You may be familiar with the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic live show. We reported on it being toured around a while a go, at least. One brony got curious, and brought a camera to the proceedings. The results are... interesting. It involves a lot of quoting the show and some singing. If you're curious, check it out after the break! Thanks to the brony with the confusing number of account names for bravely venturing forth into the world to capture this for our amusement.
Also part 2
ReplyDeleteI only made it 30 seconds in. MY EYES!! D:
ReplyDeleteI didn't think the G3 costumes from the My Little Pony Live show could be outdone in sheer horrible-ness. Boy, was I wrong! O_o
Jesus that's horrifying.
ReplyDeleteHuh. Well, that's... something, all right. At least it's less terrifying than that live G3 show
ReplyDeleteI'm not crazy right, those aren't the actual VAs right?
ReplyDeleteanyways the whole thing is just odd
Annnnnndddddddd no sleep for me tonight.
ReplyDeleteThose look like something you'd see after doing Payote in the dessert.
ReplyDelete... What was that?
ReplyDeleteNice try...but....uh......not really my thing.....
ReplyDeleteAh, someone else gave you a video. Good. I don't think mine works anyway (too bad though; I thought my camera work was pretty good).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I thought this was surprisingly good! I'm pretty sure that was Twilight's actual voice actor as well.
Also, if you were there for the earlier show you would have heard me singing along with Winter Wrap Up. :P
I glanced at the preview image on the video. And I'm already terrified. Should I attempt it?
ReplyDeleteMY EARS.
ReplyDeleteTHEY BLEED.
ReplyDeleteOh god.
I was creeped out enough, but what did it was DAT APPLEJACK. Her hind legs drag the entire time wtf XD
ReplyDeleteOh Lordy.... And at the anon that was wondering if they were the real voice actresses, i was wondering that too... I didnt make it past Twilight's intro but she did sound like Tara Strong
ReplyDeleteOh God there's two parts!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of those we shouldn't show prospective Bronies...
Alright, let's get a look at this...
ReplyDelete>sees Twilight
I only lasted 16 seconds before erupting into laughter. It must be those hollow back legs.
ReplyDeleteThis is almost as bad as G3. I mean, I give em props for putting this together and getting the voice actors into the costumes and all... Real dedication and stuff.
But, I still couldn't finish it.
EVERYBODY, watch this video whilst playing The Doors first album, it kicks ass!
ReplyDeleteJust...WHAT IS THIS? GAHHH!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's.... nice....
ReplyDelete*Summons bees to tear eyes out*
ReplyDeletei watched 4 minutes. this is pretty boring.
ReplyDeleteWHAT!? they made a show for kids to watch based on MLP!? what is this madness?
(Deep breath)
Well, that was... strange...
first 10 seconds "im gonna throw up dat voice...dose movements...dose sleeping legs...dem costumes...dat rambling
ReplyDeleteSeriously, take my advice, it improves this video greatly.
ReplyDelete*click* *click*
ReplyDeleteLet's see, lower volume, new tab, Chacarron Macarron...
Oh lord what is this.
I can't decide which is more disturbing, this video or the one taken at Anthrocon...
ReplyDeleteCartoons just do not translate very well to real life...
0_o Blank flank! Well, the cutie mark is on Twilight's & Rainbow Dash's right side only, and AJ's left...
Applejack, Y U NO have hat?
Anyone else notice how many times they almost knocked over the signs and stuff? Rehearse much?
*annoyed by lack of Pinkie Pie*
I for one am thankful. It could of been worse.
ReplyDeletethe fuck am i watching
ReplyDeleteThe sharing song...why?
They didn't even bother revising it for the play!
...I'm scared.
ReplyDeleteI'm crying in laughter OMFG LMAO AHAHHAA
ReplyDeleteHahaha, I was there! It was actually really awesome, maybe because my expectations were set so low but still, they had real songs from the show and they didn't sound atrocious. Plus their back legs flop around like crazy, it's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteWhy does this exist? D:
ReplyDeleteit scares me o.o
ReplyDeleteCurrently Twilight is singing Soul Kitchen
ReplyDelete>voice actors
you mean voice ACTOR, as in singular, right?
