Shadows of the Sun
In Spades
Double Rainbow
A New Equestria
Ever Watching
Seven Ponies
Pony Symphony
Story: Sunset (Update Story 2 Chapter 5!)
Author: Ciroton
Description: Welcome to the new Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. See your friends at each other's throats? You have to choose between them now, to stop the heartache of war with decisive victory. For the nation lies bleeding, its harmony shattered into a million pieces. Black and white and right and wrong have blurred together.For Want of a Dawn
You must choose wisely, or all shall die.
Labels: Author: Ciroton, Celestia, Complete, Everypony, Grimdark, Luna, Sad, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Shadows of the Sun (Update Part 5!)

[Grimdark][Sad] And Twilight ran. She ran so far away...
Author: theamberfox
Description: A long drought has created food shortages across all of Equestria. In an effort to restore the country to its former glory, Princess Celestia sends Twilight Sparkle to the northern country of Prance to seek aid. But when something goes wrong, it starts a tragic chain of events that seems to have no end. With a sinister plot for power developing in the shadows of the sun, the entire world will be changed forever.Shadows of the Sun
Labels: Author: Epic R.ty, Author: theamberfox, Celestia, Grimdark, Luna, Sad, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: In Spades (Update Chapter 2)
Author: Coconutswallow
Description:Evil is plotting, Equestria is in peril, kidnappings abound, and unlikely ponies band together as intrigue is starting to spin its webs-- large, clingy webs that don't make themselves known until they are upon you.In Spades
Labels: Adventure, Author: Coconutswallow, comedy, Everypony, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE
Story: Double Rainbow
[Adventure] [Shipping]
Author: theworstwriter
Description: Rainbow Dash seems to be losing her mind, forgetting entire encounters and continually saying things that don't make any sense. Scootaloo gets to see Dash twice as much as she'd ever expected. Twilight Sparkle slips into full on-hermit mode. Applejack just wants answers. There's a double rainbow. What does it mean? It's so bright, ... so vivid...Double Rainbow
Labels: Adventure, Applejack, Author: theworstwriter, Incomplete, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: A New Equestria (Update 8+9!)
Author: Mist
Description: Seven years ago The Knights of Celestia marched into battle. Under direct order from Celestia, and commanded by Twilight Sparkle, they ran into battle against their unknown enemy. That was seven years ago, and now all that is left are the bodies and remains of a once majestic land. What happened to Equestria? More importantly, what will happen now?A New Equestria
Labels: Applejack, Author: Mist, Grimdark, Incomplete, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Star-4, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Feathers (Update Complete-Revamped and already posted)
Author: Triscy
Description: With being outcast from Ponyville and only feeling ill in Cloudsdale, Gilda has lived in the Everfree forest for over a year ever since she lost her friend Rainbow Dash. More than half her nest lays littered with crumpled and pierced letters she never sent, and the creatures of the forest have given up on comforting her. Gilda has never felt more alone in her life.Feathers (Revamped Completed Story)
When the wandering Fluttershy happens upon her home, Gilda finds forgiveness in the last place she would ever expect. But will the rest of Ponyville forgive her?
Labels: Author: Triscy, Fluttershy, Gilda, Incomplete, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Star-5, Story
Story: Ever Watching (Update Chapter 2!)
[Grimdark] [Crossover] Ponies and ponies and ponies and ponies. Sing the song, but now imagine you're in a dark alley and you're being watched.
Author: Redback Spino
Description: Deep among the trees, in the darkest thickets of the Everfree Forest, something is stirring. Who is this creature? Where did it com from? And what does it want with a certain purple unicorn?Ever Watching
Labels: Author: Redback Spino, Crossover, Grimdark, Incomplete, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Seven Ponies (Update Part 8!)
[Grimdark] [Normal] [Crossover] [Adventure] The Seven Samurai? I'm proud of you, ponies.
Author: MONSTERheart
Description: Travelers from a distant, oriental land seek assistance from Equestria, and Twilight Sparkle is the only one who can help them. A tale of politics, war and death, loosely based on Akira Kurosawa's cinematic masterpiece Seven Samurai.Seven Ponies
Labels: Adventure, Author: MONSTERheart, Celestia, Crossover, Grimdark, Incomplete, Normal, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Pony Symphony (Updated Chapter 9!)
Author: Dat Fucking Writefag
Description: Twilight Sparkle found something in her studies and makes the discovery of a century.Pony Symphony
Labels: Crossover, Everypony, Star-5, Story
A double dose today Seth? I'm gonna OD on fics bro.
