• Amy Keating Rogers Response to Derpy Hooves

    Someone named Daniel from the Save Derpy Tumblr recently CC'd us in a conversation with Amy Keating Rogers.  I was a bit skeptical at first, but after contacting her from her website directly, it does appear to be legit.  I asked her if it would be alright to post her response to the Derpy Controversy here on EQD, and she was more than happy to help us finally dispel all of these nasty rumors going around.

    After the break, you will find the entire email response.  It's a long one, so get your reading glasses on!

    Whew, this controversy has been overwhelming and exhausting!

    I actually had no idea that fans were really upset about the "Derpy Change" until your email. And I didn't actually know about the change until I got an email last week from a fan telling me about it!

    Let me try and put some rumors at rest and calm the fans. And to do that, let's go back to the beginning.

    When I first wrote this episode, the character under such harsh scrutiny was named Ditzy Doo. We had already established in previous episodes that she was clumsy (she is not the pony you want on your moving crew). And we named her Ditzy Doo thinking of her as a being a bit dingy.

    The scene I wrote was originally longer and had a flashback explaining exactly what Ditzy Doo had done to damage Town Hall. She and Rainbow Dash were "Bucking Bolts" out of the clouds during a storm. Ditzy Doo was bucking too close to Ponyville central. Rainbow kept trying to yell over the noisy bucking for Ditzy to move away from town. But Ditzy could not hear her and thought that Rainbow was complimenting her for her great buck bolting. Ditzy then hit Town Hall with a bolt. And, thus, the damage.

    For the second draft, I was asked to change Ditzy's name to Derpy as a "tip of the hat" to the fans. So, not knowing that Derpy meant anything beyond klutzy and clumsy, I did as requested And then I was finished with this episode.

    I had nothing to do with the original voice casting. In my mind, she was ditzy, as her original name implied. But that's not anything I was ever involved with MLP. The scene was made shorter because the script was too long and because the story wasn't about Ditzy/Derpy. It was about Applejack.

    When this episode first aired, I did not see it until after I started getting emails either thanking me or berating me for Derpy's portrayal. The angry emails really freaked me out because I knew that I had not written a scene that could possibly be interpreted as being insensitive to people with disabilities.

    So, when I got home, I watched the episode. I saw that the scene was shorter, which did not surprise me. That happens all the time. I listened to her voice and it was deeper than I expected. However, I was not offended by any part of the scene in any way.

    But I got about 10 emails saying how offended folks were. People labeled me an "ableist" (a word I'd never heard of) and said that I was being insensitive to the disabled by calling this character "derpy." I then did a search on what derpy meant and the first things that came up were "embarrassing" and "awkward" which is what I thought. But then when I did more in-depth searches, I discovered that one definition is "retarded."

    Now, you have to realize that reading that made my heart sink. My son Soren (of Soarin' fame) is severely disabled. We do not use the word "retarded" in our house because it really has become an offensive slur. And while I knew that it was only a minority of people that defined "derpy" this way, it still upset me that I was the writer that put that name out there. It was painfully ironic and goes against the fact that I'm an advocate for the disabled.

    I also want to note here that while I got 10 negative emails, I also got about 200 positive ones! I knew that the majority of fans were not offended. I got emails from fans with siblings with disabilities and parents of kids with disabilities and fans who had disabilities themselves and none of them were offended. At first, I tried to answer all these emails, but then I just became too overwhelmed. Still, I want to thank you all for your support!

    But I was not the only one getting contacted regarding Derpy's portrayal. Positive and negative feedback was also being sent to Hasbro and the Hub. Someone at the Hub who knows about my personal connection with disabilities contacted me asking my opinion. We talked about various options of what to do.

    1. Do nothing.
    2. Cut Rainbow saying "Derpy" but keep Derpy's voice.
    3. Cut Rainbow saying "Derpy" and change Derpy's voice.
    4. Find a creative way to change Derpy's name in a future episode

    And I was honestly torn about which action should be taken. I went back and forth and back again. It was a no win situation. Fans were going to be offended no matter what. And while I was not personally offended by the scene, I tried to put myself in the shoes of someone that was. I know that if I was offended by something that I thought was disparaging against the disabled, I would want my voice heard. But then I also knew that an insensitive portrayal of someone with disabilities was never our intention, so why change it?
    When that call ended, no decision was made. And it was not my decision to make. I am just a freelance writer here, not a network executive. That decision was up to Hasbro and the Hub. I am sure they weighed what was best for the MLP brand, the show, the network, and they may have even weighed in my personal situation. Maybe they wanted to spare me from getting anymore more hate mail and people calling me offensive names. It may have been only 10 emails, but each one made me feel absolutely horrible If the effect on me was part of their motivation for the change, I think that's really amazing, incredibly sensitive, and very commendable.

    In the end, Derpy's voice was re-voiced to be more ditzy. And while, again, I had nothing to do with the casting, this is closer to the voice that was in my head. And as for cutting her name, if it truly can be defined as "retarded," then I am personally glad that name is gone. I wouldn't want my writing to perpetuate children--our target audience--to call other children "derpy" with that meaning behind it.

    So, I know the fans are upset. But please don't be upset at Hasbro or the Hub or DHX Media or the "Anti-Derpy" fans or me. Let's remember what the message of MLP:FiM is--tolerance, kindness, understanding, and, most importantly, friendship.

    All my best,



    1. If you happen to see this...

      I'm sorry you were put into that situation Amy. I couldn't imagine who torn you must have felt. But, like you said, no one is to blame here. Thank you very much for thinking of the fans. Thank you very much of thinking of those who may have been offended. You are a great person.

    2. I knew it was something like that!!
      I think that the new voice is cuter and more in character!!
      And I like that Ditzy/Derpy has both names (one for the fanon and one for the canon)! It was like that on the beginning of the fandom!!
      On a side note, who uses the word ableist!? It's like "You'll rue this day!!"
      Also, hopefully this kind of things will hopefully decrease one day according to this:
      "For fandoms not too far from the mainstream, the fanbase is larger, and therefore its native level of jackassery becomes more representative of the level of jackassery in the population at large. Jackassery is discouraged because the community is large enough to drown out the voices of individual jackasses.
      As you move away from the mainstream, fandom becomes more geeky, composed of people who are, at best, less normal, and often, less sane.
      However, beyond a certain level of obscurity, the size of the fandom drops to a point where it can no longer support an elevated level of jackassery: if the whole fan community consists of six guys, they just stop hanging out with the guy who's a giant jerk."
      Guess in which stage bronies are.

    3. Thats a fair enough reason and I respect that.
      Just rememeber....
      Just because she's not called Derpy in the show anymore doesn't mean we can't still refer to her as Derpy.

    4. How weird. Earlier today I saw that episode of The Simpsons "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge".

    5. @FireKatKid

      Eh i was just trolling said my real piece on it just a min ago.

      Honestly though applejack is a cereal considering the show was original just going to be watched by kids are some parents and the random grouping of teens i'm pretty sure that's what they had in mind but that said it was probably a running joke when they were writing her.

      PS.Actually i dont know much about the older pony stuff but i think applejack has been around for a looong time in the MLP universe.

    6. Thanks for the clear-up! It's huge to know that our voices are being heard. *Goes to start a new Support Amy campaign*

      As far as the name 'Derpy' goes, I still find it offensive that people are using that word in an offensive way... I think that the show could have been a great avenue to perpetuate the standard meaning, that of being klutzy or awkward, etc. I still don't have the foggiest idea of why it's considered a euphemism for 'retarded' and I do feel like pulling the name, unfortunately, validated that definition. Furthermore, I agree with many other commentators here in that 'Ditzy' is certainly no less offensive, if it comes to that. And the voice just sounded like she had a headcold, not like she was mentally challenged.

      Humans, Y U get so offended so easily???

    7. Derp:
      An expression used when a person, or yourself, has done somthing extremely stupid and dopey. Usually 'herp derp'.

      Does this mean that almost all of kids shows are offensive to the mentally disabled?

    8. I'm kind agree, but what will happen to the word derp, will the word derp become the meaning of retard or clumzy?

    9. its funny to read comments about "they could have done this thay way or that way blablabla"
      its hard to make decisions based on many different variables

      they changed derpy to ditzy, some shitstorm inevitable, but in perspective everything will be fine amongst bronies and kids with their overprotective parents.

    10. @Papa Prinny

      You know, coming from anybody else, that statement would be understandable. But considering YOU were among the minority who complained about Tara Strong posting saucy Twilight pics on her Twitter (not to mention you also left a comment saying you told Hasbro to make her take it down), your complaints about the minority getting their way is EXTREMELY hypocritical.

      I mean wow, did you think nobobdy would hold that against you?

      I suppose now you know how it feels when one sour apple ruins it for the rest of the bunch don't you?

    11. I'm glad everything is at least in the clear now.
      Below, a story on FiMFiction about this whole event.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. @Derpestia
      What? That's black people are primitive? That can't be the case since she seems wiser than most other ponies, not to mention that ponies aren't exactly living in the 21st Century.

      That black people are different than white people? I hope not because "We are all one race: The human race." thing is naive.

      Evoking 1940s Dark Africa Hollywood imagery? If Zecora was a generic pony who happened to be a zebra and the other ponies used that stereotype against her, then it would be a problem, but this is not the case.

      Racist has become a strong term. Think before you use it.

    14. You know what this reminds me of? Years ago, an aide to the mayor of Washington DC used the word "niggardly" in an interview. Now, that word simply means "stingy" or "miserly," but since it so resembles the racial slur, it blew up in his face. People were outraged and demand that he apologize...even though he'd done absolutely nothing wrong.


      Folks, it's the same stupid thing all over again. The word "derpy" may not have an official meaning, but so long as a certain percentage of people are willing to stir up trouble over it, Hasbro's going to see it as a threat to their brand. It was a nice gift to the fandom that (sadly) turned into a possible PR problem, and so it was dealt with. The one thing big companies don't want is controversy, and that goes triple for companies selling toys and entertainment to children.

      I just want to restate that they could just as easily have redubbed the scene to change Derpy to Ditzy or something else. The fact that they cut it out means that she can still be Derpy in your own head canon. They did that as a favor to all of us, and I appreciate that. Personally, now that AKR has confirmed that she was supposed to be Ditzy Doo, I'm pretty happy to go along with the writer's intent. Let her name be Ditzy Doo and her nickname be Derpy.