@Anonymous lol'd
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I couldn't make it past 1:00, I had to skip to random parts just to see...this....thing....
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but just...no....
No, No, NO, NO!
I don't even want to know why, just...
Somepony get them to a hospital, their necks and legs are broken!
I don't even want to know what's going on, but out of pure curiosity I shall watch... tomorrow. It's 4 AM over here and I need my sleep.
ReplyDeleteOh god it was worth it for 12:40! XD
ReplyDeleteAlso, confoundit! Why does Applejack NEVER have her darn hat!?
Instead of complaining, make the best of it. Play the Doors to it!
ReplyDeleteMy first reaction: ಠ_ಠ
ReplyDeleteMy second reaction: O_O
my third reaction: ''slaps himself on the forehead and starts laugh-crying''
Whyyy(hahaha...) Jesus Christ oh god whyyy
This reminds me of THIS...Thing...in the Link
ReplyDeleteI was there. First 30 seconds I burst out laughing with my friends. Expected fail but not that much.
ReplyDeleteWAS THAT
I do not understand the concept, was it suppose to be a joke?
It better be. Cause that does not sound like applejack at all.
I found myself whispering 'Oh my God' horrified throughout the entire thing...
ReplyDeleteI made it through 8 minutes of it, yay.
ReplyDeleteI don't quite understand why there's so much talking for a kids live show, seeing as how their target audience has an attention span of 30 seconds.
And lol @ AJ's back legs.
Still, could have been worse.
That was amazing.
ReplyDelete13:24 - The time I stopped watching. I can't believe they took Pinkie's song! What a rip.
ReplyDeleteGood job, Hasbro, 'cause, you know, live MLP shows have worked out SO WELL FOR YOU IN THE PAST. Let's just ruin ANOTHER generation, why don't ya?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you torture us celestia why?
ReplyDeleteOnly part i liked was the Theme Song at 4:10 - 4:42. That singer did good. The rest of the performance just disturbed me.
ReplyDeleteThe script and production for this show was obviously farmed out to someone who doesn't have a clue, probably the same people who did the G3 show.
ReplyDeleteI had to stop when I got bored of Twilight's prattling. I'd bet even a 3-star fanfic writer could come up with something better than this.
Was I seeing through the eyes of Sokka on cactus juice? Or worse, did Apple Jack have the dumb again...? WTW WAS THAT?
ReplyDelete@Skylark Torch So basically, Peyote in the dessert
Ahem. That was terrifying.
Omg my ears/eyes/mouth are bleeding!
ReplyDeleteAnd wtf AJ doesn't have her hat....again.
Ahaha sweet Jesus, Applejack's feet never touch the ground. Also, she has no hat and her hair is in a dual-ponytail.
ReplyDeleteI'm six minutes into this thing and I've heard reference to at least seven episodes already.
The preview image horrified me. I watched for about 30 seconds before I had to stop. After having time to compose myself, I pressed 'play' again, then thought to myself "They should have tried puppets like in The Lion King Musical..." Seriously, that would have worked and looked better.
ReplyDeletethis is why I don't watch live shows. never targeted towards my age group XD
ReplyDeletealso, lol at 12:35
so this is what those MLP plush babies look like when they grow up
ReplyDeleteI'm going to keep a running commentary as I watch this video:
ReplyDeleteTwilight Enters: ...wat.
Twi tells story about how ponies have to do their seasonal chores: My thoughts "Well, here comes WWU".
Twi imitates apple bucking: lol. Person in suit my be dying.
Applejack enters: Little girl "ITSAPPLJACK!" <3
RD's voice: Same as Twilight Sparkle?
AJ calling RD Rainbow Crash: D: My, my...how arrogant.