ReplyDeleteStill going with what I said before. This makes it hard to follow fic updates via feed, and it decreases the front page exposure frequently updated fics used to get. Seeing less fic on the front page makes the large part fanfic plays in the community less apparent to the casual visitor.
ReplyDeletewhere is Project horizons?
ReplyDeleteThough, one thing I just thought of, why not have a feed or something on the side of the page showing fic updates? That would most of the problems I just described! Even if they didn't get full fledged posts, just having a way to quickly glance and see what's been updated, perhaps along with the ratings and labels, without having to delve into these silly update posts would be great.
ReplyDeleteOMG still no fallout equestria. Not even a Project Horizons!
ReplyDeleteI'd just like to take a break from admiring all these stories and say WAAH THAT OCTAVIA PIC IS TERRIFYING! Oh wait, that's her eyelid, not her eye....
ReplyDeleteNo, still terrifying.
ReplyDeleteApparently Project Horizons is still in the queue?
(please release the update for that Seth, please please please I don't want to get a reasonable amount of sleep tonight please)
Is it just me or is their no link for Seven Ponies?
ReplyDeleteI think you derped again seth.
Awwww Yea-
ReplyDelete*No Project Horizons*
Why you do this?
@Nightmare Luna
ReplyDeleteAs the author of Seven Ponies, I must say that this had me deeply confused as well.
In the meantime...
No Progect Horizons? But it's chapter 21! Its going to be amazing!
ReplyDeleteWish you could edit posts.
Project Horizons has now been in the update queue for nearly 53 hours.
ReplyDeleteFour of the eleven comments before me are complaining about this.
Sorry, six of the thirteen. seven of fourteen if I get to count my own.
ReplyDelete....Whatever happened to Ballad of Twilight Sparkle? Did it finish when I wasn't looking?
ReplyDeleteUgh, this has turned into a moronic joke.
ReplyDeleteDouble Rainbow not only just links to the FiMFiction link directly, but there's NO indication of which chapters have actually been added.
How is this putting-them-all-into-one-post thing even helping anything? Updating them all at once? Fine. Do that. But this format is just DUMB, and there's yet still not new or complete fics being added separately, seemingly randomly.
Please, just LOOK at the damn feedback, more people hate this than like it.
update for Project horizons please.
ReplyDeletecopy this message (ONCE) if you agree.
So, is there some sort of limit on stories per update post? Sorry for pressing the issue further, but if the queue is so many hours behind, what is the point on the limit?
ReplyDeleteupdate for Project horizons please.
ReplyDeletecopy this message (ONCE) if you agree. :3
@Melodia It's an alright concept... just requires a bit more care and consistency.
ReplyDeleteDouble Rainbow is indeed missing the proper link and an update parenthetical with the title though.
Uhm.. so these are all updated? It's tricky to follow these days with piled updates
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say I hate the new format, but... I am always more excited when fanfics are updated on the front page. And I come on here often enough that it's more efficient for me if they're posted hourly (or actually it would be better if it was like, every fifteen minutes, but that's not even a little reasonable to expect).
ReplyDeleteSeth I think you need to maybe have one of the other blog authors handle fic updates.
ReplyDeleteYou completely left out pony symphony in the opening blurb and some links are incorrect.
I'd be fine with the new format if it did what it was supposed to; the 1/hour max on updates has led to me waiting for two days between when a new chapter of a story I follow is finished and when I can actually read it. However, the glitchyness, formatting errors, and the fact that I've been refreshing the main page hourly looking for Project Horizons for 53 hours now tends to sour me to the concept.
ReplyDeleteDouble Rainbow is linking directly to the story instead of its EqD page.
ReplyDeleteHorizons was misfiled in the folders, we are still working the kinks out of the new email system
I apologize for the errors, everything should be fixed.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I like this method of updating. This means I only have to check eqd 3-4 times a day, instead of sitting here all day refreshing my brains out.
ReplyDeleteHey Sethisto sorry to bug ya but how exactly does this segment work? I still see plenty of fics that been around ages, almost updated daily even hitting the front page, yet one story here I've waited for over a month and didn't even realize till I decided to dig harder again (since it's easier to remember fics by picture then Titles) to find a fic that was only recently released it's second chapter.
ReplyDeleteIs the front page for long running series like Fallout E.? hate to nag nag nag but I am so SIC of seeing that Fallout pic in the front page almost EVERYDAY! Dashing my hopes of seeing a cool fic or something that could of been new added in it's place.