      And honestly, I really prefer the new voice to the first one.

    15. @Goblin Brony
      Yeah, gotta love and tolerate them while they butcher what you like and take away what you have.

      Unfortunately, unconditional Love and Tolerance doesn't work outside of Equestria.

    16. Man, if this letter (or something similarly heartfelt and personal and, above all, transparent) had been posted weeks ago, we could have saved ourselves a lot of heartache.

      I've been as upset as anyone about this, not to the point of writing what are just, really, truly vicious and unacceptable things, but upset enough to send some snail mail to Hasbro. However, I think it's time to move on. Derpy will always, always be Derpy to us. I liked her old voice better, I like her derped eyes better, but I'm also a grown man and so are most of the rest of us. This fandom is unprecedented in many unique and amazing ways. Maybe it's time for us to do the unprecedented again and be the first fandom that doesn't act like a bunch of entitled, obsessed losers (not calling us losers, I'm telling us not to act like them) and accepts the showrunners' decisions with grace and aplomb.

      Instead of writing letters to Hasbro, maybe we all owe some letters to Princess Celestia.

      Also, it looks like the Friendship express DVDs just became valuable collector's items. I should pick up a second one...

    17. hhhmmm? okay? Why did people had to send bad email to Ms.Rogers? The world Ditzy is not the same as Derpy? What going on here? we lose did we? well I not mad a anyone but I still like the one I saw (real one).

    18. @Goblin Brony Love and tolerate only goes so far.
      We love Derpy, so we tolerate the neighsayers. However... Toleration has a limit. If one does not have a limit on it, they are free to be stepped on by everyone. We tolerate the neighsayers as long as they don't screw with what we love, IE Derpy and the show itself. When they don't show love or toleration, we can cease to tolerate THEM.
      Love and tolerate, but have your limits, lest you allow the trolls to take over.

    19. You can't please all of the people all of time, and just because the third entry in the urban dictionary links retarded to the word derpy, it doesn't mean those words are interchangeable. If derpy is actually used instead of retarded, then that's most likely progress, because an offensive word used as a common slang in a manner that no longer reflects what that word means by-and-large was replaced with a non-offensive word that more accurately conveys the intent. If retarded is now a slur, then derpy is the word that should replace retarded in a context where retarded wasn't used as a slur, but as a catch-all for similar meaning words like ditzy. Not to pull the "if this, then the terrorists win" card, but surrendering language one word at time to hate isn't going to solve anything, it's just going to make it worse.

    20. Honestly, while I appreciate the writer of the episode for taking her time to respond…it didn't give me all that much closure. We've already seen what "derpy" truly meant (which is "to make a mistake") and what strabismus can also mean (one of 'em being "derpy eyes," oddly). Seeing so many comments feel connected to Derpy in the original scene was an elation to myself and the fandom (including plenty of mentally handicapped people like BaldDumboRat and people WITH strabismus). We've seen the comments from people who adored Derpy because she's a character that so many of us can relate to. That's why people such as BaldDumboRat loved her so much and why she goes around creating pro-Derpy videos and faving Derpy artwork.

      This letter should've given me closure…but it didn't. Really, it only saddened me even further. :( Seeing the edit will forever remain a gigantic disappointment for not just the horrendous re-dubbing, but the poor handling of Derpy's censorship, too. I can't accept the re-dub because of how badly handled it is compared to the original one. The letter is definitely well-written and well-thought out (much better than that crappy PR response to Gawker), and I appreciate her for explaining her ordeal in concise detail. But nonetheless, it felt like the fandom's collective and passionate rally and support to retain Derpy's original scene throughout the media except on YouTube and The Friendship Express DVD was for naught, and it's just emotionally draining.

    21. Hey wait a second. How is it people were offending by Derpy but noy Snails?

    22. @Railgun

      Don't bother, he won't respond. I called him out on it like half an hour ago and he hasn't responded. He's a troll, why would he?

    23. Aside from any opinion on Derpy/Ditzy, personal or otherwise, this event really goes down into the books of PR happenings.

      So this case has been pretty much a "Butterfly Effect". I think I'm gonna call it "Derpy Effect" for the sake of the event.

      It's interesting how much of these things could have been avoided if Ditzy hadn't been changed to Derpy to the sake of nodding to the fandom. And this in turn delivered to a point where Amy/Hasbro/Hub had only but Zugzwangs (google it if you don't know the term) in their choices. IMHO, they did the worst possible choice in short term, but who knows if the 'Do Nothing' choice would have had an effect in the medium-long term. That's an answer only Doctor Whooves can answer.

      Now, you see, this is a event where pretty much none has the blame, and yet, if you REALLY want to pinpoint a blame, everyone has it. Even the Bronies itself (the "nodding" part).

      Me? Of course I'm happy with Derpy, but looking in a company/PR way, Ditzy would've been the best response ever. Sometimes the best move is not to move.

      Come with me and say it that it's a "Derp heard 'round the world".

    24. Still I have to tilt my head at the change as there are plenty of other mentally disabled characters depicted in cartoons yet they are not shut out.
      Stupid soccer moms

    25. @Commentatrar
      Dear Princess Celestia.
      i learned that loving a retarded pony is concidered offensive and they should all be changed to suit the 10%'s rage. we should also do this with any separating thing between any pony. getting the zebra's out of our country, getting rid of the retarded and offensive, and lastly silence anypony who says that these things should not be.

      your faithfull student

      yeah.. i can see she would just LOVE those letters.

    26. Hey wait a second. How is it people were offended by Derpy but not Snails?

    27. @Commentatrar
      "Instead of writing letters to Hasbro, maybe we all owe some letters to Princess Celestia, instead."

      Dear Princess Celestia,
      Today I learned that even when things don't go as you'd hoped, it's important to never get too caught up in the excitement. It's always okay to stand up for yourself or a friend, but you should never take it too far.
      Your faithful student,
      Goblin Scribe

    28. @TheSlorg Unfortunately, it wasn't 10 out of 10 000, but 10 out of 200, and that's just people who wrote. I know many bronies probably can easily contact the shows writers, but how many non-bronies didn't bother. As for the negative definition, it is common enough that I can see it being a concern. There was no trolling here. It was a real PR issue that has been handled fairly for all involved.

    29. @Unknown

      Well from my experience people from Africa speak African. And voodoo is commonly practiced there and since a lot of voodoo spells are spoken in a rhythm everything seems fine to me.

      Zecora:Approved none offensive

    30. Nuh uh. To say Hasbro derped would be legitimately offensive to Derpy herself.

      No, Hasbro fucked up on a scale that can't even be represented by math.

    31. @Mikail

      Snails is a guy, that's probably the only reason.

    32. @Derpestia

      best example for tollerance, even my origin is hungarian... bro

    33. @Commentatrar Not really. Maybe if it was a limited edition it would be a collertor's item.

    34. First, I'll thank Mrs. Rogers for taking the time to explain her position and view on the matter, and express that I feel she is not to blame for any of this, and that she shouldn't allow herself to be put down by the so-called "Anti-Derpy" people. Mrs. Rogers knew the generally accepted meaning of "Derpy", and wrote the name into the script without a shred of malice toward anybody. It is a terrible shame that some people decide to treat something like it is offensive even when it is not.

      Second, I am still angry, but mostly disappointed, at Hasbro for changing Derpy. By doing that, they admitted to something being wrong when it really wasn't, and not only that, have become hypocrites in the process (If you're likely to be interpreted as disabled in any way in a show about acceptance and friendship, then instead of being accepted and given friendship, you'll be "fixed". Way to go, Hasbro. Bra-fucking-vo).

      Not only that, but Hasbro told us to stand down and stop with the 'Save Derpy' campaign LONG BEFORE the edited episode even rearer its head. We more or less listened, and put our trust in them, believing that they recognised the overwhelming support for Derpy. By doing that, and later releasing the edited episode, it makes everyone feel betrayed - and rightfully angry. Here we had a massive movement of people telling Hasbro that they had done nothing wrong, and that Derpy was fine, who were then told to quiet down because they had been heard and acknowledged and that Derpy was going nowhere, and then later on these fans were punched in the gut.

      I don't want to discuss this any further, as the lack of common sense makes me more and more angry, so I'll end on this:

      Hasbro KNEW that Derpy was adored by the majority. They KNEW that for every hater, at least 20 lovers were there (I personally feel that the ratio is even greater than that), and thus they KNEW that if they censored Derpy they would upset THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS rather than a FEW HUNDRED of fans. Hasbro had essentially been FOREWARNED of the DISASTER that would come to pass if they altered Derpy, and like fools they went ahead with it anyway.

      Let's not even consider Derpy's portrayal, the numerous interpretations, or the fact that Derpy is the fandom's icon. No, let's focus on the fact that Hasbro, in spite of being shown the uproar, mass fallout, and PR nuking that would occur if they changed Derpy to suit the minority, went ahead with the change anyway. They abandoned all common sense with this, and I really hope they learn from this, I really fucking do.

    35. Someone suggested a good idea.

      Release the episode again down the line on DVD (BOXED SET? HINT HINT) with an expanded version of the scene and/or commentary in the extras. The original, and the new version.

      Bronies get their untouched Derpy, albeit as an extra; the offended get their changes.

      Personally I'd rather it not have changed at all, but the above seems like a reasonable compromise.

    36. what i think deep down is that i miss ditzy/derp's name and i am ok with new voice. i am also clumsy like the time i couldn't find my pencil and it was right in front of the table. the point is that ditzy/derp is is still derp and fans will always remember who she was. she was a awesome pony in her own way. thank you everybrony for this feeling for MLP and ditzy/derp. also remember this saying a pony is still a pony no matter what. thank you very much

    37. I'm going to be very disappointed it the Itunes version airs on the Hub.

      they e-mail is telling us that it might....sad.

    38. @TheSlorg That'd be pretty cool, I think it would work.

    39. @Mikail

      Because Snails is from Canada, eh? People think he's slow.

    40. I am unhappy because I believe that ignorance should be corrected, not pandered to. Hasbro apparently doesn't agree with me - not surprising but still disappointing.