RD retorts with Applesmack: BAZINGA!
AJ, RD and TS singing Pinkie's song: WAT.
End: But...but...I want to see Part 2. :(
Overall it wasn't terrible, but it seems like they had one voice actor do all three parts. I would have gone to this. It's something different. I'm hoping that in part two we get to see Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity.
That was......actually not bad!
ReplyDeleteI mean, besides the slightly creepy costumes, that was pretty true to the show and entertaining to the little ones. I'm kinda glad I heard more kid cheers than brony cheers(no offense, guys, it would be more creepy if it was just an adult crowd O_o).
Also, "Hey, that's what I said!" XD
I'm convinced the creators made this after smoking a bunch of pot and listening to The first five songs off The Doors
ReplyDeleteThey really should just hire some cosplayers for the costume design, they could have been done as a quadsuit, a four-legged costume with one person inside. The hind legs are your own legs, and the front legs are accomplished with stilts and padding. Sometimes you can even rig up a jaw system to open and close the mouth when you open and close your own mouth.
ReplyDeleteThis is the dark vengeance brought upon use by the great Tyrant Celestia. This, my fellow Bronies, is our punishment for all the rule 34 we hath spread across the web for this show.
ReplyDeleteI do not have the courage to press play. Maybe it's better that way. ;_;
ReplyDeletewhy does the base sound so awesome...?
ReplyDeleteJesus christ, how horrifying.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually agreeing with Dave Mustang... He may be a cynic, but he's on to something. Mute the performance and listen to The Doors, it becomes quite the piece of art. O.o
ReplyDeleteI don't get why people think this is scary, it's damn hilarious.
ReplyDeleteThis is what people think of when we say we like my little pony....
ReplyDeleteOh my... I... *eek*
ReplyDeleteThose floppy broken neck'n'legs costumes, those voice actors, this horrible mish-mash of lines from the episodes randomly flung in amongst original writing that desperately tries to hold it together like wet duct tape.
And then the crown jewel of it all, pinkie pies sharing song that had nothing to do with the context of this show and they didn't even change the lines to make the song fit for 3 ponies rather than 2 different species of animals (both our diets, I should mention! are completely vegetarian)...
I am just glad they left my favorite pony (Fluttershy) out of this.
Oh lawdy, I need something to ease the pain. Somebody, quick! Fetch me the lovechild of 'Cupcakes' and "Silence of the Lambs!"
ReplyDeleteYes... It's what WE thought of before the show... =_=
Twilight why are yer legs broken?!?!?!? Where's applejacks hat?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteOMG WTF. Thats the worst thing I've ever seen. God help me.
ReplyDeleteThis was destined to fail in the very beginning, I'm just enjoying how much it sucks. Like Avenged Sevenfold.
ReplyDeleteOh God..Oh Jesus christ...THE HORROR THE HORROR!...Quick..i need...my generation 4...before i don't collapse...
I can't say it is really that horrible considered it's for kids. The main thing is that they need to fix the proportion on the costumes a bit. Reduce the head and body size just a touch, make a flexible tube for a neck and it would be fine. oh, and make sure there're Cutie Marks on both side of the flank.
ReplyDeleteOther than that the script and voice is just fine.
ReplyDeleteThis is DUMB!
This can't be real. It just can't be.
Maybe this is sign that Hasbro is sick of making shows for what they consider the "wrong" demographic. So they decided to remind us who THEY wanted to market this to instead of who Lauren originally intended. Guess what...they f*cking succeeded.
Peace out, bros.
ReplyDelete16 seconds in and I'm already wincing.
Costumes are pretty disappointing for a live show.
I know the show is aimed for kids and that it would be pretty difficult to shove a full grown adult into a costume that's only 3 feet tall, but still. . .
Twilight?! OMG, what's wrong with your legs?!?!
Was it the Pony Mafia again?
