?
ReplyDeleteA Diamond Dog Temple?
ReplyDeleteAnyone else think that Dareeng Do looks a bit like the Scootaloo from The End Of Ponies fan fic? The Entropa skin one
ReplyDeleteShe's an egghead! Oh no! D: lol
ReplyDeleteCrisis of identity Dash! LOL!
ReplyDeleteShe admitted it, I'm now going to die laughing. But atleast my asphyxiation will be a jolly end.
ReplyDeleteBlack screen waiting now
ReplyDeleteI'm an egghead! LOL.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to be more like Twilight, Rainbow!
ReplyDeleteOh, I get it. It's an allegory for bronies who first realize that they're enjoying MLP.
ReplyDeleteThe title of the book sounds like Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, combined with Indiana Jones.
ReplyDeleteDaring Do custom, now.
ReplyDeletenothing with being athletic and an egghead, i do it everyday
ReplyDeleteI don't need a press dough. :-/
ReplyDeleteI`M AN EGGHEAD!= a dozen new Twidash fics have been born. Happy day. :D
ReplyDeleteNot reading! Oh how boredom can succum a pony to the dark arts
ReplyDeleteTwilight takes back control as the squee queen. Sorry flutters.
ReplyDeletedaring doo: rainbow dash with a grayscale mane
ReplyDeleteI was kind of unnerved by the heart monitor sounds when Dash was waking up.
ReplyDeletewhat was the other pegasus name?
ReplyDeletebwahaha, and Rarity with silk PJs on Sunday.
ReplyDelete@Guarddogjr Oh I'd like that so much.