      As long as this issue doesn't come up again in any future episodes, I'm over it and will continue to watch/love/tolerate as usual.

    41. @TheSlorg or maybe even an extra feature or commentary explaining Derpy to newcomers

    42. It's a shame the voice couldn't be the only thing changed. I've never heard of "Derpy" being used as a derogatory term against the mentally retarded at all. It's a nonsensical meme word.

      I think they should at least called her Ditzy Doo in the new version rather than keep her nameless.

    43. @Tovler

      So it's not racist cause she is a zebra or cause she is not a pony?

    44. Ignorance is strength!
      Freedom is slavery!
      Censorship is tolerance!

      To be honest this was a lose-lose situation to all of us no matter what… well there is always option 5: Change nothing and tell those ten who were “offended” to go fuck themselves.
      Oh well, they did what they had to I guess. Can’t expect much from a multimillion corporation.

      I respect their decision but it’s against my principles to support this kind of decisions.
      They shouldn’t be doing any kind of fanservise to us in the first place, but it doesn’t mean I can’t make my own conclusions. Like I said it’s a lose-lose situation.

      No hard feelings towards Amy or anybody else in show staff, wasn’t your fault. It’s not a fair world. That’s just how it goes sometimes.

      I just keep supporting the show by pirating it and buying something else than pony toys for my niece’s birthday. According to Hasbro that makes perfect sense.

    45. @A Bard

      Yes. Seriously, I think that's as close to a win on all sides as we can possibly have.

      Someone mail Hasbro.

    46. This really gives me so much closure. Thank you.

    47. Sweet Celestia, let this be the end of the controversy.

      To my fellow Bronies:

      The staff doesn't sleep, eat, breathe (and wish to live) the show like we do. That should be clear by now. This mess was a confluence of elements that ended badly, too many attempts to please everyone. No one's truly to blame but almost everypony bears a sliver of responsibility.

      We must accept that "Derpy" is over. I don't agree that the term equates to mentally-challenged, or that "Ditzy" is all that much better, but there we are. It's over. You can call her Derpy if you want. Outside of iTunes, "The Last Roundup" will probably keep the name (emphasis on "probably"). I will still treasure Derpy/Dinky fanart, especially the "Best Mommy in the World" one. But you can pretty much forget hearing it--or her--"officially" again.

      Don't make it worse.

      To the herd (for not everypony in the herd is a Brony):

      Stop pretending to be advocates for the mentally challenged. Pretending the scene in "Last Roundup" was some sort of breakthrough in understanding for the handicapped is preposterous; acting as if the changes were some evil conspiracy to "hide" them is disgusting. Enjoy your coverage in Gawker.

      Stop using cartoons on FOX and Comedy Central to defend your position. Seriously? If you're using "Family Guy" and "South Park" as your yardsticks, you've already lost the argument. (Both rely on the gimmick of The Indignant Troll: they set out to offend, then blame you when they succeed, engaging in wild philosophical goalpost-shifting to have it both ways.)

      Stop cursing, threatening, all-cap ranting, and otherwise acting like a spoiled flankhurt fanboy. You are the center of no one's universe but your own. Without any real incentive to do so, Hasbro, the MLP staff, and TheHub gave us unprecendented influence; you have already made sure that will probably never happen again. Congratulations! ...Don't try to seal the deal.

      To Hasbro and the staff:

      Not too late to salvage this issue. You could tackle the issue head-on with a full Ditzy episode. I posted this idea elsewhere: Ditzy hangs around Rainbow Dash; RD gets (unintentionally) humiliated by Ditzy; RD sets Ditzy up in a mean prank to drive her off; the prank backfires and Ditzy winds up sick/hurt; a sickbed conversation makes RD realize Ditzy's devotion to her; RD sets out to make amends. End: RD is no longer embarrassed by Ditzy's goofs, looks out for her, and doesn't put up with any lip about her from anypony else.

      (P.S. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. We have several incidents per year where somepony tries to beat the train at the crossing...and fails, fatally. The last one took out a family of three. Believe me, it was another scene in "Last Roundup" that I couldn't believe.)

    48. Well, it may not have been what we WANTED to hear, but we at long last have enough information to bring this ordeal to a close.

      We'll never get the "Derpy" from the original Last Roundup again, but I admire them for doing it for us in the first place, even if it did bring some negative consequences.

      What does this mean for future appearances? The most important thing is that she's safe. They aren't going to take her away, and that's what most of us were afraid of. If she ever gets another talking scene again, she'll be called Ditzy, but that's okay. That they even bothered to call her Derpy in the first place is more than enough for me.

      Sure, Derpy doesn't have to automatically mean retarded, but whether or not you agree, some people CAN and WILL take that as an insult for retarded. I'd rather these people not do anything for our sake if it means they feel terrible for offending anybody.

      As long as she keeps the derp-eyes and keeps making cameos, then I am content.

    49. @Nico

      Hungary is awesome if i ever get the chance to travel in asia a lil it's on my list.

    50. I appreciate Rogers' response and the clarification it brings, but it also makes me just a bit more upset that because TEN people complained, the praise brought by hundreds of other emails was ultimately invalidated because not even a dozen people had to white-knight it up for mentally disabled people, and over a character that wasn't necessarily mentally disabled at that (I find it more offensive that the people "defending" mentally handicapped people thought Derpy was mentally handicapped).

      I try so hard to love and tolerate as a brony, I really do, but political correctness is stupid at any level, and I refuse to just be okay with people that try make EVERYTHING PC, to the point where they'll dig for something, anything to make their case for it. Why don't we just go back and edit Patrick out of Spongebob, Ed out of Ed Edd and Eddy, Goofy out of all of his Disney appearances? Why is it all of a sudden offensive when it's Derpy, but it's okay for these characters to still exist? People had thicker skin back when those cartoons were in their prime, I guess.

      Whatever. What's done is done. The people in this community who know how to take a joke still have the YouTube recordings, so that counts for something.

    51. Thank God the adorable concept of Ditzy Doo is back~ <3

    52. ...sigh* derpy is either described as having no official definition or "embarrassing/awkward"; only a tiny minority would define it as "retarded" ...

      words change meaning over time the medical definition of "retarded" is no longer the word in common usage that it once was... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=retarded

      the word people are confused with is tarded its modern insulting equivalent - where the insult does not imply mental disability rather being slow to respond.

      another example: the words mass and weight have very different scientific definitions but are in common usage completely interchangeable.

    53. UGH WE JUST CANT WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Exactly how many entries down urban dictionary did you scroll before you finally found derpy defined as "retarded"???? It's slang, of course it could mean several different things, but look at what most of the word revolves around.

      In the end, yeah it's not your decision, but think about what you said - 10 vs 200 - and that was just in the first couple of days? The point is, I (and many other bronies) are still upset at the fact that the complaints of a few ignorant people outweight the support of thousands (take a look at the 'save derpy petitions thirty THOUSAND votes).

    54. I think it's funny that people are trying to make Ditzy out as offensive or more offensive than Derpy. Seriously, you're doing the same thing as the Derpy haters; taking an innocent word to describe a goof-up or an airheaded action and making it into something offensive.

      ...anyways, it's nice to get some closure on this, though I'm sad Hasbro decided to go for the most drastic option as opposed to simply changing Derpy's voice. :c

    55. ....as much as the show says to love and tolerate... I kinda disapprove of the "anti-derpy" fans did, mostly because it was against the show's theme. Not only that, but they push "be perfect or don't exist". Some people...

    56. I think Ditzy sounds a lot more insulting and hurtful than Derpy.

    57. Ditzy Doo will work with Derpy as a nickname for me.

    58. I'm okay with this. Still saddened but better than nothing.

    59. They changed "Ditzy" to "Derpy" for us.

      And a minority repay that kindness by being fags and complaining about it.

      And when the execs changed it for us, many of us still complained.

      If MLP's fanbase wasn't an Unpleasable Fanbase, then it is now. No questions asked.

    60. what i think deep down is that i miss ditzy/derp's name and i am ok with new voice. i am also clumsy like the time i couldn't find my pencil and it was right in front of the table. the point is that ditzy/derp is still derp and fans will always remember her for who she was. she was awesome pony in her own way. applejacks and rainbow dash is still applejack and rainbow dash even if others called her AJ or RD. i like to thank everybrony for this feeling for MLP and ditzy/derp. also remember this a pony is still a pony no matter what. thank you very much.

    61. "Maybe they wanted to spare me from getting anymore more hate mail and people calling me offensive names."

      So someone got offended, and they thought the best way to take out their anger was to go offend somebody else. Great job. Of course being offensive is okay, as long as you're not offending ME.

      Also, since when does 'derpy' mean 'retarded'? I've never heard that one before. Derpy means...derpy. It's its own concept.

    62. Still think Hasbro made a bad call. I've lost my enthusiasm for the Derpy - oh excuse me, Ditzy - character over this. Will not be buying any more merch with her on it. JMHO.

    63. @Lostcause
      >well there is always option 5: Change nothing and tell those ten who were “offended” to go fuck themselves.

      You, sir, are my hero. I was trying to convey that in a more subtle way, but you just took it for the team.

      I, for one, propose a special extra for an unchanged DVD-version: "Offended by Derpy? Go eat a bag of dicks."

    64. @Tenaris

      There is no "letting go" for such things, but there is moving on.

      What makes people like TV shows and books that are fiction or fantasy is that the characters can be seen as real in some ways. We'd all be pissed off if some author just wiped a character out of his books. Like, if Christopher Paolini just decided one day to rename Eragon to Anna and make him female.

      Granted, Derpy was really a background character most of the time, but what if they had decided half-way in that Pinkie was offensive to the mentally insane or if Applejack's stubbornness was an insult against farmers?

      Who decides what's offensive anyway? The people who say that things are offensive are not always those who stand to be offended. It's kinda hard to ask mentally retarded people whether or no they are offended.

      Just my two cents on the topic in general. It'd be nice if Hasbro could try to be a little more communicative beforehand about their decision making in the future since the viewers actually care what happens in the show. I don't know how many Bronies there are, but I have to wonder what the real ratio is between the target audience and that one.