Didn't I tell you dealing with them was a bad idea? D:
Aww, jesus christ. . . Isn't it bad enough we get the ponies throwing out the title of the show on the cartoon, but you have to play it during the live show, as well?
Talk about weird. . .
Applejack, where the hell is you cowboy hat?
And WHY are your legs dangling too?
Damn it! Does everypony on this show not listen to me about the PONY MAFIA?!
. . .Okay, your voice is. . .You know what?
I'm done.
Thanks for half-assing it, Hasbro.
I watched this while listening to pantera. My mind will never be the same.
ReplyDeleteFound part 2 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz8BT09PXgw
ReplyDelete1. Lauren never intended for it to be for us, she just wanted a show that parents could watch to
2. You seem to have a case of, butthurt.
Wow. This is a lot of comments…
ReplyDelete... O.O
ReplyDeletethe fuck...
ReplyDeleteThe Doors>Pantera.
The 12:30 mark is the best part of this...thing. Great Job!
ReplyDeleteYes! I can continue to watch this Peyote in the Dessert event!
LOL just... LOL
ReplyDeleteReminds me of some of the Horrid Sid and Marty Krofft stuff. Ahhh. The days when the surviving Munchkins got liquored up and dressed as anthropomorphic hats...
It looks a lot like they redesigned some G3.5 stuff to get costumes for the show.
Gave up as soon as hatless Applejack walked in. People were worried that the Fox article was gonna give us a bad rep. Just wait 'til they see this. I mean, this seems like exactly the thing Faust was trying to avoid with the show. Someone tell me if it gets better, though; like I said, I couldn't go the distance.
ReplyDeleteI have aids.
ReplyDelete"This is the dark vengeance brought upon use by the great Tyrant Celestia. This, my fellow Bronies, is our punishment for all the rule 34 we hath spread across the web for this show. "
ReplyDeletePlease Goddess queen Celestia have mercy on us bronys we know not what we do. We repent and ask for no more live pony shows. in your name we pray!
PS. Please don't send me to the moon.
Your faithful brony.
ReplyDeleteHmm....an FiM live show, eh? How bad could it possibly b--MY EYES!
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought the G3 show was horrifying, but this..... D:
Good intentions...
ReplyDeleteScaring the hell out of everypony
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony 1. I'm fully aware of that. But, I also know that the parents of any child who's a fan of the show would look at this and be disappointed.
ReplyDelete2....there is no "2" on either part.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh wow. I sorry to say but I know that reference. FOP right?
I'd finish the rest of the video, but ...ugh...ahhhh!!! *hides in corner away from computer*
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
ReplyDeleteWhy make something better when I simply don't have to watch at all?
The Doors you say? While I'll admit that Jim Morrison is a sexy, sexy man (and I'm not even gay), I believe Marilyn Manson would be a more apropos musical accompaniment for such a dive into the depths of hell. Or how about..
"Suicide" by Frankie Teardrop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXCC7_Nu7o8
@Vermillion Twilight
ReplyDeleteI believe this isn't a journey into hell, but a spirit quest brought forth by Chief Mojo Rising
Why? Why was I programmed to feel pain?
ReplyDeleteThe moment "Twilight" came out and said "Well hello everypony" (a mere 10 seconds in), I literally paused the video, backed away from the computer and said "I don't think I can do this". It's kinda of like the initial reaction I had when I first started watching the series, and I heard the theme song during the first ep; I thought I couldn't do it, but obviously I stuck with it and came to love it. But this is one of those times when you can really just look at it and abandon all hope that quickly. Damn it, I'm gonna try and get through this I guess...
......what fresh nightmare fuel is this?
ReplyDelete*continues to watch video... Applejack enters*
Good thing I wasn't planning on sleeping in the next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteIf you read this before you watch.
Nice undercover video. I didn't think it was that bad, I think a live event could be fun if done right.
ReplyDeleteMaybe ponies on ice?