I don't know might be just me but I just hate that upon a refresh of the page stories like Want of new Dawn and All in Spades (especially that one seeing how it just got it's first update past that intro chapter! come on!) I mean if I could I would love to help update your fic pages with ones you approve for the site.
I wish I could help in some way because it's just not fair all these well known fics come out and you almost never see them in these (ones with like 15+ wow) but ones so young that could be that one fic that gets who would usually never imagine themselves reading a FanFic miss their chance at a good well written story with comedy or what have you, you know?
I'm sorry Seth I love what you do for us and it's your blog but I just feel a bit passionate about this as it just sort of kills anyone's chance at noticing how great these can be if you just clump the newer ones with 1 or 2 good ones that people will read then move on to the blog and check for updates. Or worst people that just didn't see this ONE post containing 7+ stories you know? and people would go weeks or months wondering when their old favorite fic got updated or was it left for dead?
I think you should get another person to help sort out what really should be clumped in these or space them out more? Someone that can go through a log of maybe what was posted within 1-2 weeks time, see how many chapters a story has and compare what should and what shouldn't be gracing the front pages with so much frequency.
And again I'm sorry but I have to hand it to your authors and would be authors and you and your many fine events for pony and good news and drawfriends you put up everyday along with a slew of PMV's and such. I really do appreciate all you do Seth I really do but when I see a new story get drowned out in a sea of fics that has so much potential to grow and with gracing the front page with a "I have updated my story guys!" can give us past readers for that once new fic or author to remind those who have and haven't yet the pleasure to read and give feedback, and with feedback possibly inspiration to continue writing.
-sigh- Cátsy, your such a loudmouth -_- you get enough gripe from people about things you do, yes I can be wishy washy myself without giving something a try long enough, that drawfriend view porter that I finally got used to! but am now glad it's back to normal again. XD
Point is I do like this idea of yours but not the execution honestly =/
If you can accidentally the whole drawfriend 2, 3, 7 times? I lost count... is this too big a page break if you found a way to scrunch up the fics on a front page way that should up to a certain max like 3-4 in a banner format view for example with a small description like what was updated with a click-able link to the story when you click the link?
Sounds way too technical I know but just a tiny example of how maybe you can find a better means to not drown out the front page as you say and still give everyone a nice experience both viewers of the blog that don't like FF and those that love to see whats new yet not drown in Fallout crossovers of a crossover! You know... if you want to that is... *meep*
um.. so yeah that's it *covers eyes with hooves and cries a "I'mflutershy" whimper*
ReplyDeleteProject horizon was misfiled, and sat in the queue for 2 days. I tossed it up after this because I didn't know about it until after this.
ReplyDeleteMy JAW as I saw my own post come on screen.
help me
crank my
jaw back
in place.
Ok fine I'm officially labeled a Brony now no doubt about it... I'm gonna go lay down now.
ReplyDeleteDear god there is no way you read all that! your a MACHINE! O.O
I feel sorry just for posting that let alone thinking you went all Twilight speed reading on me!
I swear it felt like 6 lines of text at most >< I am awe struck I could type that much! The wall... it runs so high.....
*insert overly dramatic applejack faint scene*
Great idea there, listing the stories before the break. ^^
ReplyDeleteSo that's what I've mentioned before. Why does Project Horizons get its own post just because it's popular? How is that fair to the other authors? ED already filters out stuff for quality so having yet another filter like this seems a bit backwards.
ReplyDeleteObviously it's your blog Seth and you can do what you want, it just seems so bizzare that this idea which has gardered so much antagonism proceeds.
I kind of like this system. It allows me to be a hipster writer.
ReplyDeleteOh I write fanfiction, just stories you've never heard of though.
I'm getting sick and tired of these midnight story update posts. I realize there's a lot of content to cover with S2 out, but it's unfair to the authors to shoehorn so much of their pride and effort into one post at 11:00 PM. Especially when certain other stories seem to be getting preferential treatment. This site has never really had a well-designed fanfiction system, but what it did have has gone so far downhill, I'm discouraged to submit a story update here anymore.
ReplyDeleteCome up with something better, Seth. Something equitable. Something fair. Something that shines the spotlight on every story and author, at least for a little while. A better layout for the main page, or a sister blog exclusively for fanfiction. Something.
ReplyDeleteMuch love, thanks for clearing that up, now to continue reading.
ReplyDeleteYeah, mainstream is poison. We write underground .