    65. That's odd. At the start of the controversy weren't there 50 e-mail complaints? Where did the 10 come from?

    66. Well mates, The saga of Derpy has come to an end. Let us remember Derpy the way we want to, and put an end to this madness. It's very sad that the parasprites threw her back into the realm of the background characters, but she is not dead. Whatever headcanon works for you voicewise will do, for she is still Derpy, and she is still the character that We, as a group, forged from the animation error or animator joke from whence she came. Let us rejoice, in that Hasbro did not decide to entirely remove her from the show. And, finally, let us continue on, continue to Love and Tolerate all to death, and continue to love the show as it is.

    67. @Tylendal
      "This word "Ditzy" is often used as a way to negetivley called a blonde haired women (typically blonde haired) stupid or not in tune with the world"
      Honestly I'm offended that people get offended. It just makes me sad for humanity that they just cannot live life like there isn't going to be one the next day... But, the world doesn't work like that.

    68. I'm still a little saddened by the whole thing, but seeing the options that were available to Hasbro, I guess this was the best move.

    69. Derpy doesn't mean retarded, but kids are mean and they will probably use 'Derpy' as a cuss word....

      Just like Gay used to only mean 'Happy', now it is a bad word to describe homo sexual people....

      It's just how the world goes...

      To me, Derpy will stay innocent and she's still my favorite Pony.

    70. @Derpestia
      Hungary. Now in Asia.

      I think you may want too take a look at a map of Europe if you want to visit us.

    71. You know what? I think they should censor applejack too. I have a few relatives from Texas, and i think that AJ's accent is making fun of them, and portraying all hicks as stupid. So we should go and delete all of the episodes where AJ has a moment she doesn't know what's going on, or doesn't understand something. After all, I'm sure that somewhere out there, at least one other person agrees with me, and apparently that should be plenty enough to solidify this and make it happen.

    72. Hm... *sigh* I wish Derpy was never edited... but... you know what? Yay. Now that I know why everything that happened did happen, I can at least try to understand. I'm glad they gave us the shout out in the first place, and I'm just going to assume that instead of the offended being trolls, I'm just going to assume they were actually offended. Maybe not. But honestly, despite the low quality, (due to post-animation edited) it's still freaking awesome to see Derpy on the screen for me. I agree that Hasbro and everybody, while maybe a bit rushed, did what they felt was best. yada yada, slightly rushed comment, remaining mixed opinions...
      I'm just ready for Fluttershy's episode. 2 weeks with no new ponies and all this Derpy stuff has left me with such a headache.

    73. So here's the deal.

      At the end of the day, Hasbro shouldn't have done anything. Not a thing. If they hadn't, the small number of people who complained would have quickly forgotten about it. They decided to take drastic action, and look what happened. You can argue the virtue of it all you like, but those are the facts. It's all hindsight now, of course.

      If they were trying to be nice to Amy, that'd be impressive, but I find it easier to believe that they were only thinking of their image, which hasn't improved much by their actions.

      As usual, I include my disclaimer that I don't hate Hasbro, though I do disagree with their choices in this matter. I don't hate Yamino and Whatshisname, though I think that anyone who sent Hasbro hate mail over Derpy was wrong to do so. And finally, I don't hate the bronies who reacted too strongly, though I wouldn't endorse their actions either.

      I think this whole thing is sad, from start to finish. Derpy was a nice gesture, and now it's just a great big mess.

      To all my fellow commenters, I say this: I encourage you to share your opinions, but I'm asking you please, no more name-calling or insults. That sort of thing will only hurt matters more. I know most of you are more than reasonable though, and I mean that sincerely. Things will settle down again.

    74. Oh yeah, everyone needs to learn every thing ever made can be offensive if you think about it, the words Derpy and Ditzy including. I think they shouldn't of changed it still, or at least the name not getting changed

    75. I'm sorry, but this doesn't make me want to vomit any less.

    76. what i think deep down is that i miss ditzy/derp's name and i am ok with new voice. i am also clumsy like the time i couldn't find my pencil and it was right in front of the table. the point is that ditzy/derp is still derp and fans will always remember her for who she was. she was awesome pony in her own way. applejacks and rainbow dash is still applejack and rainbow dash even if others called her AJ or RD. i like to thank everybrony for this feeling for MLP and ditzy/derp. also remember this a pony is still a pony no matter what. thank you very much

    77. @burntfish44
      They should get rid of Pinkie Pie too, she is just the most offensive! ALL THAT HAPPINESS IS INSULTING TO THE GIFTEDLY HAPPY!!

      Twilight is also offensive because she makes everyone else look dumb and weak compared to her.

    78. I spent an hour looking at definitions and didn't find a single one saying it means retarded. I have an autistic cousin and none of us are offended by Derpy. No matter what anyone does, someone will be offended,but honestly only 10 people complained out of thousands watching and that raised the alarms? I understand we don't want to make fun of the handicapped, but really? I expected maybe a couple hundred of angry people made the fuss.

    79. @DerpestiaWhat?!

      I and several other said Zecora was simply being different and her character, who was built up as villainous, was redeemed as being a good guy.

      Meanwhile, Ditzy was dropping everything on Twilight, ruining apple bobbing for everypony, and destroying townhall, all while having a weird voice and not knowing what went wrong. Ditzy never got backstory or a moment of redemption. You just can't compare Ditzy to Zecora.

    80. @keneticpest

      You will always be in asia to me bro :3

      But yeah i got country's mixed (stoner) but in that case i would prbly go to England right before beerfest in Germany then go to Germany for that and then just travel over to Hungary from Germany would would include all the euro country's not covered in snow i would wish to see.

    81. This is nice and all but it does nothing to sate my anger, and it doesn't change that the episode now stands as a testament corporate cowardice and the vocal minority.

      Derpy is a tainted character for me now. Seeing her just reminds me that any no name fuck with a blog or an e-mail address can write hasbro and impose their will so long as they say they were offended. I don't want to see her in the show ever again quite frankly, I want her fucking stricken from the canon. Why? Because her eyes are still crossed and her actions can still be construed as those consistent with the retarded. If just one of her performances is offensive then by extension so are the rest.

      I do not like Derpy anymore, at all. She's just not the same. I hope Yamino and the rest like her are happy, they've ruined one of the best parts of this fandom by starting all this shit in the first place. There's a special place in hell reserved for their kind and I hope it's a place where their delicate sensibilities are fucking destroyed and they're driven insane as the demons just ignore their crys of "think of the people this offends!"

      Fuck'em, they took a shit on the carefree fun of this fandom. They do not deserve and will see no "love and tolerance" from me.

    82. @burntfish44
      Agree, lets get 8 more people and we can get rid of that offensive Applejack once and for all.

    83. @Scoot Yes, this is exactly how we can show people that bronies are a kind and accepting lot: if you misunderstand a word, you need to go jump off a cliff.
      It'd be nice if the brony community could be known for its gentle, peaceful nature. Instead, we start ordering folk who find Derpy offensive to 'go f*ck themselves'.
      Standing up for what you believe in is one thing. FLAMING is quite another.

    84. You know im glad this has been cleared up but i still think derpy should stay the same way and be in more episodes... as derpy with her same cool voice not that changed crap they pulled

    85. @Tovler

      Point given but they could of maybe not put a bunch of gold rings on her and made her live in a mud hut to be fair.They did lay it on pretty thick.

    86. Just because someone decided that "derpy" meant "retarded" (and even if we ignore the vast disparity of word meanings with the word "retarded" - My guess is this definition was ripped off of urban dictionary or some shit), it doesn't mean the word means that.

      The voice was far more offensive than the name (in other words: actually offensive) and I'm glad it was changed. But the name didn't need to be ripped from the audio as well.

    87. I appreciate the communication with the fans. I'm not going to blame or be upset with Amy, but I sure am upset with Hasbro for the decision and the anti-derpy "fans".

      I'm not mad at Hasbro in the sense that I dislike them or have lost faith in them to continue in their delivery of a great show. I'm upset with them because they cracked under pressure and gave in. If it was a large amount of people who complained, their decision might have been more reasonable. But it was only a tiny amount of people who found this offensive! Who says it won't happen again over something just as silly?
      As for the anti-derpy "fans", the blame for all of this falls squarely on them. It's so easy to be offended, but difficult to understand.

    88. @Goblin Brony
      I don't care if it doesn't change anything. I'm not giving my money to them.

      The only mistake was them making "corrections" to something that didn't need correcting. I have to wonder what other corrections they are going to make once some twit with a tumbler account gets a hair up her ass about it.

      Are they going to change "Feeling Pinkie Keen" because some see it as taking an anti-science tone? Are they going to change Screw Loose because some might see her as making fun of people with mental disorders? Are they going to change the buffalo and little strongheart because some might see it as making light of native american genocide? I could go on but I think you see my point.

      I'm also not going to be happy what we had at one point. I'm sure as hell not going to give my money to Hasbro to thank them for it.

      I can't make Hasbro remove the edit but I can show them I don't like it with my email and not buying from them.

    89. what i think deep down is that i miss ditzy/derp's name and i am ok with new voice. i am also clumsy like the time i couldn't find my pencil and it was right in front of the table. the point is that ditzy/derp is still derp and fans will always remember her for who she was. she was awesome pony in her own way. applejacks and rainbow dash is still applejack and rainbow dash even if others called her AJ or RD. i like to thank everybrony for this feeling for MLP and ditzy/derp. also remember this a pony is still a pony no matter what. thank you very much

    90. @burntfish44 ...you just called Applejack stupid. Even sarcastically, YOU. JUST. DISSED. APPLEJACK.
      THAT'S IT

    91. @TheMadThinker
      It's on urbandictionary apparently. But, as far as I am concerned, that is not a real dictionary or site useful for actual definitions. And if they got the definition from that site... oh boy, people better start doing real research before blindly jumping into a volcano full of nails.

    92. @Fengor
      I really loved the finding waldo thing they had going with derpy back in the day.

    93. i always though ditzy was a better name, sure derpy is fun but more as a community thing, ditzy doo feels more serious...

    94. What is so offensive about the name "Derpy"? It could even be a nickname. A derp is an oopsy. Its no worse than a nickname of Crash or Klutz or Wrong Way Corrigan! Ditzy will always be associated with a Ditzy Blonde...another stereotype that has been overdone. I don't think people think derp is retarded, they think of crossed eyes and people making weird faces like on www.derp.com

      If ANYONE should be offended by Derpy, it would be me. I have had eye problems all my life (I have a glass eye) and have been teased MERCILESSLY as a child because of it. A lot of harm was brought upon me by my eyes.