Its a good thing i hate my friends don't associate by Bronisem with this shit
ReplyDeleteOh my... I just keep in mind this is for kids and it isn't that horribly bad... I know as a four years old I would have been blown away *giggles* but yeah when you watch it as an adult with adult eyes it..is bad.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, props to those in the costumes... I salute you, for I know how freakin' painful it must have been with such a bad weight distribution. *Rainbow Dash Salute*
Twilight went to the room at the end of the hall. She said "Mother," "Yes" "I want to kill you." She said "Father," "Yes" "I want to fuck you."
ReplyDeletewhoops i mean my friends don't associate me
where did the hate thing come from?
I liked the suits, they looked so fat! Except the pudgy looking cheeks, those were actually kinda creepy.
ReplyDeleteso... is this cannon?
ReplyDeletelol i couldnt keep a straight face looking at this XD what am i watching lol
ReplyDeletethat's gimp yo
ReplyDeleteOk... I actually watched the whole thing, and I'll admit, It wasn't too horrible. Better than past performances that's for sure. The voice actors did a decent job and their singing was good. Kinda disliked how they stole Pinkie's songs since Pinkie isn't there, but the singers did a a good job nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteThe costumes... yeah they sucked. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight only had a Cutie Mark on one flank. The people in the costumes could have done better. Throughout most of the show, it just looked like they we're mindlessly prancing around the stage while lifting a hoof every once in awhile.
Was kinda disappointed that they twisted the lyrics to "At the Gala" a bit since Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie weren't there.
Overall, I give this live performance a 6/10. It's not bad, yet it's not that good either.
>clicks on ED post out of curiosity
ReplyDelete>sees preview image in video
Oh gosh.....I.....
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the effort, but Idk, maybe it works for the little kiddies.
ReplyDeleteYou know what? That wasn't bad. The costumes made me cringe a bit, but it really was a cute live show for the kids. The voice actresses did a fine job in their roles and were pretty good singers, and the performers did their best with what they had.
ReplyDeleteOh hey, look, a Live Pony event, this should be goo-OH GOD WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
ReplyDeleteTo quote Chief Thunderhooves on this...
ReplyDelete"That is the Worst Performance I've ever saw."
Oh, god... it's worse than I thought...
ReplyDeleteAwwww ... and I was just about to go to bed.
ReplyDeleteThat was unique, in a mindfuck kinda way...
ReplyDelete"Let's see, lower volume, new tab, Chacarron Macarron..." Omg lololol what a good idea!! This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while with that music on.
ReplyDeleteThat's nightmare fuel!
ReplyDeletei dont know if i should laugh or cry or both in response to this. i am now very happy i had work yesterday so i could not go myself.
ReplyDeleteThere are worse things in this world
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad their eyes and mouths don't move like in those G3 performances
Dust in the Wind started playing after I watched this.
ReplyDeleteI was just loling at the hind legs the whole time, this is hilarious.
ReplyDeletePinkie: SHE STOLE MY SONG!!!
If they were going to use Pinkie's songs, why not actually have Pinkie there? Wait nevermind, seeing Twilight, Applejack and RD in that state was bad enough.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I don't know what is worse... But I don't know if it's worse than the G3 one... And still reminds me of the toy ponies and tempting for some Applejack's apple pie.
ReplyDeleteOh and I felt like singing Winter Wrap-Up with the Bronies... And ponies.
But not bad. I got tie "Giggle at the Ghostie" for any situation... So yea. Giggle as much as you want! (And because I think this is an okay performance for the little girls.
Jesus Christ I need a Ban-aid for my eyes!
ReplyDeleteis it bad my biggest problem is that they only have their cutiemark on one side?
ReplyDeleteUh, guys, I'm pretty damn sure those were just dancers and the voices were all pre-recorded.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'. Imagine how stuffy it'd be inside those heads... while you have to keep hopping around for 30 minutes... combined with how ugly those suits are (seriously, ponies, lay off the cupcakes, your butts are all having some SERIOUS sagging issues!) that'd be about the most cruel and unusual punishment I can think of.