      However, Derpy is a beautiful, fun and caring pony and funny pony. If anything she has brought the pony community togther with love and the love of her character. I hear no one complaining about her but a very few. And some people just get upset over anything.

      Political correctness sometimes is not a good thing. Someone is ALWAYS going to be upset over something, no matter how it is played out. Whatever happened to majority rules?

      I also have a son who has Asperger's Syndrome. He loves Derpy as much as I do.

      Derpy is not an offensive name in the least.


    95. Sorry to say, but this response is far bellow expectations.
      Ms. Rogers, I also want you to look up the following words on google:
      rage comics
      and most importantly, egocentric

      The fact that Derpy was changed from the series even though she WAS in the original casting of the episode just makes me so angry. Not at you though, I fully respect your line of profession, but that we now AGAIN because of some minority or another, needs to actually physically change things. Where is this world comming to? Soon we wont be able to say "green" because you know what? SOME ignorant stupid person is going to be offended. Stop bowing to those sorts of people or we can just skip TV all in all. Then again, that would mean that american (not all of you, but those who I mean most probably will answer to this) stereotypes would have to, Celestia be praised, learn to READ. that way, all of this silly nonsense could be avoided. Don't do another Family Guy, let us keep what little on TV that we actually like.

    96. Her real name was Ditzy Doo, It always was. Derpy is nickname that someponies, but not all ponies, call her. She responds to either name.


    97. @Goblin Brony
      There is a fine line between "I am offended, I don't want to watch this moment ever again" and "I am offended, no one should ever see this moment ever again". The former comes from actually offended people who I get sympathy for. I am happy to show some compassion for them.

      On the other hand, the latter comes from people who just want to fuck with others. I have no pity for them.

    98. so... so do we go on to call her Ditzy Doo from now on?

    99. Ha! She's pretty awesome.

      I've long thought the name "Derpy Hooves" was some ableist bullshit. Hell, the word derpy is practically interchangeable with the slur "retarded" in it's everyday usage. A simple Google search is all it takes to find "retarded" right in the definition of "derp" and "derpy". So Fuck You very much everybody defending usage of the slur derpy.

      Honestly, seeing the community's reaction to the removal of the name was, overall, pretty disheartening. The message sent by these people who were just sooo outraged that anybody would dare alter their precious widdle Derpy Hooves was clear, "We care more about getting what we want than having any compassion or empathy for disabled people."

    100. Should have kept the name and changed the audio, IMO. "Derpy" doesn't mean "retarded" just because some 13 year old on Urban Dictionary thought it was cool to use the word "retarded."

    101. I now want her renamed as Ditzy Doo :)

    102. @Jedimom
      You actually bring up a great point. Derp shouldn't be offensive to anything relating to mental in capacities,it should be offensive to anyone with cross eyes or lazy eyes or certain things pertaining to that. My best friend has a lazy eye and he ALWAYS tells me to crack jokes about it because he says, if you cannot learn to laugh at yourself, you cannot learn to live life joyfully.
      Also if people think Derpy is offensive, should really look at Ed from Ed,Edd,n Eddy. I was watching that today and if nothing else, Ed was saying so many stupid things and always had a cross eyed or dumb expression on his face the entire episode. And this was back when censors were basically dictators.

    103. As my girlfriend is retarded I feel no offense to this. It was actually fun because the night that the episode aired we had some very kinky sex with me calling her Derpy and trying to portray the scene in some way. I have to saw that was some of the best sex ever.

      She thought it wasn't offensive at all. It was actually cute to her, and we even went over naming our baby (if we decided to have one) Derpy. It was a little joke but I kinda was serious in my mind. But when the whole Derpy controversy happened, her and I both held strong and were very loud advocates to the saving of her.

      I really do want the best, but this is getting out of control. At least we still have the original on you tube and the DVD set.

    104. I hope this writer and her son have success in the future and thank her for her genuine and wonderful efforts at making a contribution to MLP. Please, do not be disheartened, Amy. The cooperation and mutual support that once existed between the fervent fans of MLP and its entire production team from writer to animator to Hasbro was THIS CLOSE to revolutionizing how television is created and how television and internet content is published and shared in an era where SOPA threatens everything good about the creative process in today's world. THIS CLOSE. The Derpy edit did a lot of damage to that, but it is not the end of things if we don't let it become so. Derpy and all the ponies, the fans, and the production team did it before, and we can do it again: Derpy isn't entirely the same pony as before, but she is still my favorite pony and a perfect pony. Neither do the bronies have entirely the same opinion of Hasbro, but we are still the best fans a show could ever hope for. And although I disagree with the way the changes were made to Derpy by Hasbro much more than the actual outcome of those changes, I still think they are the same company that up til that one fateful decision put out the best show with the best attitude toward the show's fandom in the history of animation.

    105. Amy doesn't deserve any blame for this, but the situation still disappoints me. We can't have this awesome tip of the hat scene because of a handful of oversensitive fans. In trying to appease the few, Hasbro pissed off the many. Derpy should continue appearing in sight gags, but I don't think she should speak or be referred to by name anymore. The fun is not worth the drama. I'm still hoping Studio B will go into appeasement mode and have another fan-favorite pony speak. How cool would it be if Dr. Whooves said something in an English accent and ran into a police box? All resentment would be forgotten immediately.

    106. What did Hasbro think was going to happen if they did nothing? Seriously, what would have happened? No one who was a casual fan of the show would do anything more than write a letter and if Hasbro was asked about Derpy's portrayal they could easily say, "We never said she was retarded that's just your interpreation and that's not what Derpy means."

    107. Holy crap you guys.

      This is the first REAL response we have, from someone who is closely related to the disabilities issue AND wrote the scene. She agrees with us that it isn't offensive, she has a disabled child, and she wants you all to not hate Hasbro for it. What do you do? BITCH about it. I'm as strong an advocate as anyone but when I spoke to her I felt she had a point and so I'm backing down, you should all follow suit too. Don't be a bunch of rude socially inept assholes.

      Also, ten people may have complained to her, but I'm sure they weren't the only ones who complained to Hasbro. Hasbro called her up and asked her for her opinion, they wouldn't have done that over just 10 emails. It must have been a big deal on their end.

    108. Really, instead of focusing on the changes that took place with Derpy, the rage that is being felt over all of this should be directed towards changing what drives changes like this to happen in the first place.

      I have no issues with the changes, but I am dissapointed that Hasbro decided to make them.

      What I am upset about is the fact that giving in to a few that find offense with something seems to be the preferred response in general instead of standing by a decision. This mindset and practice is what really needs to be changed, but it often gets swept back under the rug because the incidents are often limited to small groups.

      A more prominent example of this shows up around December 25th yearly, when I was little you would see Merry Christmas all over the place, now it is Happy Holidays, and the change has been happening because businesses don't want to risk offending the vocal minority. There are plenty of other examples of this, like professional and school sports teams being asked to change their names, just to avoid offending people. And this is what needs to be stopped, along with the double standards that tend to accompany it.

    109. When I hear "ditzy", the next word that comes to mind is "blonde". Okay, that's consistent with the character. She's blonde.

      Go look up "ditz" on urbandictionary.com and see what you find. The short, canonical definition is "Paris Hilton". To paraphrase, the term "ditz" indicates a stupid female whose only value is found between her legs, because there's nothing of value going on between her ears. And Hasbro thinks this is better? What planet are these "decision makers" from, and do they ever bother to check whether what they're being told has any truth to it?

      So. We're exchanging "clumsy" for "cheap easily-fucked slut". I guess this is why executives are in the position they are, because unlike we lesser mortals, they understand that "cheap, easily-fucked slut" is less offensive than "clumsy".

      Nice going, Hasbro. Nice going.

    110. A very well thought out and reasonable message. I can only hope that bronys everywhere will take the time to try and understand it from the creator's and Hasbro's point of view. Kudos to Amy. I hope this stops the hate mail.

    111. @Scoot Honestly offended people try to get things removed quite often, actually.
      Here's a scenario: Say Bridle Gossip consisted of Zecorah having a nose ring, speaking like the Hulk and referring to a church bell ringing as 'great boom-boom spirit', generally behaving as an illiterate savage. Would people be out of line if they complained and demanded it be removed? Certainly not.

      Obviously, that's an extreme example, but the point stands: If somebody finds something offensive, they have the right to complain and demand it be removed. Political Correctness exists for a reason, even if it gets abused far too often.

    112. "Soon you can't write about a sewing needle without some one-eyed bastard taking offence."
      -Fritiof Nilsson Piraten, 1895-1972.

    113. As long as the character stays the same, whether she's called this or that, I'll be happy. I guess we can still call her Derpy as a nickname though.

    114. Guys, it doesn't matter what happened to Derpy. We will still love her anyways, so what if some small things were changed? We still always love Derpy even if she stays as a background pony.

      Truthfully, Ms.Rogers is right. Derpy CAN mean retarded and with little kids watching MLP as well they could possibly pick it up and calls others that.

      I don't know why everyone is so mad over the small change. The organical one will always be out there and Derpy will most likely continue showing up in the background. Remember, blaming, yelling, writing emails to hasbro, isn't going to fix anything. We all just need to remember Love, Kindness and Tolerance, isn't that what being a Brony or Pegeasister is about?

    115. @Derpestia

      Yeah, I derped and realized what you meant on my way to dinner.

      Yeah, AJ's been around since Gen1. But you see my point? Most viewers would think the cereal, a handful would see the alcohol. Just like most viewers would see Derpy as clumsy, proven with the e-mails to Amy, as well as the petitions put forward. The minority would go see it as mentally deficient.

      Either way, trolling doesn't work on someone who's brain likes to go into hibernation and not notice it. Sorry. :<

    116. I think this is a fair deal.

      The only thing I see REALLY coming from this is that Derpy/Ditzy, whatever you want to call her, will just appear as a background character, as he has for the past year or so. Honestly, her humor works much better that way.

      The one thing EVERYONE should be happy about is that she will live on through fans as long as fanart and fanfiction sites continue to be around. Frankly, there are SO many interpretations of her that it'd be impossible to please everyone.

      I'm so happy that not only Keating, but artists like Kreos on deviantart, were able to put their two cents in. This shows that the creators, as well as the company, ARE somewhat in sync with the fanbase.

      To me, Derpy/Ditzy is something the fans agreed on and you can't take that away from us, even if she's not going to be a major character.

    117. To be fair I think people would be angry no matter what Hasbro did at this point, so what Amy said was true.

    118. Derpy DOES ONLY MEAN klutzy or clumsy, anyone who seriously thought otherwise doesn't know a THING about that word! I mean, GOD! We were given a call-out, something rarely seen with shows like this, and the vocal minority FUCKED IT ALL UP! I WANT to be angry at those people, but the more I see it, the more I can't seem to find ANYONE who still supports the "Ditzy over Derpy" side of things, so it's kind of painful for me not to take my anger out on anyone.

    119. @DSludge
      I have a document for badass quotes that I am going to use when people throw opportunities at me to do so. Thank you for another great one.

    120. I wonder how much hate mail cartoon network got for Ed Edd and Eddy...

    121. I've always been in the "Derpy" camp. I love that little cross-eyes mare :3

      After hearing her voice for the first time...yes, I thought it sounded a little 'down syndrom-y' but I loved it! She sounded different, she had a uniqueness in voice that matched her unique 'derpy' look!

      I'm sad to see her go, replaced instead with a tired, and predictable dumb blond joke, but she will remain Derpy to me! ^^

      I think now we just need to contact the Merriam-Webster people and get 'derpy' into the book as being an innocent way of describing a flub/brain fart/clumsy/and yes, ditzy way about a person.

      In the end, derpy and ditzy are synonyms, so all you ditzy camp people are just using another word for derpy and vice-versa ;P

      There problem solved XD

    122. @haibane_rakka I appreciate her response, it's nice to have any contact about the issue.

      It still looks like a few people (who were mean enough about it to make her feel terrible) writing letters got more attention than a large number of exuberantly grateful fans writing letters. I strongly disagree with that.

    123. Very small minority's voices are heard. So what about the majority? Ever think that they are the minority for a reason? Possibly because they are wrong?

      You said it yourself, you had to do some digging before finding something derogatory from the word Derp. Ditzy is the same. You will have to do some serious digging before finding that offensive. Both names are fine.

      Almost every brony in the world appreciated that that "tip of the hat". We were more than appreciative, we were downright the happiest fans ever.

      And when the edit became official. I was personally hurt. I felt that the staff we looked up to were ashamed of us. I know that isn't true, but that's what I felt at the moment. While I am still disappointed, I am calm.

      Please don't think of bronies any differently for the angry behavior expressed that day. We were scared of what was happening. We're still concerned, and waiting for answers. But I guess this response will do, for the most part.

    124. @Goblin Brony
      Your stance on political correctness is beyond any reasoning. I have nothing to discuss with you. Good day, sir.

    125. @Derpestia

      East Africa used to have a lot of gold. It does kinda annoy me that she's Pan-African as it paints the entire continent with a broad brush, but it's no worse than Applejack and her Americanism.

    126. @DJDunDeal Me and my studio crew all said the same thing, when this showed up in the papers. It's Ditzy-Doo! WE totally knew that naming her Derpy would not end well. I, Photo Finish can see the Futures!

    127. 'Derpy' means retarded only to those who would use 'retarded' as a pejorative.

    128. @TovlerBro please if Snails and Snips are differently abled then I am.

    129. Finally, a definitiive answer. I know there are some who still won't be happy with this, but I for one am content. I'm happy that she was willing to give a nod to the fans like that and most of us genuinely appreciated it. Its too bad that a few people had to take derpy's name the way they did, amd it sux that they have to see the dark meaning behind everything. I feel for her being conflicted about whatt to do with the episode, and it totally blows that hasbro took the decision out of her hands just to cover their butts. Hopefully things can settle down now and the healing can begin. There's probably a lot of people who will never look att hasbro quite the same aagaain, myself included. With any luck though, the writers will keep derpy around and maybe let her speak again(I think her new voice has grown on me). No matter what though, derpy shall always live on through the bronies and shall forever be loved as our adorkable walleyed mailmare.

    130. Thank you for your response Amy. I know this could not have been easy for you especially consider your personal circumstances with your son.

      While i love Derpy and when I saw her appear in "The Last Roundup" I was overjoyed that Studio B threw another wonderful nod to our unconventional little fanbase. That said I can see why she was changed and personally I don't mind the new voice. I really don't think "derp" is derogatory, but its not my decision to make.

      I am the proud owner of Derpy merchandise, including a shirt. But i would never wear it to my job (i work with the developmentally disabled) because I know others do not view it the same way I do and that's okay. Derpy has always been the fan's pony and no amount of editing will change that. We will keep her in our hearts and willingly or not follow what the show dictates.

      We love MLP, not just for Derpy but for the awesomness it gives us every day.

      Love and tolerate everypony.

    131. @Scoot And good day to you as well! Pity I hate logic so much, else my argument seems like it would've been a sound one! :D

    132. I don't like the decision at all but I'll move on. Can we please get over this and move on? We've got ourselves a Fluttershy episode this saturday and I want some awesome flowing from Equestria Daily. >:|

    133. Also, in all honesty, it was the voice that I think more people were offended by. Hell, I didn't like the voice, and the voice was the only thing I liked about the modified version, so yeah, keep that voice, AND keep the name Derpy, that's how I'd like things to pan out.

    134. Well, I'm feeling better. Or rather, I have been for some time.

      Thanks for responding Mrs. Rogers.

    135. Personally, I would offend 10 people then thousands. But when I searched Derpy's definition, all I found was clumsy not retarded. And if people got offended by Derpy's name, they would even get offended if I call someone mentally handicap. How else are you supposed to call someone with that defect more then one way without offending anyone?

    136. Normally I'm suspicious but for the sake of discussion I'll assume the letter is legit.

      It sounds heartfelt and the person's honest opinion. While I preferred the original voice and the saw the name "Derpy" as endearing, I can respect this writer's opinion. I would have kept the original version, but I don't walk in the shoes of the people who work at hasbro. If they stick to their guns I can respect and accept their decision.

    137. Fuck ableism disabled people are awesome, if anything Derpy should be a fucking superhero like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OasVtpPcjWg

    138. Personally, I would offend 10 people then thousands. But when I searched Derpy's definition, all I found was clumsy not retarded. And if people got offended by Derpy's name, they would even get offended if I call someone mentally handicap. How else are you supposed to call someone with that defect more then one way without offending anyone?

    139. Everyone who is whiteknighting Hasbro needs to know that not a lot of us care about Derpy not getting another speaking role, we're more pissed about "why" this controversy started.

      Trying to appease everybody and going so far as to change an entire scene is just ridiculous and demonstrates political correctness on disgusting levels.

    140. @haibane_rakka Can you post the link to the We Hate Derpy Hooves blog that gets 2000 posts a day hating on her? Because we're posting on the one that gets 2000 posts a day in a positive light.

    141. @Thunderpony
      I have to say, I completely agree with you and everyone else that refuses to accept this political correctness BS laying down.

      I also find it funny that a lot of people somehow believe they have the 'authority' to declare the situation as "over" when it won't be for a long time. Derpy's pretty central to the brony community, so Hasbro mucking about with her because of some vocal minority, and not having the backbone to stand up for their choice to give the adult fandom a nod in the show, will most definitely create waves that won't die down for a long while. One email from the story writer (who, if you'll realize, has NO executive control on finalized scripts) doesn't 'end' anything.

      I'm calling out the spouting of 'love and tolerance' all over this thread because of love and tolerance REALLY WAS PRACTICED so much as it's attributed to the show, then Derpy would still be named in The Last Roundup, Hasbro would have taken the much smaller hit of upsetting some smaller group over upsetting the MUCH LARGER fanbase that's pouring massive support for the scene, and Amy Keating Rogers, DHX, The Hub, and Hasbro wouldn't have lost a lot of respect in my eyes.

      The fact that they bowed to the wishes of the few over the many is distasteful and disrespectful to the fans that helped a lot to make the show as much of a success as it is.

    142. ok guys we should now find all real retards like DJDunDeal and kick them from our comunities for what they have done and said to amy
      they dont deserve to be called "brony" that's all

    143. inb4 this is just Ed Rosario again

    144. @Jedimom

      I find it so predictable that the people who would have some logical reason for disliking Derpy actually love her and support her. Why? Because it seems that the only people who take offense to Derpy are being offended on the behalf of those they feel should be offended.

      I've had a "squint" in my left eye all of my life, while it doesn't actually affect my vision, there are times when my eye is clearly not aligned with my right eye, similar to how Derpy's eyes often are. And would you guess what? According to Wikipedia, another nickname for "squint" is "derpy eye" - just look up Strabismus. So apparently, me having a common eye problem means I'm also retarded and need a bunch of fools to be offended on my behalf and shelter me from a cartoon character! If I'm offended by anything, then I'm offended by those fools for taking away my right to voice my own opinion using my own lungs and vocal cords and tell them that they're fucking stupid.

    145. Still saddened by the way it turned out. C'est la vie, je suppose.

    146. Y'know, I was initially upset about the change too, but then I got to thinking about how it actually might've had a silver lining in that now fans who had different interpretations of the character had genuine options! Those who prefer her as "Ditzy" can have her as "Ditzy." Heck, plenty of people liked to write her as being mocked by the name "Derpy," before we suddenly all had to defend the name! Truth to tell, I always sort of imagined her that way too. And now I can, if I want (though I do prefer the original "Derpy" scene - hey, it can still be a nickname). It's really kind of a neat scenario, once you subtract the indignation!

    147. I would've gone with option 4, Ditzy "Derpy" Doo!

    148. If this is the case then I support it. Though I hate the reasonings for the censorship and that so few misunderstood the intentions, majority doesnt have rule and just the fact of censorship period.

      If Derpy was intended to be Ditzy, with a high pitched airheaded voice by the person who wrote this, and also was the shows original intention, then I would prefer her as they saw her. Ditzy Doo with her current voice. Though I wish they could have done better with redoing Rainbows scenes...added Ditzy in place of Derpy instead of changing the dialog to feel awkward. Maybe one day they will or they will just fix her in the new episodes.