ReplyDelete/ALL OF MY HATE!
@Roman500 said "Annnnnndddddddd no sleep for me tonight. "
ReplyDeleteAmen to that...
That was a REALLY BAD idea.
Oh boy! The Grand Galloping Gala is in Canterlot! Three teams! Yay,yay,yay! Seasonal chores are required to go to the Grand Galloping Gala! I have complete my chores! It'll be so fun! With Rainbow Dash and Applejack as the leaders we'll be done in no time!
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious and terrible.
ReplyDelete@Aoshi Stark
ReplyDeleteNaw you can see her hat run off at 12:10, it didn't want anything to with this show.
ReplyDeleteDat flank.
Seriously guys, why is everyone being such a troll about this?!? It's fine, just relax!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, the voice acting wasn't too great and the whole plot of this play didn't really make much sense, (not to mention the absence of the other mane 3 and Spike) but the majority of the crowd WAS little kids you know! This was made to please those kids, it IS My Little Pony after all! True the show is so darn professional that it amuses adult fans, but MLP is intended for LITTLE KIDS, even FiM is, and that's not about to change over night!
Making fun of this is just like making fun of the original shows you know. A true brony oughta love and tolerate the crap out of everything in the franchise, and not make a huge deal out of just FiM. LOVE AND TOLERATE, BRONIES!!!
And for the record, I thought those costumes were the best ones I've seen so far! Least there was one person in there so they had more freedom of movement and there wasn't a second person in the back getting their head shoved up the front person's butt! And those costumes reminded me of the toys, and I actually HAVE some of the toys, so they didn't scare me one bit! Only problem is, APPLEJACK STILL DOESN'T HAVE HER DANG HAT! I also didn't like how Twilight's mouth looked.
The only other complaint I have is that they mentioned Pinkie and Rarity in the "At the Gala" song, but not Fluttershy...........sad.
Fluttershy: You're.....going....to....LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Why can i see future eps have old songs but can be done with other ponys??
ReplyDeleteAll i can say is that its cute, for sure not for the brony crowd, but its cute...
Rainbow dashs voice seemed a bit off but that might be the camera....
i pretty much agree with the statement above XP
Some things are simply best not done.....
ReplyDeleteThis is from the Calgary Stampede :). I actually found a couple of bronies to watch this, made it epic, we just sang along to all the songs ^_^. The writing in general was bad, as were the costumes, and we really wanted to see the mane 6, but it is really fun to watch with friends and just have fun with. Shout out to all Calgary Bronies, you rock!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's entertaining if you just go to daydreaming about what it would look like animated, though. Kinda like listening to an audiobook.
ReplyDeleteI just spit my wine out in shock and horror.
ReplyDeleteOh sweet Jesus, I had to stop it at 22 secs, that shit was just too damn hilarious, it was so badly done, I don't think I can stop laughing. I just kept playing through my mind "if this was an episode" and all the ponies moved in the same way. No, I'm sorry, I can't watch this.
ReplyDeleteI.. uh... I'll stick to the show..
I welcome the pony-suits from Anthrocon than this.
way to STEAL all of Pinkie's songs and poorly mesh "ticket master" "winter wrap up" and "best night ever." And these customs look like enlarged versions of the Hasbro toys. This was just a colossal disaster.
ReplyDeleteNOOOOO, GOD!
ReplyDeleteNOO, GOD, PLEASE, NO!
How about we quote the show here. I think it fits well:
ReplyDeleteTwilight Sparkle: Wow... They're...
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, they're...
Applejack: They sure are... sumth'n.
Twilight Sparkle: Yes! Something.
Pinkie Pie: I love something! Something is my favorite!
Fluttershy: It's... nice.
I can't get over their hind legs flailing around like there's something really wrong with them.
ReplyDeleteApplejack didn't even have her hat.
ReplyDeleteLive event organizers i am disappoint..