      Still, I will always love the moment Derpy spoke, I will love her name and voice, the fandom can still see her as Derpy and I will buy that DVD for the slice of history and love seeing the old her and looking forward to hopefully a new one as well ^^

    149. @Piper
      idunno, are you?

      Yeah, I'll admit that wasn't a very good comparison on my part. They wouldn't have brought the space bear to Ponyville if it wasn't for Trixie and they don't seem to be disliked. The characters are just simple.

      Still though, Snails is extra simple.

    150. Honestly, I would have changed the voice and call her the original name intended.
      I love Derpy but the original Ditzy would have been fine.

    151. @HURNG
      I agree with that completely, but the writer and the show never seemed to intend her to be Derpy or that deep voiced. Though it was a nice nod to the fans I want to see what they make, not what we do.

      Though I totally agree, 10 over 200 shouldnt ruin things and hold more voice over a majority rule.

      But I would agree with that IF the writer wanted her deep voiced and named Derpy originally.

    152. @GenericNoun
      Crap like "political correctness on disgusting levels" is really just code for 'I wanna be an asshole not get called out on it! :C'

    153. Don't worry, she won't have another speaking role, and we'll always have the original.

      "Thanks" to Mrs. Rogers for going out of her way for this, the fandom really needed to hear it.

    154. Personally, I would offend 10 people then thousands. But when I searched Derpy's definition, all I found was clumsy not retarded. And if people got offended by Derpy's name, they would even get offended if I call someone mentally handicap. How else are you supposed to call someone with that defect more then one way without offending anyone?

    155. Glad to hear this is cleared up, I was sick of hearing about Derpy since 'The Last Roundup' aired. Hopefully there's no more news, no 'Save Derpy' groups, nothing.

      And to those of you who are saying they're doing wrong by not doing what the fanbase wants obviously knows nothing of being an artist is and what goes into the creative process. If you are doing only what your fans want, and not doing what you feel right, it's not yours anymore, the magic of the project is gone.

      So, if you want to keep complaining about that they ruined something the fans made, you want the show to fail and lose its original charm. Simple as that. They can do anything to the show they want to without listening to a word from anyone in the fucking fanbase.

      So I'm glad they changed the scene and didn't pander one way or the other. (If you say they pandered to the minority, you're wrong, they pandered to what they felt was right.)

    156. I have two mentally-disabled cousins.

      Personally, I'm more offended by Hasbro for even PERCEIVING Derpy as "retarded".

      So thanks, Hasbro. Thanks for caving-in to a bunch of fucking trolls. Nice backbone.

    157. @Turboblazer

      That came off incredibly sarcastic, and I didn't intend that =X

    158. You all. This is completely fair. Stop acting completely selfish and hateful and start living up to the 'love and tolerance' banner. Otherwise, you are just making a mockery of the fandom and should kindly leave it.

      It is fine if you liked Derpy better or disagree with the change. But keep in mind that it is still a -character-, that people matter much more, and either move on or at the very least start acting mature. Because stamping your hooves and screaming "BUTTHURT WHINERS KILLED OUR DERPY FUUUU!!!" is doing nothing but making the entire fandom look more silly than it inherently is (a silliness which I believe we have all worked hard to throw off to be taken seriously as fans of the show...)

      If you don't want to buy things or you want to vocalize your disagreement, that is awesome. But the second you start attacking other fans for their opinion, you are being an ass.

    159. I think if we want the making of this show to become an arduous, thankless task for those who make it, we should continue complaining about it. If, however, we want it to continue being a joy to both its producers and its consumers (I mean us), we need to let it lie and continue affirming and supporting everyone involved in making it. Thank you, Hasbro, for our beloved little scatterbrain of a pony.

    160. @Caerdwyn

      Urbandictionary isn't really a viable source for anything but laughs.

      Now Miriam-Webster, which is a real dictionary states Ditz as such,

      ˈdɪts/ noun
      plural ditz·es
      [count] chiefly US, informal + sometimes disapproving : a silly person who often forgets things.

      And then Ditzy

      adj \ˈdit-sē\
      ditz·i·er or dits·i·er, dits·i·est
      Definition of DITZY
      : eccentrically silly, giddy, or inane

      Hope that helps

    161. I keep seeing these posts, with people saying, "Well thank goodness, hopefully NOW it will be put to rest..." but frankly all of these posts reiterate what I was bothered about from the beginning.

      A minority had a mistaken impression and complained, and a character was clumsily censored and re-dubbed to satisfy the minority, knowing full well it would anger and hurt the majority of us.

      I don't understand why a tiny minority of people mistakenly offended by something is important enough to warrant deleting the most significant shout-out to us the show has ever had.

      All of these explanations invariably leave me feeling much worse about the situation, not better. It isn't this writer's fault, of course, but that doesn't change the fact that Hasbro cowed to those misinterpreting Derpy. That says to me that the 5% or less that were offended are more important than the 95% or more that were happy and touched by her inclusion. Of course the change offends many of us, but again, we don't matter. Why?

      It sets an awful precedent. Who's to say what imaginary controversy will be stirred up next? Maybe Pinkie will be offensive to people with psychological disorders? Will this still be hailed as a victory for sensitivity? When will it be seen as the silliness that it is?

      If they're going to un-derp her eyes and leave her voice as that vapid, soulless, totally forgettable one they used in the edit, I'd rather she never show up again at all, because every time she does it'll yank me out of the show and thrust me back into this mess. I don't want a sanitized braindead cheerleader. I want Derpy- the vibrant, charmingly clumsy one Tabitha brought to life.

      Incidentally, that's why I bought the DVD. At least they haven't yet scrubbed her off that, though I fully expect that in future pressings they will.

    162. Snip and snails, not offensive, zebra, not offensive, mental cases released from the hospital by discord and RD, not offensive, 1 minuite camio by derpy breaking things, offensive.

      And seeing how it was Hasbro's decision to get rid of her I still blame hasbro.

    163. I have been waiting for something like this to pop up.

      Now that we've all heard it straight from the horses mouth, no pun intended, can we as a fandom calm down now?

    164. @Ted Wakeman
      There's something in this world called unintended consequence. While Hasbro itself didn't perceive Derpy as retarded, other people did.

      Also, are you saying all people who are offended at perceived negative image of mentally handicapped people are all trolls? Nice generalization there.

    165. You know, before MLP I didn't really know, nor care about the word "derp." I saw it on a few macros when I would run into them, but beyond that I didn't really hear about it. When I started reading all the pony articles on KYM, I discovered Derpy.

      I must say, before this whole debacle, I did not have the slightest trace of a thought that she was in any way mentally handicapped. I just thought she was clumsy, and a smudge stupid. And by "stupid" I mean simply, "not brilliant." I never understood the whole "if you're not smart, then you're retarded" thing; can't there be people (or ponies, I guess) who are just loveable, clumsy characters who are just a tad less smart than others?

      I've met people who are handicapped, and I have met people who are, in layman's terms, a bit of a fool. There is definitely a difference, and Derpy does not fall under former classification. She's just an adorable pony who isn't the brightest lightning bug in the lantern.

      Anyway, I've rambled enough, so thank you Amy for this well written piece of information. I hope it helps to calm down those who are still in panic mode.

      Keep calm and canter on.

    166. I still see this as the same as before, some random trolls claimed that derp was a slang term just because they didn't like Derpy. And Hasbro was stupid enough to listen to the 10 trolls. Hasbro really needs to do soem research before they censor their Tv shows. Also, Derpy sounds way less ditzy and more mentally disabled after they re-did her voice. Way to go Hasbro.

    167. The fiasco is over, and yet i still feel something... not quite anger... toward the people who got riled up over this in the first place. And then to know that some of my fellow bronies sent hate mail? I guess I'm just disappointed that "love and tolerate" is nothing more than an empty phrase to some bronies. We like to pretend that we're promoting peace and happiness and joy and then we turn around and bitch about the tiniest things. I can't say that Gawker and Fox News were too far off the mark with their observations, however skewed and biased. Bronies, I am disappoint.

    168. See, this is why I DON'T love the majority of this fandom. No amount of talent we can produce is worth it if you guys aren't even pleasant to be around. Half of you were acting like the stereotypical manchildren anti-bronies have been portraying us as since the beginning. Be pleased we got a well-reasoned response at all.

      On a semi-related note, I would like to thank Ms. Keating for giving us this. I would also like to thank all you bronies who stayed above the fray through out this (not me, sadly) and those among us who realized how silly we were being and apologized.

    169. @Mattatatta
      "Hasbro KNEW that Derpy was adored by the majority. They KNEW that for every hater, at least 20 lovers were there (I personally feel that the ratio is even greater than that), and thus they KNEW that if they censored Derpy they would upset THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS rather than a FEW HUNDRED of fans. Hasbro had essentially been FOREWARNED of the DISASTER that would come to pass if they altered Derpy, and like fools they went ahead with it anyway."

      I love and tolerate you so much bro. I really do. Your post here is why. I don't even know you, and yet you're my bro for this.

      Derpy's scene should have NEVER EVEN BEEN TOUCHED.

    170. I'm happy to see this here, happy with the situation and happy overall. Sure, I loved the old voice, I thought it was cute, but the new one isn't bad so it's a win-win. As for the name, a "tip of the hat" is fine, Beast Wars reads like a roll-call of a.t.t, the fans and the fanbase, but it could have been researched a little better.

      Now, I really want to see an extended opening for the episode now, sounds awesome!

    171. That answer was ALL we wanted. Because what freaked everyone out was simply the silence that was given to us prior to the change. Nothing was said. Nothing was told. Nothing was given to us. So of course we're going to freak out. Of course people are going to get emotional over it.

      But this? This was a satisfying answer, and personally, I am glad we got it. This was all that we actually wanted! Seriously!

      I am sad that 10 negatives got over 200 positives, though. I understand that people feel absolutely thrashed when they get any sort of negativity pointed towards them, and I know that it hurts to receive it. I know that we don't want to make people feel bad. It's the same as when Pinkie felt horrible when Cranky didn't want to be her friend.

      So for me, the case is closed. Her answer was excellent and clear, and that's all that we needed. Some people disagree, some people agree... But we're not all the same, and we are entitled to our personal opinions.


      TD;DR - I'm happy and I'm gonna eat cookies now~

    172. Thank you..Thank you so much for your answer to this whole crisis. It is nice to see that you know and we know that your fans love this show so much.

      As I try to think about it again...I would have been just fine with Ditzy doo and/or Derpy...still you did what you had to do in a diffcult time and in the end you are not to truly be blame for any of this.

      I now will lower my temper on the show and will watch it once more. Thank you once again, for your honest answer towards this diffcult time in our pony culture.

    173. Aww man, gonna miss that name. Can't believe people choose the very rare meaning or the so called 2nd possible meaning over the actual standard meaning of a word. Its obvious there will always be difference in how people interpret things, but 10 out of 200 doesn't seem to me to be a reason to change something.

      I'm still fine with the voice change though. I prefer how it sounds now actually.

    174. Aww this is sad. Satisfying but sad...

    175. I didn't think that this was all I wanted, but apparently it is.

      We got a response from someone deeply involved in the show telling the story from her perspective. Derpy isn't dead, though the use of her name in the show may be. I doubt the "Where's Derpy?" easter eggs will stop coming, and based on the options Amy said she had, I doubt anyone would hesitate from allowing further Derpy scenes to future episodes.

      I was angry at Hasbro previously, but thinking about this from a more calm and understanding perspective, imagine a possible alternative. Now that 'derpy' has gotten a small reputation as a potentially offensive word, if Hasbro hadn't changed the scene, they could have been sued. Or their age-old MLP brand name could have been tarnished. Either of these could lead to the eventual downfall and cancelling of the series. Personally, I'd rather secure the reputation and uphold the success of the series than keep one infamous scene alive.

      For those of us who love Derpy, myself included, her original self has been immortalized in numerous YouTube videos, and many of us probably have that scene backed up somewhere, anyway. No one's said that her name has been changed, so it's still canon, right? And as far as I can tell, there are only about five to ten frames of Derpy's eyes that have been underped (don't believe me? Try watching both versions side by side and freezeframing at various points).

      Practically nothing, except for her voice, has changed. The old scene lives. I take the writers' and producers' viewpoints as more canon than the sponsoring company, as we all seem to do (show > marketing, right?).

      I don't like what happened. But as long as I can look forward to finding a cameo Derpy appearance this Saturday, I'm a happy pony.

    176. From now on, any time any TV show ever uses the word "slow" in any context, I'm going to complain because it may be offensive to someone. Same with the phrase "fire-retardant".

    177. Finally!

      Funny, how one's personal life can relate so much to the content in question. Yet I still find the reasoning to be a stretch (aside from being logically exculpating), guess they Derped that one, didn't they?

      Since this was based on a misinformed exaggeration (regardless of how heartbreaking the situation looks), someone's head has to roll. I guess Hasbro's up to the task, since they got plenty of them heads.

    178. It's very nice to have such a thorough, courteous reply from Ms. Rogers and certainly helps clarify what actually happened, but it doesn't change my views on the situation.

      Here's the thing - Even if I personally don't like something or even find it offensive, I respect the fact that others might like it and let them have their enjoyment (the old line springs to mind "While I may disagree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it").

      In this situation or any other like it, I will always take issue with anyone who thinks they have the right to decide what other people can see, or that their opinions should be listened to above the opinions of others. That attitude is arrogant, superior and not even remotely tolerant.

      If you didn't like this episode the way it was, no-one was going to force you to re-watch it.

    179. New Episode this week, I wonder where she'll show up this time, personally I think in the snow globe was the best so far.

    180. @Tovler

      Nothing about what I said was ironic, but it is cute how you think you can succinctly dismiss what I said like that.

      There have been a large amounts of attacks, threats, and hate directed at the "anti-Derpy" fans of the show. Calling people an ass for doing these things - for placing a character over others to the point where they insult and attack the others - is not the same as that action. It's like the difference between...no, this doesn't even need a simile. Threatening or insulting someone for holding a different opinion is wrong. Me calling them out on that isn't the same in that it isn't over an opinion - it is over how they are treating other people.

    181. @Hexplosion
      "Half of you were acting like the stereotypical manchildren anti-bronies have been portraying us as since the beginning."
      Quoted for truth.

      Seriously, one of the reasons I loathe the label of Brony is because: why in the world would I want to be associated with a bunch of dudebros who got attached to a children's show targeted at young girls and then started acting like it was All About Them.


    183. @DongleKumquat

      Hasbro panicked, plain and simple. I'm mad that Hasbro did a cheap job on a patch if the powers that be said so, but you can't get mad at the ocean for knocking your sand castle over. Haters gonna hate, as the ancient wisdom goes.

    184. Again, for all the people attacking those of us still upset over the change:

      Derpy's existence is a tribute to us. Her speaking role and especially spoken name were taken by many of us to be symbolic. If her cameos were a wink, this was a hug.

      Now, keep that in mind and consider what it says that they were willing to not just change her in the future, but scrub and censor her out of the one appearance she had, name and all. What caused that was a small minority complaining, due to a misperception.

      How important can we really be to them if they're willing to retroactively remove the single biggest tribute we ever got? That's what is upsetting about this. That's why seeing that edit hurts. That's why, if the edited version is to be Derpy, I'd rather there not be a Derpy at all. It'll just be salt in a wound.

      And, yes, I have to wonder if watching the show will be the same for me. Berate and attack us for it all you like (love & tolerate for the win!), but that's how I feel. I don't think it's that hard to understand why.

      And, for the record, I never angrily attacked anyone. I've been critical, but never hateful. Please stop lumping in people who are still unhappy with those spewing vitriol. I'm not angry- just sad.

    185. ....
      Are you all still complaining?
      *looks at comments*

    186. I dont wanna live on this planet anymore.

    187. Bottom line, some people can accept Hasbro's politically correct bullshit (and for some reason feel the need to white knight them) and others actually see the problem with it.

      Their trying so hard not to piss off anybody they did the opposite. The scene didn't have any negative connotation towards the handicapped at all; yet, because some people interpreted it as offensive they decide to overall something that even they didn't find offensive.

      Seriously, if me and some friends find make up something "offensive" about Iron Will next week and send in emails would they change it for us?

    188. What an amazing lady! Thank you SO MUCH for this context and the thoughtful, and deeply personal background on this situation.

      I am just so terribly sorry that many folks treated her with such cruelty in their letters and messages.

    189. To Amy:
      Thank you for taking your time to reply to the Brony community as a whole, I'm sure that to most of us, including myself, it means a ton! I'm sorry that you've been getting so much negative mail, but I hope that with this letter, we as a fanbase can move on. I can't wait to see the next episodes you write, because so far there hasn't been a single one of the bunch I didn't like!

      To the Bronies:
      I realize what you're all so upset about. There was this beautiful crowning achievement in the show, where we had a full-out shout-out in an episode to the fandom, and then it was taken away because some people were concerned about the name. You may think them oversensitive or ridiculous, but they're doing what they think is right for siblings or people they know. If they're trolls, they're trolls, but we move along. We love, we tolerate! Don't let this tear the fanbase apart. Instead look forward to what else Amy and the rest of the fantastic Studio B team have in store! The writers /ASKED/ for Ditzy's name to be changed as a tip of the hat to /US/! We've got friends in Studio B, the Hub, and Hasbro, and as far as I can see, that's definitely magic.

    190. Suffice to say if someone wants to be offended by something they can be. People are just too uptight about stuff. If you did far enough into anything, you can be offended by something. For someone to use the word Albeism or whatever tells me they either are overly literate in english or that they deliberately used the word from a dictionary in order to sound smart.

      Ditzy/Ditz is another 'offensive' word, it just targets woman.

    191. She was SOOO close to outlawing the word "Derpy" in the world of memes. All she needed to do is discourage it a little more... Lol.

    192. I am going to miss this show. But I can no longer watch a show that speaks of love and tolerance but refuses to practice them. I can not watch a show when the people behind it are such hypocrites. My ponies and shirts are going in the closet, my downloaded episodes are being deleted, I'm removing all my bookmarks, and leaving all pony groups I'm a member of.

    193. And as for cutting her name, if it truly can be defined as "retarded," then I am personally glad that name is gone. I wouldn't want my writing to perpetuate children--our target audience--to call other children "derpy" with that meaning behind it.

      -The key word is "if" and that's a no. Derpy doesn't mean retarded just like clumsy or being stupid doesn't equal retarded.

      So, I know the fans are upset. But please don't be upset at Hasbro or the Hub or DHX Media or the "Anti-Derpy" fans or me. Let's remember what the message of MLP:FiM is--tolerance, kindness, understanding, and, most importantly, friendship.

      -I'm tired as hearing this as a defense to keep Derpy censored. How can we "love and tolerate" when the show can't "love and tolerate" Derpy by mutilating her scene? They can't accept a clumsy crossed eyed pony, and they tell us to bend over and let them virtually slap us and say "hey you can't have Derpy!" Tolerance isn't acceptance, and I don't accept this erroneous and bad mannered censorship when there was nothing wrong with it in the first place. Just because 10 people want to be oversensitive jackasses with nothing better to do than send hate mail to Amy, doesn't mean we have to compromise and call something retarded when its not.

      Hasbro has done wrong, and we need to voice it louder than ever.

    194. People can be offended by anything. I think teaching children to support thin skin and censorship is just as bad. And I am still very much against the censorship here.

    195. "Let's remember what the message of MLP:FiM is-tolerance, kindness, understanding, and, most importantly, friendship."

      Do people not realize the hypocrisy of this statement?

      If the anti-Derpy crowd and Hasbro had been loving and tolerant toward Derpy nothing would have changed. They were the intolerant, offended crowd who had to selfishly get their own way. They were the ones who called her retarded, and tried to redefine the word derpy to mean retarded. Now because they were intolerant, everyone else should be accepting of the change?

      All I hope is that Derpy never speaks again with the new voice, speaks again with the old voice, or stays a voiceless cross-eyed character in the background, then there will never be a need for debate because everyone can accept the Derpy they like as a canon.

      One last thing, if you are offended at someone describing you in a way that is true, it makes no sense. If someone is derpy and is called derpy and takes that as an offense, well I don't get it. The only exception should be if the word is profane or obscene (example referring to a female dog as a b----).