Methinks that ponies should stay in the tv
ReplyDeleteWow... twilight really let herself go....
ReplyDeletewhy is this so boring. there's just so much explaining going on. but that little girl in the crowd shouting apple jack. so cute :)
ReplyDeleteEh, well, it was a nice try. But no cigar. Think the best part was when Pinkie Pie popped up for a moment after the song. "She stole my song!" lol
ReplyDeleteWhen Pinkie finally breaches the 4th wall and makes her way into our world, the person who put this together will surely end up as cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteHasbro 0 - Furries 0.5
ReplyDeleteHeck! I've seen Nintendo pull better Pokémon costumes in their shows.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Twilight's cutie mark only on her right flank? lol
ReplyDeleteoh man that was brutal. this would be hard to follow if one never saw the show, and even then, it feels like a pile on of references to a whole bunch of episodes. even down to the dialogue. and i think this was in calgary, so i could have gone. i'm SO glad the actual show is nothing like this.
ReplyDeleteWorse than G3 live? YES
ReplyDeleteWorse than G3? YES
Worse than G3.5? YES
Worse than newborn cuties? GOD NO
Seriously, the only redeemable portion of this is Winter Wrap Up, and MAYBE At the Gala. Kind of a stretch with the lack of Pinkie Pie.
oh gawd!! my eyes!! my ears!!! THEY BLEED!! NO MOAR! gotta put on a random episode to stop the bleeding!
ReplyDeleteThis is an OUTRAGE!!
ReplyDeleteWhy are we picking apart this show? Why don't we love and tolerate the hell out of it. We are the brony legion. We have a ton of talented ponys who could fix this production. We could make the show fun for both little girls and bronys alike. Somepony should contact the production company and offer some help.
I laughed so freaking hard at this! Also they look like one of those potato shaped ponies lol.
ReplyDeleteWell-p...only one thing that can get THIS out of my head.
ReplyDelete*Puts on 'Bird in a hoof*
Aaaah...much better.
It's horrible but I find it ironic how you are ridiculing this however when furries do the same thing most of you are like "5 stars, A-OK, the guy is just having fun".
ReplyDeleteOkaaaaaaaaay with Extreme 20% Lamer Show with enough Corniness to supply Apple Jack with enough Farm Animal Food for a Century….
ReplyDeleteThe Costumes wouldn't be so Terrible if they didn't make the Cast look like they just into a very bad Plastic Surgery Spree (What the hell up with their Silicone Cheeks?! :o) and Broke and Twisted their legs on the way. o_0,
Ironicly, this infamous video of the live G3 ponies singing a song from Dream Girls and a song from Wicked was my very first step to becoming a brony. I showed it to some friends, one of them showed my Winter Wrap Up, I later saw the Skyrim Pony trailer, and bam. I'm a brony.
ReplyDeleteI have now come full circle, and I don't know what to make of all this. Am I scared? Disturbed? Amused?
What hath friendship DONE???
*ahem* Forgot the video link
What hath friendship DONE???????
The pony costumes are a piled-on mish-mash of everything but the kitchen sink... D:
ReplyDeleteI believe you people are forgetting we're not the primary demographic. Obviously some of what is on offer isn't directed at us.
ReplyDeleteIE little girls' knickers and the like.
Just think of it as hasbro covering all its bases or something.
Am I the only pony who thinks little girls might be a little freaked out about this too?
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting to hear about this, and as long as it took for AJ to get out, I was beginning to think Twilight was getting dressed as Dashie. Then AJ's the only pony who isn't dragging her hind quarters.
ReplyDeleteEverytime they move their front legs, I'm seeing someone doing this whole show as finger puppets.
...Why. ;A;
ReplyDelete0:32 all I could do, with my crippling fear of people in giant mascot suits.
ReplyDeleteSeriously I could feel my skin crawl as Twilight began moving around. Holy buck, this is my nightmare fuel.
ReplyDeleteTake a shot every time they mention the Grand Galloping Gala.